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Westside Steve

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Thats prrfectly fine for those sponsors to do that. They probably wont do it with big names lets be real. Nike isnt dropping star athletes over this. But companies whose main demographic are people who give a shit about this, ofc...they're going to drop those that kneel.

see thats called "principle" kids. You're perfectly fine with sponsors dropping athletes for kneeling and you want the nfl to fire them. But when some public worker tweeted out that certain neighborhoods in orlando should be forcibly bulldozed and subsequently lost his job, all of ur vaginas twitched in unison.

Everytime someone faces a free market consequence because he did or said something you agree with, ur outraged at said consequences. But when theres a group of people that face consequences because they did or said something you disagree with, ah well lifes tough shouldnt havent kneeled ngr. 

This is why u guys here are really honorless louses. Really truthfully. Rat finks. You have zero principle and therefore zero honor. And if a man doesnt even have sound rudimentary levels of principle what worth is there to his existence? There is none to be real. No value to said existence whatsoever. Just a group of men happy to be scum of the earth, in all seriousness. 














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3 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

Thats prrfectly fine for those sponsors to do that. They probably wont do it with big names lets be real. Nike isnt dropping star athletes over this. But companies whose main demographic are people who give a shit about this, ofc...they're going to drop those that kneel.

see thats called "principle" kids. You're perfectly fine with sponsors dropping athletes for kneeling and you want the nfl to fire them. But when some public worker tweeted out that certain neighborhoods in orlando should be forcibly bulldozed and subsequently lost his job, all of ur vaginas twitched in unison.

Everytime someone faces a free market consequence because he did or said something you agree with, ur outraged at said consequences. But when theres a group of people that face consequences because they did or said something you disagree with, ah well lifes tough shouldnt havent kneeled ngr. 

This is why u guys here are really honorless louses. Really truthfully. Rat finks. You have zero principle and therefore zero honor. And if a man doesnt even have sound rudimentary levels of principle what worth is there to his existence? There is none to be real. No value to said existence whatsoever. Just a group of men happy to be scum of the earth, in all seriousness. 














You could be right. Nike might be fine with it they've always seem to take something of an antihero angle.

And if a company markets two or $300 shoes to Inner City kids they probably think the guys that kneel are cool. Hey we hate de white man too!


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15 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

Rest assured the companies that market to angry bitter white men, like phizer, will withdraw from the nfl. Most will not. 

Trump is doing this be ause he wants attn away from the russia probe. The IRS handed over documents to mueller today. The noose is slowly being tightened

First of all Cleve that was funny about Phizer but lets say you are right (not saying you are) that Trump has ulterior motives then I would say it doesn't take 4 dimensional chess to see he has played the NFL as fools who took the bait. The league went out in mass and took a huge hit in their reputation by kneeling and protesting during the national anthem. The worst was the players who took a knee for the anthem in England but stood for God save the queen. They may have thought they were sticking it to Trump but they really shot themselves in the foot.

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they took a hit with old, angy get off my lawn white men. Nobody else cares. But hey, don't let ole clevfan stop "any" of 'you guys" from excercising ur constitutionally guaranteed right to stop cheering for the Cleveland browns and visiting Cleveland browns forums. I mean what a waste of your time right? I hear they do figure skating in Columbus, I think they call them the "bluejackets" or some shit......have at it boys. 

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4 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

they took a hit with old, angy get off my lawn white men. Nobody else cares. But hey, don't let ole clevfan stop "any" of 'you guys" from excercising ur constitutionally guaranteed right to stop cheering for the Cleveland browns and visiting Cleveland browns forums. I mean what a waste of your time right? I hear they do figure skating in Columbus, I think they call them the "bluejackets" or some shit......have at it boys. 

And that demographic is the one that buys automobiles trucks Financial investment products and hires multi-national accounting services. Maybe that Revenue could be replaced bye slip and fall attorneys government-funded trade schools State minimum car insurance companies  payday loans Colt 45 malt liquor and video games.


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13 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

This is why u guys here are really honorless louses. Really truthfully. Rat finks. You have zero principle and therefore zero honor. And if a man doesnt even have sound rudimentary levels of principle what worth is there to his existence? There is none to be real. No value to said existence whatsoever. Just a group of men happy to be scum of the earth, in all seriousness. 



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7 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

they took a hit with old, angy get off my lawn white men. Nobody else cares. But hey, don't let ole clevfan stop "any" of 'you guys" from excercising ur constitutionally guaranteed right to stop cheering for the Cleveland browns and visiting Cleveland browns forums. I mean what a waste of your time right? I hear they do figure skating in Columbus, I think they call them the "bluejackets" or some shit......have at it boys. 

I see veteran friends of mine swearing off the NFL but on this point you are right Cleve. If you love to watch football on Sundays where else are you going to go? Are you going to watch futbol instead?  Some of this is just cutting off your nose to spite your face and some of the veteran friends I know (locally) who are swearing off the NFL on Facebook I just don't see it happening long term. 

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1 minute ago, OldBrownsFan said:

I see veteran friends of mine swearing off the NFL but on this point you are right Cleve. If you love to watch football on Sundays where else are you going to go? Are you going to watch futbol instead?  Some of this is just cutting off your nose to spite your face and some of the veteran friends I know (locally) who are swearing off the NFL on Facebook I just don't see it happening long term. 

Yeah they will come back. People are temporarily angry. Once the initial outburst ends, the players won't get the response they want and the kneeling will stop. Fans will go back to watching. This is the same as people shitting glass over trannies at Target and Confederate statues. It is all just diversion and nonsense.

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56 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Yeah they will come back. People are temporarily angry. Once the initial outburst ends, the players won't get the response they want and the kneeling will stop. Fans will go back to watching. This is the same as people shitting glass over trannies at Target and Confederate statues. It is all just diversion and nonsense.


Ps the new Avatar rules.!!!


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By the way guys this is only part of the reason NFL viewership is down albeit a decent one. Every game I watch there are at least two or three times were the entire room flips out over some shitty call against the Browns or an overlooked call against the opposition. And just one or two bad calls can tilt the scales either way.


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

By the way guys this is only part of the reason NFL viewership is down albeit a decent one. Every game I watch there are at least two or three times were the entire room flips out over some shitty call against the Browns or an overlooked call against the opposition. And just one or two bad calls can tilt the scales either way.


Football is a game of momentum and bad calls are a great way of destroying it. 8 dropped passes works well too.

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14 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Not me.  I was already sick of the NFL with the new pussy rules, this is the straw that broke the camels back.  Fuck em.


Long term for me I don't anticipate buying any more NFL gear. I know you can't look back but I miss the football of old and glad I got to experience it.

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4 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Long term for me I don't anticipate buying any more NFL gear. I know you can't look back but I miss the football of old and glad I got to experience it.

About the only 'real' football now is High School.   College is okay, and much better then the NFL.

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1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Yeah they will come back. People are temporarily angry. Once the initial outburst ends, the players won't get the response they want and the kneeling will stop. Fans will go back to watching. This is the same as people shitting glass over trannies at Target and Confederate statues. It is all just diversion and nonsense.

You look like you play the accordian.  Do you like Ukrainian sausage?

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