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Brady & Derek

Dan in Florida

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Whomever WINS the CAMP competition, CONSISTANTLY WIN GAMES thoughout the season...don't stop winning after camp ends or choke if a playoff run is possible.


May the best man win and I WANT MORE DA & BRADY THREADS!

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Whomever WINS the CAMP competition, CONSISTANTLY WIN GAMES thoughout the season...don't stop winning after camp ends or choke if a playoff run is possible.


May the best man win and I WANT MORE DA & BRADY THREADS!


Winning is all that matters i would hope most fans feel that way we have to back whomever wins luckily i like them both one is the fan hero and yet unproven in the nfl and the other has proven inconsistant with the nickname "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" it should make for an interesting competition but all i can think about is the fudge brown none striped pants at away games....;(

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Ratliff wins by a landslide.


LOL, Agreed. He has the same chance that the other 2 will have. He should get his chance, he wasnt requested to come here to be 3rd string. Loser at trainging camp gets the boot and we keep BR.

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Actually, I was being SARCASTIC posting this thread. How many NEW threads were posted on this topic (slightly changed) "today alone"?


3 today, not counting this one.


Thank GOD Camp has arrived so we have something REAL to argue about


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