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ronald mcdonald sends eviction notices to unvaccinated families


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Meanwhile our friend in NC got back from their vacation in Germany, and they said in Germany, you cannot go into a restaurant, etc...

without being vaxxed - and showing your card.

We are vaccined, boostered, and not going to do it again. That's it.

Until we get the corruption out of our gov, the dangerous lab research that led to this,

will happen again. Maybe deadly next time across the board.

This MUST be looked into, and this corrupt gov is refusing to look into it.

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38 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

A place full of sick patients wants everyone in that place to be vaccinated? How awful...


I feel terrible for the 4 year old with cancer. First getting cancer and now his dad won't even get vaccinated to keep him at the hospital trying to save his life. 

One might think that a recent negative test would be a better thing to have. But of course it's about the symbolism.


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15 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

So you don't think a negative test would be of any use? You really are a tool.


Not what you said in your first post and not what I said in mind. 

Again you put words in my mouth. 



Yes a negative test would be relevant. Also, yes, I completely agree with the hospitals vaccine mandate. Again, it's a fucking children's hospital. 

What would you say to a dad that allowed his 4 year old son sick with cancer to get removed from the hospital that was trying to save the kids life because he refused to get a covid vaccine?

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27 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Not what you said in your first post and not what I said in mind. 

Again you put words in my mouth. 



Yes a negative test would be relevant. Also, yes, I completely agree with the hospitals vaccine mandate. Again, it's a fucking children's hospital. 

What would you say to a dad that allowed his 4 year old son sick with cancer to get removed from the hospital that was trying to save the kids life because he refused to get a covid vaccine?

Not only would have negative test be relevant it would be a lot more relevant than having had vaccination in October of 21. A lot more.

So making a big stink about vaccination cards versus requiring everyone entering the place to take a quick test, yes it's a few minutes out of their lives, would smack of Optics.


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39 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Not only would have negative test be relevant it would be a lot more relevant than having had vaccination in October of 21. A lot more.

So making a big stink about vaccination cards versus requiring everyone entering the place to take a quick test, yes it's a few minutes out of their lives, would smack of Optics.


You let the children's cancer hospital know that they're just looking at optics



and no comment on the dad I see

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19 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

A place full of sick patients wants everyone in that place to be vaccinated? How awful...

Have we not established that being vaxed does not preclude you from becoming infected?

Have we not established that being vaxed does not stop you from passing this along..

Have we not established that being vaxed may, or may not mitigate the effects ?


Honestly.. How fucking stoopid are you?



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25 minutes ago, Axe said:

Have we not established that being vaxed does not preclude you from becoming infected?

Have we not established that being vaxed stops you from passing this along..

Have we not established that being vaxed may, or may not mitigate the effects ?


Honestly.. How fucking stoopid are you?




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40 minutes ago, Axe said:

Have we not established that being vaxed does not preclude you from becoming infected?

Have we not established that being vaxed stops you from passing this along..

Have we not established that being vaxed may, or may not mitigate the effects ?


Honestly.. How fucking stoopid are you?

the last line of the clip answers your question.



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20 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

One might think that a recent negative test would be a better thing to have. But of course it's about the symbolism.


A negative test is far more useful. I have been in the middle of a saga with family because a bunch of vaccinated people spread it around to each other and got very ill. 

My wife is vaccinated and has vaccinated coworkers. They are not tested at the VAMC but employees who opted out are tested twice weekly. And of course, they had a bunch of asymptomatic employees who are vaccinated show up and wipe out half the staff. My wife has since started testing as well just to be sure. It is stupid to preclude someone from help because they didn't get the vaccine that doesn't stop the spread at all.

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18 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Not what you said in your first post and not what I said in mind. 

Again you put words in my mouth. 



Yes a negative test would be relevant. Also, yes, I completely agree with the hospitals vaccine mandate. Again, it's a fucking children's hospital. 

What would you say to a dad that allowed his 4 year old son sick with cancer to get removed from the hospital that was trying to save the kids life because he refused to get a covid vaccine?

You don't feel that it is silly that a facility that would not be treating an adult was opting to make it mandatory for vaccines but not regular testing? That dad could be vaccinated and go in there and infect his child and staff members. It is nonsense. The vaccine mitigates symptoms for the person who gets it and does in no way prevent the spread. Is Ronald McDonald house only concerned with how sick a visitor gets as opposed to it being spread to other visitors? 

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On 1/12/2022 at 4:32 PM, MLD Woody said:

A place full of sick patients wants everyone in that place to be vaccinated? How awful...


I feel terrible for the 4 year old with cancer. First getting cancer and now his dad won't even get vaccinated to keep him at the hospital trying to save his life. 


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From a friend who spent their entire life as a doctor..

"Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus,measles, rubella, chickenpox,hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis), I want to also add flu and pneumonia I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated.
I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.
I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated. I never saw discrimination for those who didn't. If you haven't been vaccinated no one has tried to make you feel like a bad person.
I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends.
I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school. I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent.
After all the vaccines I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is. And as the social fabric tightens… It's a powerful vaccine!
She does all these things except IMMUNIZATION. If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated, it will likely come to “It's time for us to admit that we've been completely deceived."
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And from another life long friend that spent her entire life in a hospital

So sad...we have a win for large corporations....but not for the Healthcare heroes who have been down in the trenches fighting this virus...risking their own health and the health of their families...many have contracted covid and now have antibodies and are still mandated to get the jab?? What constitutional rights do they have...women have rights..."our bodies our choice" when it comes to aborting babies...but these Healthcare workers have no choice...come on America...something needs to be done to change this....I used to be proud to be an American...now I am not so sure....sounds like communist China to me.....

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In a move the Conservative Brief describes as “horrifying,” the Make A Wish Foundation has denied a child’s wish because of his vaccination status.

The news follows a Wednesday report that McDonald House in Canada is evicting the “unvaccinated family of a 4-year-old with Leukemia.”   



so there are still people like the pecker who are going to " tow the line" when it comes to this rules-based hysteria on covid.

me? still unvaxxed and trusting my God given immunity to see me through this and other daily unknowns... 

And God bless the rest of you who had the vax and are supporting the common sense approach of personal / private  medical liberties,

at least seeing the truth behind this "comply or die " scenario. 



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Im sure this particular rule is in effect in your city - 

in order to attend a ticketed event one must have a vax status card (or similar proof from an app on a phone for scan purposes..)

OR proof of a negative test done 72 hours before event. Cannot be an "at home" test  - must be verified by the medical community

Question - is this not as ridiculous as assuming every Walmart shopper is free from transmitting/receiving the virus when they shop

compared to the assumption that every negative test done 72 hours prior,  cannot or will not change to positive in 36 hours?

WHY should we care anymore?





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17 hours ago, FairHooker11 said:

Im sure this particular rule is in effect in your city - 

in order to attend a ticketed event one must have a vax status card (or similar proof from an app on a phone for scan purposes..)

OR proof of a negative test done 72 hours before event. Cannot be an "at home" test  - must be verified by the medical community

Question - is this not as ridiculous as assuming every Walmart shopper is free from transmitting/receiving the virus when they shop

compared to the assumption that every negative test done 72 hours prior,  cannot or will not change to positive in 36 hours?

WHY should we care anymore?





Fortunately, I live in a free state with a sane Governor :)

 So, no.. We've recently seen Styx and TSO. No vax card required, no mask required. We did take a Caribbean cruise where we had to have a neg test within 2 days of embarkment. The silly thing about that was we left port on a Monday morning so we had to get our tests on a Saturday, meaning we could attend a Buccaneer game on Sunday with 65,000 friends and then board the ship on Monday with our negative test results in hand.

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What a clown…

I’m personally ready for this whole vaccine status thing to be less of a big deal than it is. 

Politicians do this thing l call “permanent solutions to temporary problems.” And you can argue they mean well, but they get swept up in the immediacy of it all and any sense of good foresight gets left in the dust. Big decisions get made before all the relevant information is in hand. It leads to some cart before the horse policy. 

Vaccine mandates! That’s what we need! It shows we care! And we’re serious about saving lives!

So a mandate? Does that mean we’re firing people/cutting opportunities/ostracizing those who don’t get it?

Uhh, l guess. But we’re saving lives! 

Are we really? Or have we manufactured more challenges for ourselves because these policies created different standards for different people based on certain assumptions about the vaccine that aren’t true? Which means we put ourselves in a position to further spread a disease because the vaccine we thought would prevent that isn’t preventing that.

But we’re saving lives! Vaccinated people are less likely to die!

Well, ok. So it’s kinda like a personal choice then? So about this mandate?…

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Posted 16 hours ago

In a move the Conservative Brief describes as “horrifying,” the Make A Wish Foundation has denied a child’s wish because of his vaccination status.

The news follows a Wednesday report that McDonald House in Canada is evicting the “unvaccinated family of a 4-year-old with Leukemia.”   


That is so cruel - what a heartbreak.

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On 1/13/2022 at 1:53 PM, LogicIsForSquares said:

You don't feel that it is silly that a facility that would not be treating an adult was opting to make it mandatory for vaccines but not regular testing? That dad could be vaccinated and go in there and infect his child and staff members. It is nonsense. The vaccine mitigates symptoms for the person who gets it and does in no way prevent the spread. Is Ronald McDonald house only concerned with how sick a visitor gets as opposed to it being spread to other visitors? 

First, I found this article taking to another parent at RMH that approves of the vaccine


Says the same thing I've been asking... How does a dad not do everything he can to protect his kid? 


Googling around there are also a handful of stories showing there is a reduction in transmission among vaccinated individuals. Here is one:



If there is any community benefit at all to being vaccinated, and your community is full of some very sick kids, I see no problem in mandating whatever you can to help protect the sick kids. 

I'm also not sure we know exactly what their policy is around testing. They have to find a balance between total lockdown and free range. The vaccine shows benefit and it is a one time thing (or three right now). Testing is constant. Being vaccinated, wearing masks, watching your symptoms, and taking overall precautions I'm guessing was deemed better than having to deal with people getting tested constantly (especially with a potential false negative on a rapid test). 

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