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Not getting to 60

We need Tom Tupa

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I'm very surprised at how well the GOP is doing in AK and OR. Winning those two Senate seats would be just huge for them.


Yeah, MN could take awhile. GA could take even longer as there are questions about the vote count.


Also, it looks like gay marriage bans will pass everywhere that they were on the ballot, with CA the closest.

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Guest Aloysius

I'm amazed that Ted Stevens & Jack Murtha held onto their seats, though I'm under the impression that Alaska will eventually have a special election to replace Stevens (will Palin run?).


I didn't realize until last night that California also had a parental notification statute on the ballot. That was a pretty smart strategy.

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It does not matter, there are a lot of moderate republicans that depending on the issues filibusters are unlikely with this kind of numerical advantage.


Palin a senator, good god I know she THINKS she can run for President with a move like that. Dan quayle could never shake the impression he made and likewise for her it is going to be a VERY steep climb to turn around moderate independent opinion of her.


For her own career it would be a good thing and one I bet she is planning on IF stevenson wins out. Pat Buchanon and George Bush Jr. types which includes Palin are NOT the future of the Republican party. IF the GOP is trying to reinvent itslef her type will be the ones they are cutting away from.

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Guest Aloysius
Yeah, theyll have a special election in a month or two if he is the winner. Is this what Palin has been running for for the past 3 or 4 weeks that she's been "off script"?


I wouldn't mess with a rogue Barracuda if I were you. You'll wake up with a moose head between your sheets.

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quite a few sources talking about a run-off in GA. A few thoughts:


1) I doubt it will get the Dem attention some are hoping for as it wont get them to 60 the way things look right now.


2) A run-off should heavily favor the GOP candidate, Chambliss. New voters wont show up for a run-off without Obama on the ticket, so he gets a significant bump right there. Also, the Libertarian candidate gets dropped in a run-off, giving Chambliss most of his 5% of the vote.


I'm not sure it will happen anyway. But I wouldnt get too excited about it if it does, it really shouldnt be that close.

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Since his whitehouse will be run by mostly center left Dems and maybe a couple left Reps I'll be surprised if anything too outrageous comes to the floor.


I think as usual in politics the party just wants power and will be shy of going crazy enough to really piss America off.

The hard left may get snarly since they've been pandered to so hard, but will be muzzled or downplayed in coverage.


It'll go a long way if he picks a conservative and respected treasury guy.


And Palin should be a shoo in if they can talk Stevens into stepping down or he gets the boot.

That'd be a good move.


(but too shrill? Heh. Hillary was one race card away from Bill's chair.)

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shrill might not have been a good adjective to label Palin with. Her speechcraft is terrible, she seems intellectually challenged, she is far right of center, she is not fiscally responsible as her record show, she has pushed moderate indepedents away from the GOP and most hillary female voters about as far as they can get away from her.


I am sure she can pick up some experience and Jargon along the way, but she is not what the GOP needs to reinvent itself to appeal back toward fiscal conservatives and independent moderates. Intelligence is something the GOP has mocked for years now, they need to embrace the "elite" intellectual thinkers again by choosing conservative candidates who actually understand macro and micro economics and foreign/domestic policy. Palin is not that now nor in all likelyhood considering how difficult it appears it was for her to get her undergrad. She is to closely linked with radical pentecostal traditions and she will never be able to distance herself from her husbands once membership in a seccessionist party. There was a reason Mccain refused to engage Obama on his pastor, it would have opened up pandora's box against Palin. Remember the witchdoctor prayer?


I am not trying to stroke your ego here tupa but right leaning conservatives like you who can actually argue intelligently your positions is what the GOP needs to move back to. Not Cal, Bunker, T and their like.

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I didnt know there were people still using "shrill" as a blanket criticism of female politicians. Or do you find her to be high pitched?



hardly a blanket criticism, I only mentioned one politician. I find her annoying as hell and, yes, shrill. Have you listened to her speak in the last month?

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I didnt know there were people still using "shrill" as a blanket criticism of female politicians. Or do you find her to be high pitched?



hardly a blanket criticism, I only mentioned one politician. I find her annoying as hell and, yes, shrill. Have you listened to her speak in the last month?


Yes, her accent is irritating, but it was the Populist movement she and her "constituents" pioneered that will really, unfortunately, have lasting effects...

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