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Another big reason Trump won, and will win again


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Trump has no chance of being re-elected if he doesn't deactivate his Twitter account.


It seems like he doesn't truly believe he won, and is still campaigning.


I was, and kind of still am willing to give the guy a chance, but it's ridiculous. He knows the more he pushes, the media will push back. Just don't go there Donald, and act Presidential.

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The republicans tried that already and Trump steamrolled all of the 16 other candidates. He would do it again.

Yeah and alot of the people that voted for him are already tired of his shit. Not saying they regret voting for him over hillary. But alot regret voting for him in the primary because of how hillary imploded. Literally any if tge republicans would have beaten her after those emails. We could have gad president paul or kasich for god sake....this goofball trump is going to bring out all the people who stayed home because they hated hillary. You guys don't understand that yet but im feeling if this current trend in trumps begavior continues, ur gonna get a dose of reality in about 3 years.

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Well by all accounts I should vote Dem, and I voted for Johnson. So Clinton was driving away votes

Hey maybe you thought Gary Johnson would-be a good president. That would surprise me but who knows. I think you, like many people, just thought you were being hip by throwing your vote away on the independent ticket.

But his chances weren't really any better than writing in Bernie Sanders were they?



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I thought the other two candidates sucked, but I still wanted to vote, so Johnson. Hoping a large enough third party vote would mean something.


It looks like a lot of people that were thinking the way I did just stayed home though.

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