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Sen. Lankford (R - OK) says Russian trolls trying to sow discord in NFL kneeling debate


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Had to stop by cal's forum to share this little goodie...


Sen. Lankford says Russian trolls trying to sow discord in NFL kneeling debate

Russian internet trolls are trying to gin up even more controversy over NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem, a senator said Wednesday - warning that the United States should expect such divisive efforts to escalate in the next election.

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., made the assertion in a hearing with the heads of the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center.

Russian trolls, he said, were cynically pushing both sides of the argument over whether players should take a knee at the playing of the national anthem before NFL games. Players have been doing so as a silent protest against police treatment of minorities, though critics - including President Trump - argue that doing so disrespects the American flag and members of the U.S. military.

"We watched even this weekend, the Russians and their troll farms, and their Internet folks, start hash-tagging out 'take a knee' and also hash-tagging out 'Boycott NFL,' '' Lankford said.

The Russians' goal, the lawmaker said, was "to try to raise the noise level in America to try to make a big issue, an even bigger issue as they're trying to just push divisiveness in the country. We've continued to be able to see that. We will see that again in our election time.''

Full article here: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/football/ct-james-lankford-russian-trolls-nfl-national-anthem-20170927-story.html


Lankford, a Republican, is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee from a state with no NFL interest.

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On a more serious note, like her or not, last night Rachel Maddow did an excellent piece on the Russian cyberattacks and their overall objectives of sowing discord of all possible kinds within the free world, not just America, while at the same time grabbing more and more territory for the "new" Soviet Union. They produce so much sophisticated propaganda within the democracies they target, that loyal citizens of those countries do not realize that much of the information they quote or resend is "fake" information that it takes real experts to determine where it originated. And they do it for both sides of any issue with the overall goal of creating divisions within the populace of every major freedom loving country.

They even got involved in trying to use the Texas Independence and California Independence "movements" that 99% of Americans realize are just tongue in cheek. Even inviting "leaders" of those groups to Russian financed trips for further "education" within the Russian sphere of influenced countries.

What ever you may feel about her, this is worth watching so you understand the depth of what they are trying to do to us based on our abilities to freely express opposing viewpoints. It's our strength and our weakness and those bastards fully understand it.

Regardless of whether you consider yourself conservative, liberal or independent please just watch this so you understand our mutual enemy and what they are actively doing in their cyberwar against us all. It starts with what they are doing to expand their real frontiers in Ukraine. Then goes into the cyberwar.

Don't stop when she has a little fun with "Nohio", etc. She goes back to the serious side of what they have been doing.


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Theres some facebook nonsense spreading around that  shows a tweet from trump in 2011 condoning flag burning as a means of peaceful bon violent protest. And people but this shit without researching it. This is getting scary. People on both sides need to check their shit. But specifically cal needs to because of sheer volume of nonsense.... 

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Die Hard and canton-Put away your bias against her and just watch it. It's about what the Russians are doing, not Trump or  anyone else. That is exactly why I prefaced it the way I did. These bastards are the enemy of free democracies everywhere and they are doing everything they can to work any divisions between us to their advantage. I would not have put it there to bait anyone. I put it there for you to make up your own mind about what the Russians are really up to. They are the real enemy here, not other Americans whose views may differ from your own.

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1 minute ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Die Hard and canton-Put away your bias against her and just watch it. It's about what the Russians are doing, not Trump or  anyone else. That is exactly why I prefaced it the way I did. These bastards are the enemy of free democracies everywhere and they are doing everything they can to work any divisions between us to their advantage. I would not have put it there to bait anyone. I put it there for you to make up your own mind about what the Russians are really up to. They are the real enemy here, not other Americans whose views may differ from your own.

I got through a big chunk of it and I have to say that was some dry point with shit.

And let's be honest none of the Trump haters cared about Russia before and they won't care later this just seems like an issue that the Democrats working for Muller want to pursue.


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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I got through a big chunk of it and I have to say that was so dry point with shit.


