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Missouri, 5 more states ask to join Texas Supreme Court election case against Georgia, others


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Missouri on Wednesday led a group of 17 states in filing a brief that supported the Texas lawsuit, which alleges that the four key swing states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden violated the Constitution by having their judicial and executive branches make changes to their presidential elections rather than their legislatures. 

But the Thursday filing led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, which also includes Arkansas, Utah, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina, would make those states parties before the court in the case rather than just outside voices weighing in. President Trump's campaign did the same on Wednesday. 

"The intervening states do not doubt that plaintiff state of Texas will vigorously and effectively litigate this case, but the attorney general of each individual state is best situated to represent the interests of that state and its people," the six states said in their request. 

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Meanwhile -

Ohio also joins in support of Texas' lawsuit:


The US Supreme Court may not like it, but they MUST hear it, and decide to save our Constitution, and FAIR LEGIT ELECTIONS or all is lost because they are afraid.

That is the point of the left letting violence run amok, and urging it to grow.

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Over 100 GOP Representatives Sign On To Support Texas SCOTUS Suit


I think Pres Trump should order secret service protection for the U.S. Supreme Court soon.

the left will go after them if they don't condone all the fraud and corrupt decisions to fix the election

with the huge democrat marxist cities given the green light to commit widespread election fraud.

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8 hours ago, cccjwh said:

One thread about the case wasn't enough for you?

Oh they're just loving the ruckus this unpresentedly  baseless lawsuit is generating. What the Trumpistas are missing is 20 states (including North Carolina- a state Trump won) filed an opposing brief with the SCOTUS in support of the states Texas wants to invalidate- along with the 20 million votes that go along with it. (Any MAGA who thinks that level of voter suppression is OK needs to relocate to North Korea) The opposing brief essentially says- the Texas claim is bullshit, and a pretty fanciful interpretation of the Election Clause in the Constitution. It's out there for your reading entertainment if you want to do a little digging. It pointed to the 10th amendment, and a few other things.  Most Constitutional lawyers have opined the Supreme Court isn't even going to accept this pile of legal manure for consideration. Filed by the Texas AG who's jonesying for a Trump pardon for the legal hot water he's in.  :) 

Needless to say- the aggrieved states- Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia all filed scathing counterattacks against the claim that they can't say how they're going to run elections in their respective states. Pennsylvania AG went so far as to call it judicial sedition.  


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Just reporting facts Cal, too bad you don't like them. 

facts - more like data that doesn't mean what you think it does.

If you support fixing elections so the left/dems definitely win...that says a lot about you.

FACT: the democrat corruption was WIDESPREAD in those giant leftwing cities in swing states by design.

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31 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

facts - more like data that doesn't mean what you think it does.

If you support fixing elections so the left/dems definitely win...that says a lot about you.

FACT: the democrat corruption was WIDESPREAD in those giant leftwing cities in swing states by design.

Baby cow you want to throw out votes because people didn't vote for your cult leader. It's what fake patriots do. Democracy is fine as long as people vote the way you want them to.


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Names Of Some 'Dead People' Who Voted In US 2020 Election


Dead people, like any other group, tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote, and this year, we made it much easier for the dead to …

Dead people caught voting in NYC, Elections records show


Ballots have been mailed in to the New York City Board of Elections in the name of dead voters, The Post has learned.

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28 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Names Of Some 'Dead People' Who Voted In US 2020 Election


Dead people, like any other group, tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote, and this year, we made it much easier for the dead to …

Dead people caught voting in NYC, Elections records show


Ballots have been mailed in to the New York City Board of Elections in the name of dead voters, The Post has learned.

Does a Nigeria prince own africanentertainment.com? 

Thin Allegations of 'Dead People' Voting - FactCheck.org




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14 minutes ago, BaconHound said:


Supreme Court rejects Texas lawsuit challenging swing-state election results - Axios

Bahahaha What is that 1 - 57 now.

The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton that sought to invalidate 10 million votes in four battleground states — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin — that President Trump lost.


Led By Donkeys on Twitter: "@realDonaldTrump We know you’re finding it difficult to accept the election result so we projected it onto your golf course with some familiar music https://t.co/sn6h0zA5MT" / Twitter


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"The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot," the Supreme Court wrote

That includes trumpy's 3 appointees who decided the Constitution is actually an important document for this Democracy. They have turned back the greatest threat since the Confederacy.

