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Sessions Pot Policy reversal is good news for America

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All joking aside, it is hard for me to believe that someone could write an article where they talk about how booze isn't that bad for you but pot is the devil. Anything when abused is bad for you. Any old dive bar is full of folks who look like hell because of years of boozing. Most of them are riding bikes or walking because they got too many DUIs. If we based policy on them, alcohol would be illegal. Someone can sit down and have a joint like someone coming home from work and having a beer.

I don't smoke at all. I barely even drink these days outside of tailgates. I just get a kick out of the hypocrisy. 

1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

All joking aside, it is hard for me to believe that someone could write an article where they talk about how booze isn't that bad for you but pot is the devil. Anything when abused is bad for you. Any old dive bar is full of folks who look like hell because of years of boozing. Most of them are riding bikes or walking because they got too many DUIs. If we based policy on them, alcohol would be illegal. Someone can sit down and have a joint like someone coming home from work and having a beer.

I don't smoke at all. I barely even drink these days outside of tailgates. I just get a kick out of the hypocrisy. 

Maybe. But in my experience, which of course is not ubiquitous but I've been around, pot smokers are more likely to sneak off for a few hits more often then drinkers oh, except for hard-core alcoholics, sneak off for a few belts of bourbon. I guess technology will need to step up with a breath test. I can't imagine the weed heads not wanting to keep High people off the road? Well maybe they would but...

Still goes back to my point that if oxy were readily available and controlled it would make a lot of the pillbillies happy. And it would be safer.



I remember in my youth driving around with my friends getting high, then hitting royal castle for a 6 pack of burgers.  Haven't touched the Sheet in  decades, and never will.

44 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Maybe. But in my experience, which of course is not ubiquitous but I've been around, pot smokers are more likely to sneak off for a few hits more often then drinkers oh, except for hard-core alcoholics, sneak off for a few belts of bourbon. I guess technology will need to step up with a breath test. I can't imagine the weed heads not wanting to keep High people off the road? Well maybe they would but...

Still goes back to my point that if oxy were readily available and controlled it would make a lot of the pillbillies happy. And it would be safer.


I think even people who are pro legal marijuana would agree that some sort of field testing method in place would be optimal.

31 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

I think even people who are pro legal marijuana would agree that some sort of field testing method in place would be optimal.

And no doubt the municipalities that have such a great windfall from DUI fines will be pleased. Not only the tax revenue but now the extortion from the pot smoking public and the lawyers that defend them!

Think of the great fortunes to be made if oxy were sold over the counter and taxed heavily!




Dumb and Dumb and Dumber.

All raise your beer, Scotch, Wine, etc. glasses and celebrate the ongoing modern Prohibition.

Keep throwing good money after bad.

The War on Communism.  The War on Terrorism.  The War on Poverty.  Did any of them work? (rhetorical question).


2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


And it would be safer.  WSS

I have, unfortunately known of a few local kids - one of which I coached in baseball and had wonderful parents - passed away via a struggle with Heroine

Can't help but believe he -and many, many others - would be alive if the drug was sold 'over the counter' and fully regulated.

Of course one can argue - perhaps correctly - that this would encourage others to try it.  At the same time, I will argue - it seems quite obvious, actually - that there would be many less deaths if users were to use the drug without it being laced with who-knows-what.

I know the root cause needs to be addressed - it is far from Prohibition, IMHO.  However, dealing in parallel with addressing the symptoms makes a lot of sense to me.


20 minutes ago, ChicopeeJohn said:

I have, unfortunately known of a few local kids - one of which I coached in baseball and had wonderful parents - passed away via a struggle with Heroine

Can't help but believe he -and many, many others - would be alive if the drug was sold 'over the counter' and fully regulated.

Of course one can argue - perhaps correctly - that this would encourage others to try it.  At the same time, I will argue - it seems quite obvious, actually - that there would be many less deaths if users were to use the drug without it being laced with who-knows-what.

I know the root cause needs to be addressed - it is far from Prohibition, IMHO.  However, dealing in parallel with addressing the symptoms makes a lot of sense to me.


I was being The Devil's Advocate to a point. I recently played a Norton police department benefit thing against downers and they had speaker after speaker droning on about the imitation oxy which contained the animal tranquilizers and how much more powerful and deadly they were. Just passing them out straight from the manufacturer would eliminate the danger of that.

But as to treatment I think there are just people who are more prone to addiction than other people. Alcohol downers even weed will have a certain number of people you just can't put it down.



That article is a joke. The reason it's "good" is all in the first few words. It was something obama did so repealing it must be good. That's it.

