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You have a little dick, no one likes you, and you have no drip. Now pay us $44 trillion please.


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Just rambling here, but I think reparations will happen eventually.  I think it will take the right mix of representatives to get it done though.  Certainly in AOCs political lifetime, but it will take someone like her having the majority influence in her party.

So forget about race, just think in terms of poor and wealthy.  I'm trying to wrap my head around what would happen if a large chunk of (I assume) poor, lower middle class, and upper middle class people instantly enter the 1%.  Not all do I suppose, but the vast majority of the 1% understand wealth building and money management before they get there.  I'd have solid faith that the upper middle class people could build something sustainable.  Lower middle class/poor.....uhhh, very doubtful.  I see a lot of people losing everything very quickly.  "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" really comes into play here, but i suppose you'd always have the memories.

Anyways, I'm not sure how someone who may be working a part time 7-11 job, or a Arby's meat slicer gig, or an ikea furniture assembler would "invest" a million bucks.  The living conditions would drastically improve in the short term, until society crumbled beneath your feet.

Oh well, who knows?

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3 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Never happen.

Seriously, what makes you so sure?  I mean a million bucks seems unattainable, but giving away the northern half of California and maybe a Dodge Challenger instead of a mule seems very possible in the not so distant future.  

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