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Diversity of the Federal Bench


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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

All positions should be given to the MOST QUALIFIED person.  But Demented Joe stated he was going to appoint a black female.  Period.  That is racist.

You mean the black women that is the most qualify person since Grouch, at least Grouch. That you don't think she qualified is what again? 


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

it's about QUALIFIED. activist judges are NOT QUALIFIED. If they do not uphold our CONSTITUTION THEY ARE NOT QUALIFIED.

America does not care what color they are. Pushing race is leftwing activist crap. Note - why all the opposition to Justice Thomas?

He happens to be black.

of course, they hate him because he is NOT a dishonest activist, Constitution-disregarding judge. Your crap is racist.

It's great that you are supporting the removal of Justice Thomas, babycow. Can't have those activist justices on the bench.

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I was going to stay out of this obviously toxic thread, and judging by the number of hidden posts this popped off. A few comments:


- Judge Thomas, with his wife having attended the Jan 6th riot and the texts, I think him resigning is a little much. I'm not sure if he legally has to recuse himself from the election and Jan 6th stuff, but it definitely doesn't look good.

- KBJ is incredibly qualified for the position. I'm not sure how anyone could debate that.

- I've had the opportunity to hire a good amount of engineers so far in my career, and I've been on the interview team for many other positions. Finding the "most" qualified person is usually not what actually happens. You get a lot of candidates that are highly qualified, and then it is all about fit, timing, etc. There is no "score" that you get for every single potential candidate and you pick the highest one. It also depends on the pool you get to pull from too. 

- I've also learned that having diversity on a team is a real strength. That doesn't mean just diversity in race. That's diversity in upbringing, experiences, skill sets, strengths, weaknesses, etc., and a lot of things that can come from race, gender, etc. I would never and have never hired anyone that isn't qualified for a role. I have high expectations for myself and my team. My team is also better off with the diversity I've been able to bring to it. 

- Biden saying he was specifically going to hire a black female was obviously a political ploy to gain support during his campaign. That doesn't mean it isn't a good idea. That also doesn't mean KBJ isn't qualified. It isn't just about the color of her skin. It is about the diversity in her experiences. 



I'm not sure how much of this will stick with this group. But, well, here you go. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

-Biden saying he was specifically going to hire a black female was obviously a political ploy to gain support during his campaign.

And this is my biggest issue with this entire thing, it shouldn’t be politicized.

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

That ship sailed years and years ago man. Just recognize it's all political, whether it's your guy or not.

truth is - politics is infesting everything - because of the sick desire for more wealth and more power. ObaMao and biden lied out their asses to get elected, then did whatever the hell people told them to do/what they wanted to do politically.

    Back to the current SCOTUS nominee - she is NOT QUALIFIED. You can't explain why, but I can.

Supreme Court Judges are to UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION. Activist judges disregard the Constitution when their liberal intentions decide to interfere. She has made all sorts of bad decisions based on race, liberal politicies - she will be another Ginsburg activist rubber stamp. She also has a serious antipathy for our 2nd Amendment, specifically. Why the )_)(*& should a justice pre-disposed to vote against our Constitution/Bill of Rights over her own biases? She hasn't done it yet - so she IS NOT QUALIFIED.

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

truth is - politics is infesting everything - because of the sick desire for more wealth and more power. ObaMao and biden lied out their asses to get elected, then did whatever the hell people told them to do/what they wanted to do politically.

    Back to the current SCOTUS nominee - she is NOT QUALIFIED. You can't explain why, but I can.

Supreme Court Judges are to UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION. Activist judges disregard the Constitution when their liberal intentions decide to interfere. She has made all sorts of bad decisions based on race, liberal politicies - she will be another Ginsburg activist rubber stamp. She also has a serious antipathy for our 2nd Amendment, specifically. Why the )_)(*& should a justice pre-disposed to vote against our Constitution/Bill of Rights over her own biases? She hasn't done it yet - so she IS NOT QUALIFIED.

We get it Cal, you're hopelessly politically biased and it affects your critical thinking skills..... the post above is just a perfect, condensed example

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

We get it Cal, you're hopelessly politically biased and it affects your critical thinking skills..... the post above is just a perfect, condensed example

so, how do you breathe when you have your head up your ass and inhale your molting tail feathers?

must be a rotten existence.

I am biased for following our CONSTITION/BILL OF RIGHTS. Has your nanny inspired you too, to hit the sauce?

Our Constitution/Bill of Rights is the INTENT of SCOTUS judges - defending it, judging by it.

Disregarding it and going activist/leftwing etc is not.

facts sure get your head further up.

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On 4/2/2022 at 1:02 PM, cccjwh said:

You mean the black women that is the most qualify person since Grouch, at least Grouch. That you don't think she qualified is what again? 


Why of course she's qualified because being black and a woman is all the qualification you people need.

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It seems with the whole supreme court nomination process, every nominee gets scrutinized and whoever dislikes the President who nominated them gets their panties ruffled to varying degrees. Then, if that nominee gets voted in, within a week or two nobody cares anymore and everything is fine. 

Using my powers of deductive reasoning, this is what l foresee happening. 

Maybe l’m wrong and if she gets voted in and people are still bitching about it a couple weeks later, feel free to call me out on it. But if l’m right, you can all thank me and metaphorically hoist me onto your collective shoulders and sing about what a jolly good fellow l am. Or call me an asshole. Either is fine.

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4 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

It seems with the whole supreme court nomination process, every nominee gets scrutinized and whoever dislikes the President who nominated them gets their panties ruffled to varying degrees. Then, if that nominee gets voted in, within a week or two nobody cares anymore and everything is fine. Using my powers of deductive reasoning, this is what l foresee happening. Maybe l’m wrong and if she gets voted in and people are still bitching about it a couple weeks later, feel free to call me out on it. But if l’m right, you can all thank me and metaphorically hoist me onto your collective shoulders and sing about what a jolly good fellow l am. Or call me an asshole. Either is fine.


