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Yep. Mexico dumped mental patients into our country so we can die/put them in OUR hospitals


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From that link....☕️




“This finding defies existing stereotypes that contribute to stigmatization of and discrimination against Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation as a population with high prevalence of substance use,” Garcini explains. “These individuals are unlikely to engage in substance use because it increases their risk for deportation and it interferes with their productivity at work.”


"The researchers believe that a number of stressors, including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the deteriorated mental health of many migrants.

Compounding matters, undocumented individuals rarely have access to adequate mental health services, the researchers say.

“Additional research and funding are needed to document the devastating effects of the current socio-political context on the mental health of immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation, which is needed to inform advocacy, policy and intervention efforts,” Garcini concludes.



if they have clinically recognized mental illnesses, they didn't just get them when they crossed the border.

sure, it isn't an indictment of all illegals, that isn't the point at all. Smartass, off the subject, misinterpreted

quotes don't refute anything at all.

Here is a pie chart of your "responses"


43 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

if they have clinically recognized mental illnesses, they didn't just get them when they crossed the border.

sure, it isn't an indictment of all illegals, that isn't the point at all. Smartass, off the subject, misinterpreted

quotes don't refute anything at all.


1)The quotes are from ur own link u Retarded old russian moulinyan. 

2) people are diagnosed with mental illness's all the time that didnt have all that long ago. Theres simply no way of knowing when people who came from other countries, especially 3rd world war zones like mexico, acquired them

3) ur own fukking link essentially makes the case these peoples mental problems are recent and the result of their environment in mexico and their trek here. 


Ur a stupid botting cossack who doesnt have the time to vet all of his propaganda wut with all the profiles ur running not just here but prob 10 other websites


you misinterpreted the quotes to your own convenience, as always. I disagree with the author on the point

of that many illegals got their mental illnesses after they got here.

You are an idiot, STFU and stop screwing around every single subject on the board.

14 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you misinterpreted the quotes to your own convenience, as always. I disagree with the author on the point

of that many illegals got their mental illnesses after they got here.

You are an idiot, STFU and stop screwing around every single subject on the board.

So lemme see if i have this right. U make a thread decrying immigration and post a link that u insinuate backs up trumps very first claim about the type of immigrants that come here. Yet when someone points out to you that ur very own link makes the case that immigrants acquire alot of mental illness's only once they get here, a claim im not even 100% sure of, you call them an idiot? 

I need to speak to ur handler i dont think ur doing a very good job. Inthink they need to send u back to the potato fields where you'll be more useful


you blab stupid stuff very well. perhaps you are an illegal from some decrepit hole somewhere?

Here is the quote:

"Fourteen percent of the study’s participants were found to have major depressive disorder (MDD), while eight and seven percent had panic or generalized anxiety disorders, respectively."

So, 14 percent is NOT MANY. Eight and seven percent is NOT MANY. I don't know if panic or generalized anxiety is classedas a mental disorder - but major depressive disorders...what is the number between any who acrrued said mental problems onlyafter they came here? and why don't they get the hell back out, and stop coming back? Maybe you would like to go back with them. My guess is, you could do very well in a cartel.


Stop babbling and shut it down. This thread is lost, ur lost. U tried to imply that mecico is sending major mental patients here and its like people who need a xanax. I guarantee if a mental health professional were to examine you, and was also given these posts of urs to sift through.....no more guns for you. Immediate confiscation.  If u even live here that is. 


I'm crazy like a fox, maybe. Look you ignorant fool: (btw, your personal insults are unwarranted)

NOTE: you are seriously ignorant - this is all IN MEXICO. they haven't even come here yet. STFU


Specialist: 3 Million Mexicans with Serious Mental Illness

By Julian Rodriguez Marin

MEXICO CITY – Nearly a quarter of Mexico’s 107 million people suffer from some kind of mental illness, and some 3 million of them have serious afflictions like schizophrenia that require hospitalization, neuropsychiatrist Jesus Ramirez Bermudez told Efe.

“The numbers are very big, almost a fourth of the population. About 25 percent have some problem, possibly severe addictions, depression, anxiety or something else,” Ramirez said while commenting on his recent book, “Brief Clinical Dictionary of the Psyche,” published this year by Random House Mondadori.

Ramirez, head of the Neurophychiatry Unit of the National Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute, said in an interview with Efe that patients with the most dramatic mental disorders need specialized attention.

“Generally schizophrenia and bipolar syndrome are found in 2-3 percent (of the population), which means 2 to 3 million Mexicans,” he said.

“The biggest problems are obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders like phobias, panic attacks and posttraumatic stress caused by episodes of violence,” Ramirez said.

The specialist said that many of these problems spring from social conditions like poverty and violence.

Ramirez cited figures from the World Health Organization indicating that in the 1980s and ‘90s, the suicide rate increased by up to 70 percent in Mexico.

He also said that “in Mexico the health-care budget is low, but for mental health it is less than 1 percent (of the total) and is entirely insufficient.”

Schizophrenia, he said, is a chronic mental illness in which there is a distortion of reality – the person suffers delirium, and situations that may seem ridiculous to us are real for the patient and can lead to dramatic consequences.

He recalled the case of a person convinced that he had a demon inside his body and stabbed himself in the abdomen to get it out.

In past decades such disorders as personality changes occurred from an illness called neurosyphilis.

He once had a patient who complained of a sore back and said he was Atlas and that his mission was to carry the world on his shoulders, which was why “he had his back broken in pieces.”

Ramirez said that each clinical case is unique and all of them cannot be measured with the same ruler – “they need unique questions and unusual answers.”

In his book he includes cases of diverse illnesses such as multiple-personality disorder, delirium, grief, schizophrenia, manias, depression, paranoia and psychosis.

The specialist said that while the brain has a biochemical language, there are emotional elements that can distort its way of functioning.

He told of a woman with a dangerous brain tumor that stimulated pleasure centers in her brain, so that she was always happy and in a good mood.

After the malignant brain tissue was excised, the woman lost her senses of smell and taste and also her interest in sex, all of which plunged her into a state of gloom.

Ramirez said it’s not enough to know how the brain works, it is also necessary to observe the personality, and added that medicines are useful but by no means the complete answer.

With regard to politicians, he said that while they are people who can have personality disorders like narcissism, antisocial behavior, split personalities, obsessive-compulsive disorder and more, it is not possible to diagnose them from what they say.

“I have had the occasion of treating people with those problems and who are in positions where they must make important decisions,” he said, and added that this is reflected in their style of governing.

On another topic, he acknowledged that while among Mexico’s numerous spiritualists, witches and wizards there are many charlatans who manipulate the faith of others, some of them could be authentic mystics suffering from delirium and hallucinations. EFE

Ok so now ur switching gears and bringing in a new link whereas the prev link WAS talking about immigrants here in the U. S.....fine

so about this new link, its not terribly surprising given what the cartels aredoing there. A sunday car ride into the country with the wife and kids is a no no cause they'll stop the car rape the whole family make u watch then behead u all. They're worse than isis. I think the only reason this isbt hammered on more is cause these cartel guys go to church on sundays and wear jesus around their necks. 


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