Other than that we have:

"Weed is bad because it's illegal. And it should be illegal because it's bad" (not the only circular logic thus crowd falls for....(

"A bunch of people died from weeeedddd!!! [sourced needed]"

"I mean, it causes traffic accidents (cough alcohol cough) and can poison (hurt/kill) little kids (cough guns in the house cough)


Which needs those hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue to help pay for drug programs, schools, etc anyway?


Good news?? Are you retarted??

Yeah lets go after a multi-billion dollar a year industry that employs people and does it legally...

Do you like living in 1937? 


This is the dumbest move by the Trump Administration and if legal businesses are attacked by the feds, you can kiss Trump's reelection goodbye...

Sessions is a scumbag.. He needs to go.. 

This article is bs!! Rec weed shops are not "Big Tobacco 2.0.."
You can't even get into a shop if you're not at least 21!!

This is just another ploy to keep putting people into prisons, and keep the prison-for-profit system running..


It's Shmucking stupid! CHANGE THE LAW!

Just now, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Oh no, a mad pothead save me.

What is so bad about pot? 
Please.. enlighten me, Francis..

How is it any different than alcohol?
You're more prone to be violent and commit crimes under the influence of alcohol than marijuana.. 

Keep believing the reefer madness buddy... keep buying into that bs propaganda 


1. Pot smoking goes into the air. In a bar, you don't absorb fumes from alcohol. You DO breathe in pot smoke.

2. So, booze - NO SMOKE. Pot...BIGTIME SMOKE. ya?

3. Therefore, going to a bar as a college student, have a beer, but some dumb butts are smoking pot, you don't care...

     Until you fail the drug test when you go to get an important job to start your career.

4. Booze- no residual consequences for others breathing, pot - residual consequences for others breathing.

5. In the 60s, marijuana had a THC (the active ingredient that gets people high) level of 7 percent to 14 percent. The pot on the streets today has a THC level of 14 percent to 27 percent. That's the difference between drinking a six pack of beer and a six pack of whiskey. It is not the same thing.

6. https://www.livescience.com/42738-marijuana-vs-alcohol-health-effects.html

For marijuana, much of the concern is with young people who use the drug, because the drug interferes with the development of the brain while it is still maturing, Baler said. [10 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Teen's Brain]

Therefore, parents who drink a lot around their young kids, don't damage their kid's physical growth. Therefore, parents who smoke a lot of pot around their young kids....do.

7. https://www.livescience.com/24558-marijuana-effects.html

"In some cases, reported side effects of THC include elation, anxiety, tachycardia, short-term memory recall issues, sedation, relaxation, pain-relief and many more," said A.J. Fabrizio, a marijuana chemistry expert at Terra Tech Corp, a California agricultural company focused on local farming and medical cannabis.

Other effects, according to the NIH, include:

  • Feelings of panic and fear (paranoia)
  • Hallucinations
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Decreased ability to perform tasks that require coordination
  • Decreased interest in completing tasks

When coming down from the high, users may feel depressed or extremely tired. While marijuana use produces a mellow experience (users are sometimes referred to as "stoners") for some, it can heighten agitation, anxiety, insomnia and irritability, according to the NIH.

When marijuana use begins in the teen years, it can have a significant impact on brain development, including decreased brain activity, fewer neural fibers in certain areas and a smaller than average hippocampus, which controls learning and memory functions.

According to a 2014 Northwestern Medicine study of teen marijuana users, memory-related structures in the brain appeared to shrink, a possible signs of a decrease in neurons. These abnormalities remained two years after the teen stopped using marijuana, indicating that the drug has long-term effects and look similar to brains of schizophrenics. Those who started using marijuana after 21 generally do not experience the same type of brain abnormalities as those who started using the drug earlier.

Long-term users report that they sometimes have trouble thinking clearly, organizing their thoughts, multitasking and remembering things. Sustained marijuana use can also slow reaction times in some individuals.

Another study by the University of Montreal published in the journal Development and Psychopathology in 2016 found similar results after researching almost 300 students. Those that started smoking around age 14 did worse on some cognitive tests than non-smokers. The study found that pot smokers also have a higher school dropout rate. Those that waited to start around age 17 did not seem to have the same impairments. 


A 2017 study by the Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia found that those who used marijuana were 26 percent more likely to have a stroke than those who did not use marijuana. Those studied were also 10 percent more likely to have developed heart failure.