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2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

It seems with the whole supreme court nomination process, every nominee gets scrutinized and whoever dislikes the President who nominated them gets their panties ruffled to varying degrees.

You cannot be that oblivious to believe that Kavanah and this black woman judge are being treated equally. Kavanaugh's case was a character assassination complete with lies and fabrications with dems prodding into his life as a teen. The Demonrats went so far as to bring in "witnesses" who didn't witness anything.

 This black woman is being called out on her record as a judge. Period. 

Then, if that nominee gets voted in, within a week or two nobody cares anymore and everything is fine. 

Using my powers of deductive reasoning, this is what l foresee happening. 

Wow what powers you have indeed, a brilliant deduction.  What required you to put thought into most of us see as the obvious and foregone conclusion.

Maybe l’m wrong and if she gets voted in and people are still bitching about it a couple weeks later, feel free to call me out on it. But if l’m right, you can all thank me and metaphorically hoist me onto your collective shoulders and sing about what a jolly good fellow l am. Or call me an asshole. Either is fine.

There isn't a need to wait a couple of weeks.  I could call you an a-hole right now, but I wont. I'm a nice person, and it's just not a nice thing to do.



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55 minutes ago, Gorka said:



Mind powers, see?

I followed Kavanaugh’s trials about as closely as this one because l knew then what l know now: in the end no one will care and everything will be fine. A quick google search confirms that no one is currently bitching about him so l am confident l made the right decision. 

I look forward to you singing jolly good fellow almost as enthusiastically as Cal. 

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3 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Mind powers, see?I followed Kavanaugh’s trials about as closely as this one because l knew then what l know now: in the end no one will care and everything will be fine. A quick google search confirms that no one is currently bitching about him so l am confident l made the right decision. I look forward to you singing jolly good fellow almost as enthusiastically as Cal. 

ok, let me try one more time to teach you to stop posting like you are woodpecker's roommate's second cousin that can't understand that a moose is not a whale.

  The Kavanaugh grilling was faked, leftwing political hostility. Even her girlfriends didn't believe her, and her ex said worse about her.

No one is telling any kind of lie about this nominee. She has made herself into a liar/leftwing activist/Constitution/Bill of Rights antagonist by her own damn statements.

  You just can't discuss much of anything intelligently.

Kavanaugh was not right wing activist. He is an originalist. She is a leftwing activist - her history shows it.

You're a moron.

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20 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

ok, let me try one more time to teach you to stop posting like you are woodpecker's roommate's second cousin that can't understand that a moose is not a whale.

  The Kavanaugh grilling was faked, leftwing political hostility. Even her girlfriends didn't believe her, and her ex said worse about her.

No one is telling any kind of lie about this nominee. She has made herself into a liar/leftwing activist/Constitution/Bill of Rights antagonist by her own damn statements.

  You just can't discuss much of anything intelligently.

Kavanaugh was not right wing activist. He is an originalist. She is a leftwing activist - her history shows it.

You're a moron.

Right on homie. I mean, we’ll find out soon enough. If you’re still bitching about her a couple weeks after her confirmation, then l’ll softly play you a violin and offer you cheese.

But if you’ve moved on to something new to bitch about… It’s JOLLY GOOD FELLOW TIME!!! It’s be wonderful. 

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I really can't fathom the idea that you liberals actually believe some of this s***. One would think that fairness among different races different religions different types of people would be at least 1 ideal? It doesn't seem like it. Take a look at those charts. Even at the far end of the Trump appointees minorities are seriously over-represented among federal judges. And that's just looking at the ratio between caucasians blacks and Hispanics. What do you take into account the tiny fraction of attorneys in America who are African-American it's even more ridiculous.

What is it about grossly over representing certain minorities in our legal system that makes America a better place? And how long can you use something like slavery or Jim Crow to excuse the under performance of a group of people? And how does it benefit Society to artificially place them in places of responsibility?

Lots of subgroups have gone through much worse situations and much more recently. The Irish the India Indians, the Jews, American Muslims Asians from the poorest to the richest Asian countries, all exceeding expectations here in the USA, none of which getting special consideration and still doing better than even most white people. Is it all just politics to keep them voting for Joe Biden for you people?

Even though that would be a cynical and destructive process at least given the greed of your party and lust for power it's something we can understand.


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and...diversity to the left is just an emotional ploy to get a leftwing activist judge on the court.

meanwhile, some of them? really hope Justice Thomas dies so they can replace him.

Imagine their fake indignation if any conservative prof said that

about Ginsburg.


UCLA race and equity officer wishes for the death of Clarence Thomas – the second black American to serve on the Supreme Court

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You guys still haven't said anything about her qualifications, just butt hurt about ByDon saying he would nominate a black women. She is more than qualified and looks like 3 GOP understand how the process is supposed to work. 

"In my view, the role the Constitution clearly assigns to the Senate is to examine the experience, qualifications, and integrity of the nominee. It is not to assess whether a nominee reflects the ideology of an individual Senator or would rule exactly as an individual Senator would want" - Collins

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17 hours ago, cccjwh said:

You guys still haven't said anything about her qualifications, just butt hurt about ByDon saying he would nominate a black women. She is more than qualified and looks like 3 GOP understand how the process is supposed to work. 

"In my view, the role the Constitution clearly assigns to the Senate is to examine the experience, qualifications, and integrity of the nominee. It is not to assess whether a nominee reflects the ideology of an individual Senator or would rule exactly as an individual Senator would want" - Collins

The Supreme Court is about to get a justice who goes easy on sexual exploiters of children


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