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Judge blocks "heartbeat Law" just before it took effect, yep, he's another obamao-appt hack slimeball


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it just keeps getting more and more screwed up. Obamao commie judges don't care about explaining per our Constitution why they make

their decisions - most it seems their decisions are made for them by the left, and they auto=rule just that way.

Let's call it "tyranny by fake legality"


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Beto O'Rourke seemingly endorses third-trimester abortions: 'That should be a decision the woman makes'


The third trimester extends from the 28th week of pregnancy up until birth, and polls consistently show that nearly 80 percent of Americans oppose such late abortions.


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When the left can't win at the ballot box they run to their liberal activist judges allies. Right now the talk among many of the democrat candidates running in 2020 is adding justices to the Supreme Court so they can pack it to their liking. Changing the rules in the middle of a ball game is another typical move from the left. 

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and, trying now to give the vote to 16 yr old high school students who know nothing and only operate on

out of control emotions. easy to manipulate.


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

and, trying now to give the vote to 16 yr old high school students who know nothing and only operate on

out of control emotions. easy to manipulate.


The left are for anything that will get them votes and keep them in power regardless if it is good for the country or not.

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