What does that even mean Steve? She is taking time to tell you what they are doing and  why they are doing it. It isn't in any of our interests no matter what you personal politics happen to be. The Russians are back to their cold war ways but with greater tools of divisiveness.

I think that over the next coming months  your going to see more and more concern about the Russian cyberwar against us and the concern will come from every political spectrum. These bastards are playing for keeps again and they are a far greater threat than most have realized yet. But you will.

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I can't imagine the Russians have changed anything over the last few decades even more than tha,  I have absolutely no doubt we're doing exactly the same shit, to them, to Israel, to China, to Cuba probably Canada England and Ireland. If the technology exists to fuck with other countries every country will use it to fuck with every other country. As far as the long-winded crying about the Ukraine just let Texas or California decide they want to be an independent country.

You guys are just mad that your candidate got caught with her pants down. Which should be a bracing mental picture in its own right. :o


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Sorry I think I might have accidentally edited instead of quoted but nonetheless anybody here that knows me realizes I don't care at all about the Russians and I really never did. Back when Obama was President and some of the guys were freaking out about invading the Ukraine I didn't care then and I don't care now. We have more in common with the russkies then we do a lot of non-western countries, perhaps most.

We have more business competition from the Chinese and the Mexicans and the South Koreans because they can manufacture shit cheaper than we can.

The Chinese are smart enough to copy anything we make, steal the ideas reproduce it and sell it to the rest of the worlg. And the Chinese  are probably as good or better hat  cyber warfare. The Russians don't have Jack shit apart from some oil out of gas and some nuclear warheads. Yes they're struggling to hold on to their stupid fucking Empire that they can't afford to support and never could.



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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


The Chinese are smart enough to copy anything we make, steal the ideas reproduce it and sell it to the rest of the worlg. And the Chinese  are probably as good or better hat  cyber warfare. The Russians don't have Jack shit apart from some oil out of gas and some nuclear warheads. Yes they're struggling to hold on to their stupid fucking Empire that they can't afford to support and never could.



wow, you totally don't understand what's going on in the world do you steve?

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7 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

wow, you totally don't understand what's going on in the world do you steve?


I guess not. Sorry if any of you are living in fear over Red Scare part 2. But one good thing should come of this and that would be a boost in employment for those who design and install bomb shelters.  I think Glenn Beck does a lot of advertisements for survival supplies too.


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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


I guess not. Sorry if any of you are living in fear over Red Scare part 2. But one good thing should come of this and that would be a boost in employment for those who design and install bomb shelters.  I think Glenn Beck does a lot of advertisements for survival supplies too.


Don't you realize this Russian threat only materialized when Trump took office? (insert pink font)

The Russkies were perfectly fine when the libs were in the WH, handing over cash like a drunken sailor.

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20 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Don't you realize this Russian threat only materialized when Trump took office? (insert pink font)

The Russkies were perfectly fine when the libs were in the WH, handing over cash like a drunken sailor.

Exactly. And with the uranium deal there's at least a quid pro quo.


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46 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’m certain Obammy was in office when this shit went down. . .



That deal was two years before putin took back crimea. Remember after obama took office everyone was wanting a better relationship with russia invluding republicans who were/are high on the pipeline that would have taken russian oil from alberta to the gulf. Erryone was pro rooskie pre crimea. 

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On 9/28/2017 at 6:28 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

Die Hard and canton-Put away your bias against her and just watch it. It's about what the Russians are doing, not Trump or  anyone else. That is exactly why I prefaced it the way I did. These bastards are the enemy of free democracies everywhere and they are doing everything they can to work any divisions between us to their advantage. I would not have put it there to bait anyone. I put it there for you to make up your own mind about what the Russians are really up to. They are the real enemy here, not other Americans whose views may differ from your own.

oh, BS. like you ever once put away YOUR liberal bias? that's liberals - WE have to have "respect for the office of president".

WE have to have "high standard constructive serious conservation"

WE have to support bi-partisanship.

They never have to. Rachel Madcowdisease is a progressive slutmeister.

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