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Ahahahahahaha. Cnn trolls back hard

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and pampero firpo sp? was a fake dangerous "wild man"...


even george the animal steele...was a teacher in michigan. lol




One of the more humorous things I remember about my college days was when a professor broke the news to a student that big time wrestling was fake. It seemed like a real revelation to this guy. Other than my grandma back in the early 60's who would threaten to kick my dad out of her house if he called her wrestling fake I didn't think there were too many others who actually bought into it being real. When I was a young shaver I would go to watch the rassling matches with my grandmother and I still remember Haystack Calhoun, Flying Fred Curry, and Bobo Brazill. Those were the days. :D

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Good on them if they did that. Conservatives had no problem with internet users doxxing Antifa protesters at berkley. Infact i remember you all having a good time with the hippie girl who not only got punched in the face but then had her soft core porno doxxed out. That was posted here and you all had a good giggle.....as did all of us cause she had those weird spindly flipper feet, that still haunts me. But anyway, dude "should" have gotten doxxed. If you're gonna make video's like that in this day and age, like two weeks after a congressman got shot..........

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Good on them if they did that. Conservatives had no problem with internet users doxxing Antifa protesters at berkley. Infact i remember you all having a good time with the hippie girl who not only got punched in the face but then had her soft core porno doxxed out. That was posted here and you all had a good giggle.....as did all of us cause she had those weird spindly flipper feet, that still haunts me. But anyway, dude "should" have gotten doxxed. If you're gonna make video's like that in this day and age, like two weeks after a congressman got shot..........


If you are talking about the liberal Berkley professor who used a bike lock in an assault that is much different than a harmless GIF that CNN got their feelings hurt over.

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If you are talking about the liberal Berkley professor who used a bike lock in an assault that is much different than a harmless GIF that CNN got their feelings hurt over.


What part of hippy girl who got punched in the face don't you understand? And this isn't about "hurt feelings", this is about a political environment where people are getting shot. Two weeks ago "you people" scoured every liberal source for some possible trigger that got scalise shot, you didn't find anything so you painted all liberals as promoting, however vaguely, violence against conservatives. So here's a video with a direct line at CNN and oh now it's harmless. Yes, normally it would be....it's not entirely harmless anymore. It's always the same, conservatives can paint bullseyes on people, actually literally talk about assassination etc, etc....and it's harmless fun, not meant to be anything. Some black liberal commentator emplores people to start marching again so civil rights don't get rolled back, and mentions this is what people bled for all thsoe years ago........and "you people" immediately draw a direct line that this person is trying to incite violence. Do you think this blatant hypocritical double standard is christ worthy? I say that tongue in cheek but there's kind of a point there. Your hypocrisy borders on the immoral. If any of you would have said to Palin or Nugent "hey that's far enough knock it off"....you'd have a leg to stand on.

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You are again making apples to oranges comparisons Cleve. That Palin bulls-eye story has been discredited:




C'mon OBF the issue is not whether you can draw a direct line from Loughner to the Giffords shooting, they don't have any evidence he ever saw that piece but i don't think they have evidence he didn't. It doesn't matter though, is it "appropriate" to draw bullseyes over politicians? If the roles were reversed and the guy who shot scalise "may or may not" have seen some piece with a bullseye over Scalise...it wouldn't matter to you and you know it. I'm in no way saying Palin herself advocated violence against Giffords the same as the guy who did the CNN video most likely didn't conceptualize what he was doing could theoretically lead to violence against CNN employees. By THAT SAME TOKEN...what Kathy Griffin did was not advocating someone go and try to behead Trump...that's obviously not doable and so not what Griffin was going after. What she did though was still wholesale inappropriate. The conservatives in washington seem to get it so i don't understand why you don't. Even they told Trump to stop it.

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Because of the crazies out there Palin made a mistake using the bulls eye but there is no doubt in my mind that she used that bulls eye as illustrating targeting those running for election for defeat. They were in the cross hairs and being targeted to being defeated for re-election. She never meant that in any way to actually murder anyone. Because of the loons she should have not used it though.

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Because of the crazies out there Palin made a mistake using the bulls eye but there is no doubt in my mind that she used that bulls eye as illustrating targeting those running for election for defeat. They were in the cross hairs and being targeted to being defeated for re-election. She never meant that in any way to actually murder anyone. Because of the loons she should have not used it though.


Yes OBF that's the point i was making. I absolutely agree with you. Why i can't stand Palin is that as far as my knowledge goes, she never even conceded this point. A normal human says ofc i didn't mean for anyone to shoot her in the face but in hindsight my use of such inflammatory symbology was ill advised. If she had done that instead of her usual hokey dokey mealy mouthed fargo fuck defense statements, I would have a modicum of respect for her. If she ever did apologize for that it was long long long after

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BREAKING: CNN May Have Targeted The WRONG Meme Creator Over Trump's WWE Tweet





omg, are they suggesting now that Trump didn't know what he was tweeting? omg this is hilarious. The lengths people go to defend this guy. Unreal.

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Lookie here, lady boy getting mad! You mad bitch? LMAO fucking punk!

No im not mad. Im matter of factly stating for u to go jerk off in ur wifes shoes while you wear her panties. Oh and also dont forget to stfu.



Anything else i can clear up for you grandpa?

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No im not mad. Im matter of factly stating for u to go jerk off in ur wifes shoes while you wear her panties. Oh and also dont forget to stfu.



Anything else i can clear up for you grandpa?

You're mad, mad as hell. And I like it, I really do like seeing you go off he deep end.

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