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omg someone take his phone away im dyin here....

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and, naturally, the trolls are golden...

Defense and Science!
1:38 PM · Jun 7, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone
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Sigh… His dad must have paid his way through astronomy class too! SAD
· 23h
Looks like astronomy isn’t his best subject! The Moon is part of Mars? Learn new things everyday! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know reading isn’t really your thing so here are some pictures! That red circley thing— That is Mars. That smaller white circley thing— That is the Moon. Mars ∩ Moon = Ø
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1 hour ago, Clevfan4life said:


Lol, settle down Clevis my boy... funnier than Trumps tweet is the irrational exuberance on display by you and your kind all over the internetz!

...over a severely taken out of context Tweet.  You know very Trump is highly inarticulate and has the vocabulary of a 13yr old...but I suppose you happened to forget to take that into account in your rush to post this huh?

 Going to the moon "was a part" of a much larger goal...going to Mars....does that help clear it up for you?

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15 minutes ago, Gorka said:

 You know very Trump is highly inarticulate and has the vocabulary of a 13yr old..

1) i sincerely applaud u for at least acknowledging the blatantly obvious

2) yes ofc i know it which is why i ssid someone really oughta snstch that phone out his hand like he's the modern king george.

3) i get what he was "probably" alluding to but do u realize that doesnt even mske sense? going to the moon to set up a base there is the likely jump point to mars....which it seems like he's acknowledging. So ofc NASA has to.go the moon again. Its a literal circle the man csn talk ur brain into. Like a nascar track, only left turns. Dude is whack

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1 hour ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Going to Mars starts with going to the moon again first. That is part of the plan and no doubt what Trump was referring to as the moon being a part of Mars.

Good to see those religious mental gymnastics have another use. 

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