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American national parks take down their mmgw signs. Stupid obaMao commie..


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Stupid is thinking a "cold winter" disproves climate change. Possibly even more stupid than not getting pre calc

I got it, but that is when I quit going for more math. I hated pre-calc. I already said I passed the class.

not by much....Still a woodpecker that can't read, I take it.

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On 6/9/2019 at 7:26 PM, Gorka said:

This sign coming down. Them and their fucking computer models.


This one staying up for 10 more years says this computer model.

Cryin wolf since the 70's.


Image result for goodbye glaciers signs taken down


Typical MAGA response. One snowy winter out of the last 50 years. Global Warming  = FAKE NEWS. 

Image result for Glacier national park glacier retreating

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Since everyone is making their shopworn points again and again I'll dust mine off.

Let's say it's all true and that the acceleration of climate change is due to the rising levels of CO2. That means the level of CO2 emissions must not be merely slowed down or decreased but actually reversed, not only that but reversed in a very very short time.

You can get his angry with me as you want but that's a fact. Regardless of where you and your select group of scientists oh, from either side, have determined the point of no return to be.

(Our Only Hope, in my opinion, is Baker Mayfield. Get us to the Super Bowl and Hoist the Lombardi trophy before we all incinerate or drown in a waterworld like environment)



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5 hours ago, hoorta said:


Typical MAGA response. One snowy winter out of the last 50 years. Global Warming  = FAKE NEWS. 

Image result for Glacier national park glacier retreating

LOL...the mountain switched sides and the rocks evaporated. That global warming some powerful stuff.

fyi... to get you caught up,  is that not that global warming doesn't happen, it has happened throughout the earths history, millions of years before man arrived.

It is the rejection of the idea that somehow things change if all man made emissions ceased.

Global warming is by which The Dear Leader Obama and globalists schemed to redistribute the worlds wealth.  This had been stated openly by IPCC officials.

MAGA is Trump pulling out of the Paris climate accord and hanging on to that $3 Trillion that was pledged.

This is NOT a right wing generated video.

If all emission on the planet would stop nothing would change. It would take 100,000 years for Co2 levels to reach pre-industrial revolution levels.



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3 hours ago, Gorka said:

LOL...the mountain switched sides and the rocks evaporated. That global warming some powerful stuff.

fyi... to get you caught up,  is that not that global warming doesn't happen, it has happened throughout the earths history, millions of years before man arrived.

It is the rejection of the idea that somehow things change if all man made emissions ceased.

Global warming is by which The Dear Leader Obama and globalists schemed to redistribute the worlds wealth.  This had been stated openly by IPCC officials.

MAGA is Trump pulling out of the Paris climate accord and hanging on to that $3 Trillion that was pledged.

This is NOT a right wing generated video.

If all emission on the planet would stop nothing would change. It would take 100,000 years for Co2 levels to reach pre-industrial revolution levels.


I'm far from being a radical greener, but those saying nothing can be done are the other side of the coin. Eventually we are going to  run out of coal, natural gas, and crude oil- we're not making any more. Fortunately that's not going to happen in  my lifetime.

It's your rejection of the possibility the billions of tons of CO2 humans have spewed into the atmosphere over the last century, along with the destruction of tropical rain forests isn't a contributing factor. Glaciers are retreating world wide not just in  Glacier NP, and that's a fact, Jack.

Sure enough, millions of years ago the entire earth was tropical, so those hundreds of millions of folks that live within a  few feet of sea  level better plan like the  dinosaurs and start moving to higher ground.

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen posted here. If you think this makes any legitimate point you need to be checked for brain damage. 

Anyone who thinks if you pay billions of dollars into a fund to stop climate change is beyond brain damage.

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

I'm far from being a radical greener, but those saying nothing can be done are the other side of the coin. Eventually we are going to  run out of coal, natural gas, and crude oil- we're not making any more. Fortunately that's not going to happen in  my lifetime.

It's your rejection of the possibility the billions of tons of CO2 humans have spewed into the atmosphere over the last century, along with the destruction of tropical rain forests isn't a contributing factor. Glaciers are retreating world wide not just in  Glacier NP, and that's a fact, Jack.

Sure enough, millions of years ago the entire earth was tropical, so those hundreds of millions of folks that live within a  few feet of sea  level better plan like the  dinosaurs and start moving to higher ground.

see my new thread. mmgw is a total crock. Nothing CAN be "done". CO2 IS growing - Co2 is food for plants. Trouble is, with the destruction of the rain forests, clear cutting for more and more neighborhoods ...that's less plants to process the Co2.

   The other trouble is, the planet hasn't been warming despite CO2 going up. go figure. No sensible person should be thinking that UN/EU/governments around the world taxes/fees/licenses to do anything/fines will do anything, except what those orgs and governments want it to do - redistribute wealth globally, and empower our government to raise more and more money for dems to buy votes from welfare folks and illegal destitute non-English non educated criminals.

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6 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Anyone who thinks if you pay billions of dollars into a fund to stop climate change is beyond brain damage.