We had some damn smart people who set up this sharing of power between Executive, Legislature and the Justice System.🤴🤛

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21 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


Over 100 GOP Representatives Sign On To Support Texas SCOTUS Suit


I think Pres Trump should order secret service protection for the U.S. Supreme Court soon.

the left will go after them if they don't condone all the fraud and corrupt decisions to fix the election

with the huge democrat marxist cities given the green light to commit widespread election fraud.

Conspiracy Cal hard at work. Still can't believe courts (including the SCOTUS X2) have ruled over 50 damn times in essence TRUMP IS TRYING TO GET HIMSELF APPOINTED AS A BANANA REPUBLIC DICTATOR. Cheetos is the one trying to steal the election. Fraud is a figment of the Trumpistas brainwashing. Joe won fair and square. But keep on living in your alternate realty. QAnon needs guys like you.  :D 

9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

there he blows again.......giphy.gif

Here's the REAL Blowhard...  

Donald Trump's statement in full after Joe Biden declared winner | US &  Canada News | Al Jazeera

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What I don’t get is people will believe anything as long as it fits their agenda 

I heard 2 people talking today and one of them said that Kamala  Harris can’t be President because her parents were not natural born citizens

Well she was born on Oakland, California so that makes her eligible to be President regardless of were her parents are from

These two people were so happy about there beliefs even though they were wrong

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24 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

What I don’t get is people will believe anything as long as it fits their agenda 

I heard 2 people talking today and one of them said that Kamala  Harris can’t be President because her parents were not natural born citizens

Well she was born on Oakland, California so that makes her eligible to be President regardless of were her parents are from

These two people were so happy about there beliefs even though they were wrong



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26 minutes ago, Browns149 said:

What I don’t get is people will believe anything as long as it fits their agenda 

I heard 2 people talking today and one of them said that Kamala  Harris can’t be President because her parents were not natural born citizens

Well she was born on Oakland, California so that makes her eligible to be President regardless of were her parents are from

These two people were so happy about there beliefs even though they were wrong

I'm sure you would love her.

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Just now, cccjwh said:

The MAGA "genius" who made this meme must have fail geography. That's Asia dumbass. Trump loves the stupid people. 🤣

I’ll take the time to explain this one to you, since you’re Dumbocrat.

This meme makes light of Kamalatoe’s claim that she’s part African/American, even though her mother is from India and her father is of Jamaican descent.

Just don’t explain this to Woody....I like to keep him in suspense.

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2 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I'm sure you would love her.

It’s just astonishing that people believe she can’t be President for something that is so obviously a lie. But yet they believe it


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6 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’ll take the time to explain this one to you, since you’re Dumbocrat.

This meme makes light of Kamalatoe’s claim that she’s part African/American, even though her mother is from India and her father is of Jamaican descent.

Just don’t explain this to Woody....I like to keep him in suspense.

Holy shit, you can't be this stupid? Looks like you failed history, Non Cheetos Jesus Christ.

History of Jamaica - Wikipedia

The Caribbean island of Jamaica was initially inhabited in approximately 600 CE or 650 CE by the Redware people, often associated with redware pottery.[1][2][3] By roughly 800 CE, a second wave of inhabitance occurred by the Arawak tribes, including the Tainos, prior to the arrival of Columbus in 1494.[1] Early inhabitants of Jamaica named the land 'Xaymaca', meaning 'land of wood and water'.[4] The Spanish enslaved the Arawak, who were ravaged further by diseases that the Spanish brought with them.[5] By 1602, the Arawak tribes were extinct. The Spanish also transported hundreds of West African people to the island.


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when cowardly judges won't hear a case, led by roberts, the cowardly...est?

Big, serious trouble, folks.

It's here. Pray for our America, because only God can save us now.

Well, and our Constitution...Bill of Rights....

1st Amendment (being violated as we speak)....


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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

when cowardly judges won't hear a case, led by roberts, the cowardly...est?

Big, serious trouble, folks.

It's here. Pray for our America, because only God can save us now.

Well, and our Constitution...Bill of Rights....

1st Amendment (being violated as we speak)....


Pound salt....  

LOL- cowardly? More like Heroic judges (several who Trump appointed, with three he hand picked on the SCOTUS) with the guts to tell Trump he's full of his own shit.... Some getting death threats from his Proud Boys FYI. 

Joe will save America from this madman Cal.  God listened to our prayers. 

First Amendment? It gives Trump the right to lie out his ass- except under oath in court, even dumbass Rudy had the sense to not do that.....  :D Maybe you ought to pay attention to what his enablers took an oath to.  

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Not- I do solemnly swear I will support a lying POS without question who thinks the Constitution doesn't apply to him.  

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