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Louis Farrakahn and the Democrats


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The hypocrisy of the democrats is never on more display than their relationship many have with hater Louis Farrakahn:


A new photo of former President Barack Obama and hate group leader Louis Farrakhan has emerged, showing that Obama was more friendly with Farrakhan than he let on publicly.

Farrakhan, leader of the black nationalist group Nation of Islam, has a decades-long track record of spouting hate against Jews, gays and white people. His bigotry has even been cataloged by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center. His extremism was well-documented in 2005, when newly elected Illinois Sen. Barack Obama met with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting and took a smiling photo with him.

New ties between Obama and Farrakhan have surfaced just as Obama’s political career winds down. Farrakhan said at an event in 2016 that Obama visited him in Chicago shortly before the senator launched his campaign for president in 2007. Farrakhan also referenced a picture of himself and Obama during his speech, although it’s not clear if he was referring to the same 2005 photo. Farrakhan also said that the Nation of Islam backed Obama’s early political career in Chicago, dating all the way back to 1996.



Farrakhan has consistently described the Jewish synagogue as the “Synagogue of Satan” and has claimed that “the Satanic Jews…control everything and mostly everybody.” In 2011, he said: “Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people. You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.”


“The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road,” Farrakhan claimed in 1998.


“White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it,” Farrakhan said in 2015. He has also called white people “white devils,” “potential humans” who “haven’t evolved yet” and “sinful by nature.” (RELATED: Farrakhan On Ferguson: ‘We’ll Tear This G**damn Country Up!’ [VIDEO])


Farrakhan has repeatedly accused the Jews of being behind the September 11 terrorist attacks, which he claims was a false flag attack. In 2015, for example, he claimed that “there were many Israelis and Zionist Jews in key roles in the 9/11 attacks” and claimed that “many Jews received a text message not to come to work on September 11.” Farrakhan claimed in 2016 that “Osama Bin Laden didn’t destroy the Twin Towers. That was a false-flag operation to take the world’s attention away from the great disunity in America after George W. Bush stole the election.”






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23 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

And yet this thread was made about an article that is about Obama...


The love hate affair you guys have with him is adorable

Obama is out there campaigning for democrats at present  He is relevant in that sense.  Here is some  more fake news by the liberal media who had a slobbering love affair with Obama for the 8 years he was in office. The latest is typical fake news like we saw recently with the AP inflating the crowd size of Joe Biden:

Hah-Hah! Obama Can’t Fill High School Gym in Milwaukee — But Daily Beast Hack Claims Line Was Mile Long!



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7 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Man I have a unique ability to get under your skin, don't I? 

You? No... Not really. I'm not even sure what else you might have said, and then I reacted to, for you to say that. 

You said the relevant thing, I disagreed. The usual folks latched on and that's who I'm responding to here. They make Obama the Schrodinger's cat of relevancy. 

Really... don't think I'm in this thread still referencing you. Unless you really want to think that for some reason. Then be my guest.

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Farrakhan needs to be barred from re-entering our country.

No, instead, he should be sent to a black ops prison for traitors/terrorists and

just disappear from the news.

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