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Our corrupt leftwing owned FBI admits they do not track leftwing violence


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so..........that tells the tale.

our gov wants to stay in power, and most of those in power would love to stay in power.

They do not want us to have any say in it. and it we elect someone who is NOT them....

they will do nearly anything to destroy him.

Like fake prosecutions, fake witnesses, fake allegations......

msm trying to destroy his family.....

so many corrupt people are all in to be on what they think will be the winning hating side.

the left.

FBI Admits It Doesn't Track Leftist Violence

Oct 4, 2021During the misnamed "Summer of Love," riots, looting, vandalism, and political violence was carried out by radical leftists under the (often literal) Antifa and Black Lives Matter banners. The violent
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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so..........that tells the tale.

our gov wants to stay in power, and most of those in power would love to stay in power.

They do not want us to have any say in it. and it we elect someone who is NOT them....

they will do nearly anything to destroy him.

Like fake prosecutions, fake witnesses, fake allegations......

msm trying to destroy his family.....

so many corrupt people are all in to be on what they think will be the winning hating side.

the left.

FBI Admits It Doesn't Track Leftist Violence

Oct 4, 2021During the misnamed "Summer of Love," riots, looting, vandalism, and political violence was carried out by radical leftists under the (often literal) Antifa and Black Lives Matter banners. The violent

Did you read any of this ?  Not what I expected atl definitely misleading.

And townhall.com a lot of this right wing source stuff is controlled by the same few people........ which I found out before, no surprises there.

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36 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

Did you read any of this ?  Not what I expected atl definitely misleading.

And townhall.com a lot of this right wing source stuff is controlled by the same few people........ which I found out before, no surprises there.

Obviously you did read this, so please do share with everyone what you found to be misleading:

In a congressional hearing titled “Confronting Violent White Supremacy,” Congresswoman Nancy Mace (R-SC) asked Timothy Langan, assistant director of counterterrorism for the FBI, about left-wing extremist groups.

Mace asked:

“Under the anti-government category or subcategory of domestic terrorism — would that include groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter, folks who commit violence or acts of domestic terrorism?”

Langan responded:

“Well, we don’t identify groups but individuals’ actions . . . So if individuals are committing actions that would be in furtherance of anti-government or anarchist ideals then they would fall into that category.”

Mace asked the obvious follow-up question:

“So would you quantify Antifa as an anarchist group under…that subcategory? I mean, it’s an anarchist group, right?”

Langan answered:

“The director has previously described them as a ‘movement’ and there have been individuals that have associated or identified with Antifa that have conducted violent acts that we would categorize as anarchist.”

Antifa categorized as a “movement” instead of a group is a distinction without a difference – except for in regards to how law enforcement treats them.

Antifa has a core philosophy, a flag, uniforms, and chapters in cities across the world.

The group also has a command structure where color-coded responsibilities are delegated to other members.

For example, members of the “red” team are designated as willing to commit acts of violence.

Mace continued with her questioning:

“How many acts of violence or domestic terrorism has Antifa committed over the last two years?”

That’s when Langan gave a truly shocking answer:

“Since we don’t categorize Antifa, nor do we calculate or collate information regarding Antifa, that movement, we don’t have that.”

So Antifa members have burnt down cities, firebombed courthouses, taken over city blocks, and even committed cold-blooded murder, but the FBI doesn’t track them.

This is further proof that the establishment doesn’t care about left-wing violence because it serves their interest.

Antifa thugs represent the shock troops for the Left.

They intimidate Republicans, dissident liberals, and apolitical people in the middle.

Antifa knows not to go after establishment Democrats with any juice because that would end their protection.


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8 hours ago, mjp28 said:

Did you read any of this ?  Not what I expected atl definitely misleading.

And townhall.com a lot of this right wing source stuff is controlled by the same few people........ which I found out before, no surprises there.

so, you don't find fault in the content. Got it. You just emotionally disregard the truth and your feeble excuse is how you feel about the source.

I call that swimming in Egypt.

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