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How fake is fake news? They never once found this out about obaMAO


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Really cal? This is from 2008. Do you know why fox didnt even touch this? This guy has a rapsheet longer than most inner city gang members. He was arrested immediately after this "press conference". The only evidence he offered was the name of a limo driver...






How did Sinclair hold up? Rather terribly. He started with a lengthy statement that admitted most (not all) of his crimes and dispatched Sibley to run around the room with a microphone. As Seth Colter Walls recounts, most of the questions were legalistic and (somewhat) credulous. Sinclair was asked who funded the event (donors, over the internet), how he made his living (he's on disability), and whether Obama was "well hung" (I'm not going to dignify his answer here). The only new "evidence" he presented was the name of a limo driver and the bar where he claimed to have met Obama (who, in Sinclair's story, used his real name and job title as he rendevouzed with a cruising criminal he'd never met before).

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of course it was from back then. that is the point. Allegations against obamao... he admits some of them

in his own book - "dreams of my father".


your objection attack is duly noted.

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of course it was from back then. that is the point. Allegations against obamao... he admits some of them

in his own book - "dreams of my father".


your objection attack is duly noted.


Im objecting to ur use of a career criminals uncorroborated cool story and ur assertion that it was ignored cause #msmlovesobammy



When fox wouldnt go near this cool story and kudos to them cause this would have ended badly for them

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haha. and yet, ANY contrived allegation about Trump is accepted flat out true.


Funny how that works.


No it isnt. Paul manafort just registered as a foreign agent, there are/were people in trumps sphere of influence that have questionable ties. That may mean nothing in the end but theres nothing "contrived" about it. Its only contrived to you because trump is ur boy. But you all spent 8 years chasing the kenyan dream. So i would be careful with yhe word "contrived" in ur position.


As for these gay allegations, did u actually watch the video of the press conference? Hos proof was the name of a limo driver named hameed or something.....without actually getting this hameed character to back up his story. What kind of proof is that? The reporters there evidently figured out quick this was rubbish, they started asking about obamas cock size and how he finished....i mean it was a clown show from top to bottom. Apparently the guys lawyer showed up in a kilt cause he said hos cock was too big for pants. Im so upset i missed this....and you should be glad. The hit the republican party would have taken by even "loosely"being associated with this hot mess would have been the end of them. I meanbthe guy walked off the podium and immediately got penned for longstanding warrants. Literslly a career criminal that then senator obama showef up to meet using his real name and said suck ma dik nigga!!! Or something to that affect.


I mean you do see how ridiculous this would have been yes?

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