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U.S. Fertility rate hits historic low

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Oh god no we need more people!!! ?


Just yesterday i was talking with an indian student at the university who lives in hydeerabad who told me how nice it is not to be constantly in someones lap or they in urs.


Talk to people who live in countries where people bred like common rodents for millenia and they hate it. No we're doing it right, not over breeding our environment. This is an area where i agree in part with conservatives, we shouldnt let refugees/migrants come here and breed like cockroaches and get subsidized for it.

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I blame it on our outstanding health care system - too many pills, too many xrays

are available, Too much effect and zapping of fertility......


or not. lol

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Seems like the population is doing all right it 3rd world shithole around the planet. It's just that when people become a little bit civilized reproduction isn't the most important thing. There are more cockroaches in the world than there are border collies.


Damn, hating on earlier America for not being civilized.

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Oh god no we need more people!!! ?


Just yesterday i was talking with an indian student at the university who lives in hydeerabad who told me how nice it is not to be constantly in someones lap or they in urs.


Talk to people who live in countries where people bred like common rodents for millenia and they hate it. No we're doing it right, not over breeding our environment. This is an area where i agree in part with conservatives, we shouldnt let refugees/migrants come here and breed like cockroaches and get subsidized for it.


We need more, um, of a certain kind of people. A lighter people. Wink wink nudge nudge

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We need more, um, of a certain kind of people. A lighter people. Wink wink nudge nudge

We absolutely do. If you want to live in a place where non white and no Asian people are the majority feel free to go to literally any of them and then get back to me how you like it.

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What about some Caribbean nations? There are probably very nice areas in countries like Argentina. You got me on Africa. Morocco maybe?





But yes, the US is a fantastic country. Yes, I am used to being a white guy in a majority white country. I think the comfort is more from our wealth, not our skin color.


But, yes, most of these correlations come from the financial side IMO. You go straight to race. It is what it is.

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Sorry some of you guys are ashamed of their nationality but keep in mind Indians are pretty dark and almost always more educated than the norm. So are the Middle Eastern here on student visas etc. Reasonably smart and hard working. How about Koreans And other Asian immigrants ? Another culture that puts emphasis on education. And they probably don't have a teachers Union.

So I think what you guys are bemoaning is the lack of the very bottom rung of sosiety in 3rd World War torn shitholes. Maybe you could adopt some?



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Didn't you make a sarcastic post accusing people of being racist saying they wanted a certain kind of people with wink nudge nudge?

Or was that Cleve?


Oh I did. Based on years of posts I've read here and articles I've read here.

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