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flatten the fear

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The CDC is now run by the Trump admin who has floundered and flubbed this thing from day one. I trust nothing from CDC now. It's all aimed at premature reopening of businesses and schools and will be a total disaster if done without the original CDC guidelines of May 19, 2020. They were actually written by CDC and not administrators from the WH. Hopefully the Texas governor ignores them all now and uses those original guidelines. Children cannot wear masks, wash their hands regularly and socially distance in crowded public schools in districts of high COVID infection. And BS to can't carry it home. That's a lie. My kids have made the decision that none of my grandkids is going back to school regardless of what their unqualified school boards say for at least the first 9 weeks of school. They will be home schooled by their parents as they did from late March on this year. If schools reopen in person before then, they will have a far better sample of data for what's happening with premature opening by the end of 9 weeks since the district is saying back after 3 weeks remote learning for now.  They live in our county not too far from us.

Our county has gone from just over 300 cases and 30 deaths to over 5200 cases and 92 deaths in just 4 weeks and a lot of ICU beds full of respirator cases. It would be totally insane to reopen anything with that going on. Other counties where almost nothing is happening makes more sense.

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“The CDC is actually a vaccine company.” — Robert F ...

Apr 09, 2020 · We cannot trust this corrupt organization with our health. The CDC has a large financial interest in pushing untested vaccines on the public. WHO is even more under the control of Big Pharma. The organization is corrupt beyond the meaning of the word. “The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry.”. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

The CDC is now run by the Trump admin who has floundered and flubbed this thing from day one. I trust nothing from CDC now.

bs, dude. the CDC was corrupted years ago, so was the WHO.

5 Examples Show That The CDC Is Corrupt And Dangerous


Sep 05, 2014 · 5 Examples Show That The CDC Is Corrupt And Dangerous. Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.

Yes, Mom, the CDC Is Part of the Deep State, Too


Mar 17, 2020 · Now that the CDC (and the National Institute of Health) are in our cross-hairs, we are learning that those organizations were infected by the same Obama-corruption virus, too. And why wouldn’t they be susceptible, as the preponderance of federal civil servants are after all Democrats?

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Jul 01, 2020 · A report released Thursday from the Government Accountability Office levied criticism at the CDC for combining active cases of the coronavirus and positive antibody tests, which may give a misleading view of nationwide testing and spread. Do You Think The CDC Is …

Author: Joe Hoft

CDC Corruption: A Betrayal Of Public Trust - HoneyColony


Nov 25, 2016 · The HHS Inspector General’s investigation of corruption into the CDC’s vaccine division, which painted the CDC as a hopelessly corrupted arm of the pharmaceutical industry. CDC has allowed vaccine industry profiteers to make millions by serving on advisory boards that add new vaccines to the schedule.“In a typical example, Dr. Paul Offit, in 1999, sat on the CDC’s vaccine advisory …

Author: Jan Wellmann

CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the ...


CDC Scientists Expose Agency Corruption A letter sent by more than a dozen senior CDC scientists charging the agency with nursing an atmosphere of pervasive research fraud. The group, which claimed to represent scientists across the CDC’s diverse branches, calls itself SPIDER (Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research).

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stopping the CDC is GREAT LEADERSHIP by Pres Trump !

get serious, Tex.

CDC Scientist Whisteblowers Confirm Corruption Within the CDC


As the rats scurried and the paper tiger corporate media roared, it appeared that the fuse had been lit to finally shed light on the longtime CDC corruption. It was in 2014 the CDC senior research scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted that he, and his coauthors, committed research fraud during the agency’s 2004 autism-MMR study.

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Just now, TexasAg1969 said:

The guidelines of May 19 have more reality that trumpy's "open up all the schools"  and his "open up the whole economy" BS that has led to the current disasters in multiple states. So there's that.

I think you want everything closed, destroy the economy, so your Biden would have a chance at winning.

not gonna happen.

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2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

I think you want everything closed, destroy the economy, so your Biden would have a chance at winning.

not gonna happen.

Did I say that? No I did not. The May 19 CDC plan called for things to open as indicated by local conditions. I already posted that thingy with the little "do not open" stop sign unless conditions were met in your area. Obviously that differs from county to county across all 50 states. Reading comprehension maybe cal?- (yes since you always accuse me of that, so turnaround  is fair play).

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always? not true. I haven't accused you of that but every so often. why,

not today, last week, ....

'always' - the emotional knee jerk refuge of haters. lol

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On 7/27/2020 at 10:04 AM, calfoxwc said:

always? not true. I haven't accused you of that but every so often. why,

not today, last week, ....

'always' - the emotional knee jerk refuge of haters. lol

Semantics. You have said that of me multiple times. So now I am saying the same back to you. It's easy to admit.🤗

BTW-apropos of nothing I am visiting my older brother in Estes Park and my wife and I went on a short walk from his home and by the time we got back

his home and the across the street homes were surrounded by a large herd of elk some 100+ in number. If I can figure out how to get it from

my cell phone to the Barber Shop I will post it at some point. Couple of very large bull elk along with a lot of cows with calves.

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I would love to go Elk hunting. My ccw instructor said he'll lend me a rifle for it....

I want to try elk steak. and moose. not sure if bear steak would be good....

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