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Dems on Fox

MLD Woody

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Waaah cry me a river poor lil dems....mean old unfair Fox News...it's not like republicans haven't had to deal with a liberal biased unfair MSM for years . The DNC has already said they will not allow Fox to host presidential debates. Can't allow these dem snowflakes to get any tough questioning when they can get all the softball questions they could ever want at their liberally biased networks.




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Peter Buttigeig sp? says you have to swallow hard before you go on Fox News. Actually rumor has it he's good at that.

And of course the thing is cheering for a government-run program if you've never experienced one, or who have never really had much of a medical problem and or never paid for insurance anyway, really doesn't mean much. 

Being self-employed I paid out the ass for my health insurance for many years and I'm glad I did. The care I've gotten has been incredible. I now have Medicare and a private supplemental policy any prescription policy all of which I paid for. Less the private insurance. Whether or not putting everybody on that plan is feasible is the question. I can just about guarantee that after a generation or two of medicare-for-all the deadbeats will be bitching that it has to be completely free.


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So the takeaway here is that fox news isn't really the staunchly conservative ultra right wing bastion liberals make it out to be because they don't get with the program and push liberalism 100% of the time. It's almost like they were...dare I say fair and balanced? 

The left wing hates opposing views for the most part and would prefer, from what I've seen, to live in an echo chamber. 

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38 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Yep, only those damn liberals want to live in an echo chamber


*Looks at thread titles on political board*


Oh.... Ummm

Well gee Woodey,  from what I understand this is a forum for talking politics and not a news channel.

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8 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Well gee Woodey,  from what I understand this is a forum for talking politics and not a news channel.

Well gee someone's alt account, I was responding to a comment that wasn't referring to exclusively news channels

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16 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Waaah cry me a river poor lil dems....mean old unfair Fox News...it's not like republicans haven't had to deal with a liberal biased unfair MSM for years . The DNC has already said they will not allow Fox to host presidential debates. Can't allow these dem snowflakes to get any tough questioning when they can get all the softball questions they could ever want at their liberally biased networks.




Maybe they should. It will be easier for newly hired FOX correspondent Donna Brazile to relay the questions to the Dem candidate ahead of the debate.

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15 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Well gee someone's alt account, I was responding to a comment that wasn't referring to exclusively news channels

Well then you better check with Cysco if you think he jumped from talking about a news channel to talking about left wingers in general.

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