Marijuana can also raise heart rate by 20 percent to 100 percent shortly after smoking and the effect can last up to three hours, according to NIDA. Marijuana also can reduce sperm production in men and disrupts a woman's menstrual cycle, according to NIDA.

9. Therefore, liberal knee jerkie emotional outbursts can be attributed , in part, to pot smoking.

10, Last, but not least - is the flaming hypocrisy of those liberal wingnuts that want to legalize pot smoking. Now, all liberals whine about wanting pot legalized. These are the same wingnuts who are frightened that pollution and cows farting is destroying our planet with mmgw.




   the algore hippie dippie sticks want us to lower our home temps, stop running gas engines, and pay for cows farting and driving our cars. YET...




34 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

so, dom, "retarted" ?

too much smokie-smokie ?


I just don't see what the big fuss is about pot.. Who is it affecting? 
As long as you aren't driving and smoking, who gives a Sheet what someone does in their free time?

I don't care if someone drinks, smokes, snorts coke, yadda yadda.

As long as they aren't harming others, why is it a big deal?

Why go after an industry that has employed tens of thousands of people and has generated tax revenue?

Why go after a plant that the majority of Americans are in favor of legalizing?

Truth be told, I don''t even smoke that much... I did at times, but lately I have been making some changes..

Any substance can be abused. But if adults are responsible with it, what is the problem?


They're never going to see otherwise. Pot is bad because it's illegal and it's illegal because it's bad. That's it. They're set in their ways. Plus, it's politicized, so you know they're towing the party line regardless.


This is another one where it'll change over time as people learn more on the issue (and older people die out... Harsh or not, it's the truth).


You can't have an actual back and forth without getting to *whatever you pothead liberal!!!"

7 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Oh no, a mad pothead save me.

Well, if anything, your regular contributions to discussions on this board are a prime example of why you shouldn't smoke and/or drink while pregnant.


34 minutes ago, jbluhm86 said:

Well, if anything, your regular contributions to discussions on this board are a prime example of why you shouldn't smoke and/or drink while pregnant.


Yo mama.

55 minutes ago, jbluhm86 said:


Alcohol-related fatalities were nearly twice as numerous as supposed marijuana-related fatalities. Alcohol is still perfectly legal; marijuana is not. A bit hypocritical, no?

No because I'm not calling for criminalisation of weed. Just pointing out that it's not a Panacea from heaven that some of these potheads they get is. Something along the lines of two wrongs don't make a right. I would also Imagine that there are less fatalities involving oxy crack or heroin Would that be an argument for legalizing them across the board?



4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

No because I'm not calling for criminalisation of weed. Just pointing out that it's not a Panacea from heaven that some of these potheads they get is. Something along the lines of two wrongs don't make a right. I would also Imagine that there are less fatalities involving oxy crack or heroin Would that be an argument for legalizing them across the board?



No one here is debating that it's a "panacea from heaven". Hyperbolic language like that, while of your common tactics, does nothing here.


Bolded section:  No, because that's not how statistics works... many users on here seem to confuse rates and totals

8 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

No one here is debating that it's a "panacea from heaven". Hyperbolic language like that, while of your common tactics, does nothing here.


Bolded section:  No, because that's not how statistics works... many users on here seem to confuse rates and totals

"They're never going to see otherwise. Pot is bad because it's illegal and it's illegal because it's bad. That's it. They're set in their ways. Plus, it's politicized, so you know they're towing the party line regardless."

Hyperbolic? That devil you say.


7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

"They're never going to see otherwise. Pot is bad because it's illegal and it's illegal because it's bad. That's it. They're set in their ways. Plus, it's politicized, so you know they're towing the party line regardless."

Hyperbolic? That devil you say.



That is the argument that's been present here, more or less, multiple times

What you said was much more hyperbolic

That glosses over the part of your post where you're not looking at the stats correctly. Because the total number of auto deaths where there was crack in the system being less than weed or alcohol doesn't make it less harmful. One, that's not at all how you should look at the data, even in your joking manner. And two, that's not how anyone was making any argument to legalize weed. Because, again, a lot of posters here seem to confuse totals and rates, and when to use them


Look you potheads seem to think there's no danger. I just gave you some stats that there is some danger oh, maybe not as bad as booze yet but rising. And you are statistical defense was look it's less than booze. Oxy and crack  less than booze too, it's your criteria.

I understand you want to get fuked up and you think weed is like cool man. 

I guess more and more people on the dole are going to need more ways to pass the time.


15 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

PS oxy and cracker probably a lot worse dimwit.

Just not statistically. When the buzz wears off you might understand.



Saltines...not even once, kids.



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