Not saying pouring money into it is going to solve the problem. Until China (which has a far bigger carbon footprint than us) signs off- can't see any valid reason for the USA to start footing the bill. I will agree with Gorka on one point- even if the world magically went to zero emissions tomorrow, it would probably take decades for plants to use up the excess carbon dioxide that's floating around. 

I'll disagree with Cal- I've seen plenty of stuff showing global temperatures are rising- if only slightly. It's enough to cause that glacial retreating, and I'm waiting for the folks in D-Nile about it to start saying there's no basis in fact for the CO2 greenhouse effect either. Or the human race spewing megatons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere has absolutely nothing to do with it. They may as well join the Flat Earth Society if that's what they think. 

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Not saying pouring money into it is going to solve the problem. Until China (which has a far bigger carbon footprint than us) signs off- can't see any valid reason for the USA to start footing the bill. I will agree with Gorka on one point- even if the world magically went to zero emissions tomorrow, it would probably take decades for plants to use up the excess carbon dioxide that's floating around. 

I'll disagree with Cal- I've seen plenty of stuff showing global temperatures are rising- if only slightly. It's enough to cause that glacial retreating, and I'm waiting for the folks in D-Nile about it to start saying there's no basis in fact for the CO2 greenhouse effect either. Or the human race spewing megatons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere has absolutely nothing to do with it. They may as well join the Flat Earth Society if that's what they think. 

Come on man....

you seriously are getting hooked on this crap?


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seriously, Hoorta -

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures ...

May 16, 2018 - NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past ... But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling.
Sep 1, 2018 - This led the group to believe that global temperatures would have continued to rise throughout the last decade if not for the prolonged cooling ...
Mar 28, 2019 - Climate alarmists constantly warn us that man-made global warming is making our world less habitable and that climate doomsday is fast ...
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Why Some Scientists Say Global Warming Is Out and Global Cooling ...

Oct 23, 2018 - In a world riddled with climate-change doomsday predictions, a small but growing number of scientists are saying the highly touted climate ...
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Climate Change, Yes; Global Warming, No; Earth Cooling, Yes | Farm ...


Climate Change, Yes; Global Warming, No; Earth Cooling, Yes. Earth recently passed its 18th anniversary of no global warming. U.S. Corn Belt has been feeling ...
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3 hours ago, hammertime said:

Come on man....

you seriously are getting hooked on this crap?


Nah- out- too many MAGAs here that won't listen to reason...  

1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

seriously, Hoorta -

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures ...

May 16, 2018 - NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past ... But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling.
Sep 1, 2018 - This led the group to believe that global temperatures would have continued to rise throughout the last decade if not for the prolonged cooling ...
Mar 28, 2019 - Climate alarmists constantly warn us that man-made global warming is making our world less habitable and that climate doomsday is fast ...


Selective denial. I'll leave it at that...   I'm sure as hell not going to waste my time rebutting the D-Niles collectively blowing smoke up people's asses, but If I would bother (I won't waste my time doing so) I can easily find 5X more info from the other perspective.  

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17 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen posted here. If you think this makes any legitimate point you need to be checked for brain damage. 

If you can't see the point you must be checked for brain damage.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Nah- out- too many MAGAs here that won't listen to reason...  


Selective denial. I'll leave it at that...   I'm sure as hell not going to waste my time rebutting the D-Niles collectively blowing smoke up people's asses, but If I would bother (I won't waste my time doing so) I can easily find 5X more info from the other perspective.  

Here’s something to chew on, the global temperatures have been higher and lower with C02 levels that have been higher. Show me a correlation between higher temps and higher C02 levels...I’ll wait.

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19 hours ago, hoorta said:

I'm far from being a radical greener, but those saying nothing can be done are the other side of the coin. Eventually we are going to  run out of coal, natural gas, and crude oil- we're not making any more. Fortunately that's not going to happen in  my lifetime.

It's your rejection of the possibility the billions of tons of CO2 humans have spewed into the atmosphere over the last century, along with the destruction of tropical rain forests isn't a contributing factor. Glaciers are retreating world wide not just in  Glacier NP, and that's a fact, Jack.

Sure enough, millions of years ago the entire earth was tropical, so those hundreds of millions of folks that live within a  few feet of sea  level better plan like the  dinosaurs and start moving to higher ground.

Look who is saying "the possibility" LOL.  I on the other hand believe for a fact that humans have increased the Co2 levels.

Humans have contributed 120-130ppm of Co2 into the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution. The argument is the effects it will have.

You OAC followers say the Earth will end in 12ys. Al Gore said Armageddon was supposed to happen 10yrs ago. 

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Nah- out- too many MAGAs here that won't listen to reason...  


Selective denial. I'll leave it at that...   I'm sure as hell not going to waste my time rebutting the D-Niles collectively blowing smoke up people's asses, but If I would bother (I won't waste my time doing so) I can easily find 5X more info from the other perspective.  

You throw the word "denial" around a lot. IMO denial rears its head when you have no evidence, facts, data to back up your argument...."I don't believe you just because I don't" is denial. Carry on.


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