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Economics Lession #1. What is Socialism?


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Webster.com defines socialism as: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


In other words, socialism is the government control of the tools of production. There are different degrees of socialism in our country, and in small amounts can be beneficial, such as a centralized road network. Communism occurs when you have a great amount of socialism, to the extent that the government controls everything. With a communist government, the government owns the property, the homes, and tells you what your job will be and what types of products you will buy. Point: When the government controls the tools, it controls the man.


Let me illustrate with an example. Let’s say you’re a tomato farmer in Texas and you want to get your tomatoes to market in Oklahoma. Under a free market, a person can go into business, take the risk, and invest the money in the trucks to transport your tomatoes. That person cannot rip you off. If that person charges too much, is surly, doesn’t get your tomatoes to market on time, damages your tomatoes or otherwise doesn’t provide a good service, because there is no law prohibiting this, someone else can come along and provide a better service, at a better price – and that is what we call free enterprise.


Enter Mr. Politician. He says,”Hey Joe, you see that trucker there? He has a nice house down in Corpus Christi, he’s got a nice boat, and by the way he charges you a whole gob of money. That’s not fair. If you vote for me, I’ll run that operation there for you. Plus we’ll give you a better service at a better price because the government is known for doing that.”


A brief aside: The government doesn’t produce anything. The money that it spends or brings in is either a.) money that it printed, or b.) tax dollars. Because of this, there is no reward for performance and consequently no incentive to perform, as they get the tax dollars by Law, not by how good of a job they do or service they provide.


The government then comes in and destroys the free market. It establishes a Texas Railroad Commission and controls everything that moves. It controls the tractors, the trucks, the trains, it hires the drivers and operates on its time, and you with your tomatoes are now at the mercy of the government run program. The trucks aren’t on time, the drive is surly, they lose half the tomatoes – but here’s the point: there’s nothing you can do about it. When the government controls the tools, it controls the man.

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Enter Mr. Politician. He says,”Hey Joe, you see that trucker there? He has a nice house down in Corpus Christi, he’s got a nice boat, and by the way he charges you a whole gob of money. That’s not fair. If you vote for me, I’ll run that operation there for you. Plus we’ll give you a better service at a better price because the government is known for doing that.”


Mr. Obama, Tomato Farmer.


That was the platform he ran on, right???

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So why an anti-communist threat when the threat is not there?

Because it is there, it is as strong as ever and the American people are gullible

enough to submit to such a system if marketed properly. Don’t believe me?



Their is an undercurrent of teaching that conforming to the ideas of Marx is actually a patriotic American duty

and will serve all of the people far more beneficially than a system where “capitalists” and other selfish

individualists create markets that support themselves and is not politically desirable for the “people”

as a whole. This warning is to tell you that you are being conditioned.


You are being trained like a dog. When the whistle blows you will seek out that reward in exchange for your labor; trained to understand that to be fed, treated by a doctor, allowed to drive or purchase a car or other goods, and most of all provided security and protected by the state is a benefit of working for the state and causes of the state.


Thus your trades of freedom for food, submission for protection, and financial security for sharing your labor are to be indoctrinated not as a vice but as a symbol of sacrifice and the new definition of patriotic freedom.


Corporations will willingly propagate this idea in exchange for a piece of the action, creating an almost Fascist style oligarchy that works within the framework of a Chinese Communist style system.


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I guess this is the phony "I dont believe any of this but it will sure piss people off and get me more attention" bullshit that Inspecta always has to defend you for when your being childish bordering on Retarded.



Dan translation



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The former chief of Romania's espionage service sees an American president fully invested in the lies he helped disseminate along with the KGB


Why is this president always doing the opposite of what needs to be done?


Instead of supporting Iranian protesters, he snubs them. Instead of snubbing the ousted Honduran would-be dictator, he invites him to Washington. Instead of leading the world, he apologizes to it. Instead of offering a new vision, he resurrects hoary clichés. Instead of promoting liberty, he bows to kings and hugs tyrants.


Some think he acts like an enchanted prince; others think he’s a spoiled brat. But there’s a method to this madness; its logic should be obvious to anyone familiar with antiquated leftist clichés, which Barack Obama seems to have smuggled into the White House without as much as pausing to brush aside the decades-old creepy cobwebs.


A Russian saying suggests that “everything new is well-forgotten old” — which may also explain the voting pattern of recent public school graduates who think that nothing existed before they were born. However, as far back as 500 BC, Heraclitus cautioned that you cannot step into the same river twice, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you. To paraphrase, Obama shouldn’t apply old ideas to new circumstances, for the unintended consequences shall expose the absurdity of his leftist doctrine. Yet that is exactly where he is heading — and it could actually be the good news.


Back in 1991, when the USSR fell under the weight of its own lies like a house of marked cards, the U.S. remained the only superpower standing in a world twisted by decades of Cold-War-era deceptions, threats, bribes, subversion, and propaganda. It was a world filled with virulent anti-Americanism brought forth by distorted perceptions and fallacies planted by the erstwhile KGB spymasters around the globe.


But instead of finishing the job and decontaminating the planet of hostile myths, America relaxed and began to enjoy the relative peace of the Clinton years. The president turned a blind eye to the gathering clouds, treating the growing violence as freak accidents. In the meantime, the lab-grown virus of anti-Americanism multiplied and mutated, especially in the Middle East.


There is more HERE

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Wow. I guess Dan needs to read your last post, T.


Then he should just agree with you and leave it at that.


Unless all he wants to do is try to pick a fight with anybody


who posts stuff he doesn't like.





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