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There's gonna be, no, NOW there IS a war.


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and it won't end with the Ukraine. Poland, Estonia, etc etc.

Like I said, he is going for broke. pukin says, if we intervene in any way, we will suffer

damage? like we've never seen before. I"m sorry I was right, back then.


Putin Officially Launches a Full Invasion of Ukraine, Lodges Disturbing New Threats Against the West


PUTIN: Foreign powers that intervene in Ukraine will witness consequences they have not seen before.

— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) February 24, 2022



UPDATE: Multiple live video streams show Ukraine's major cities coming under fire. Ukrainian media reporting nearly all major cities are under attack.

— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) February 24, 2022


Something massive just exploded in Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/GlKY1S8VbV

— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) February 24, 2022


Unconfirmed reports now that covert (& possibly airborne) #Russia troops have captured #Kyiv Airport tonight.

Intel intercepts had predicted that as an initial move.

— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) February 24, 2022

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all the happy Pres Trump fake haters who voted against America doing well, because

they were happily main stream media manipulated....

are directly responsible for this war.

I only know of one member who is very sorry - that he made a terrible mistake.

like I said well before ....the idiocracy of this wh and deep state, the corruption, the deliberate

divisiveness, was a clear "go ahead and act out" to the evil countries of the world.

russia wants to be the soviet union again, pukin's darth vader ego demands it. until then,

he hates not having accomplished it yet. I suppose biden is being briefed on it until he asks "where is my ice cream, is it Martin Luther King day yet?".....

and this is just early in the second year.


Analysis: Putin Throws World Peace Into the Trash Bin; the World Awaits Biden's Response

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Problem here is, you can't believe a damn thing the MSM says - they are part of the DS.

You're better off taking the exact opposite of whatever they dish out.


This whole situation is not what it seems.

Having said that, I'll add a few bits as I have time - but as fast as Russia is moving right now this may be over before I get to too much.



Recall a day or so ago Putin recognized Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR) as Sovereign Nations.



Several weeks back I posted that Belarus and Russia were taking about reunification, and that other previous USSR nations may follow suit.





Like I said, this is moving fast.


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5 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Your a moron.

Your brain has been warped by misinformation. Part of me feels bad for you. I hope our country can recover down the road. It's clear some generations have a real loose grasp on how the internet works. An unintended consequence of it all for sure. 

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

all the happy Pres Trump fake haters who voted against America doing well, because

they were happily main stream media manipulated....

are directly responsible for this war.

I only know of one member who is very sorry - that he made a terrible mistake.

like I said well before ....the idiocracy of this wh and deep state, the corruption, the deliberate

divisiveness, was a clear "go ahead and act out" to the evil countries of the world.

russia wants to be the soviet union again, pukin's darth vader ego demands it. until then,

he hates not having accomplished it yet. I suppose biden is being briefed on it until he asks "where is my ice cream, is it Martin Luther King day yet?".....

and this is just early in the second year.


Analysis: Putin Throws World Peace Into the Trash Bin; the World Awaits Biden's Response

Spoiler alert: Biden's response will be to whisper-yell "come on man!" and then shit his pants and go to bed at 6:00 pm. 

We got played and we've got nothing. The last five years have been grand theft america but unfortunately the closest thing we have to avengers are transgender race grifters. 

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if you consider that while knowing Ukraine is corrupt and a historic money launderer for the DS - 

its not hard of a stretch to think that there are Pro Russian dissidents in key levels already in place?

Putin knows its his to take - issue an enemy hit list, let the Soviet faithful do its job rather cleanly 

eliminating the opposition while maintaining some semblance of calm and cool?

That said - i dont believe media and our own gvt in its resolve to  report / act in our best interest anyway.

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1 hour ago, FairHooker11 said:

if you consider that while knowing Ukraine is corrupt and a historic money launderer for the DS - 

its not hard of a stretch to think that there are Pro Russian dissidents in key levels already in place?

Putin knows its his to take - issue an enemy hit list, let the Soviet faithful do its job rather cleanly 

eliminating the opposition while maintaining some semblance of calm and cool?

That said - i dont believe media and our own gvt in its resolve to  report / act in our best interest anyway.

the pro-soviet Ukraine gov pukin installed, was the corrupt gov I thought. I could be wrong, but the current gov seems to be on the up and up.

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

pukin says if any country puts any sanctions on russia, russia will take actions if such sanctions threaten

their economic standing.

what some experts are thinking, that it could involve cyber attacks to take down our grid.

Have some water stored away if you have city water?

some food on hand in storage?

all hell could break loose.

none of this would have happened if msm darlings didn't get off on pretending to hate Pres Trump and

their own country to be "cool".

Emotional kneejerk votes against Pres Trump and all of us is the REASON

this war has started.

I said well before- communist china sluts will take action, too, to take Taiwan.

we have an unelected coward/plagiarizer/senile/empty suit fake person as our "president".



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10 minutes ago, 7moses7 said:

Stop the war , John Kerry is worried about climate change.   What a douchbag 😂😂🤡🤡

 yep - and an ignorant fake and a loser. Married Teresa Hines for her money, putting a taint on Heines catsup purchases, lol.

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woodpecker's kind:


Hidden camera catches teacher saying conservative Christians 'need to get COVID and die.' Now she's on administrative leave.


Video: Russia attacks airports, hospitals, apartment buildings in Ukraine, is reportedly 'making a move on Kyiv' to overthrow government




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God Bless the Ukrainian people- I'm thankful they don't have a woodpecker weakwillie in their midst.


Putin Begins to Pay in Blood for His Ukrainian Misadventure

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