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New York did it, now california doxxes ccw license holders.


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the corrupt left uses information as a weapon. Like they do everything.

Especially gun registration - if they could just make that happen.

nope. it won't.



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Texas went a whole different direction. LTC is no longer a requirement so you can carry anything you want without ever having to pass any shooting tests or appropriate use of weapons written tests. Just stick that ole great grandpappies unregistered 6 shooter on ur hip (oh wait a minute......I am ole grandpappie with an unregistered 6 shooter!!😱)and Blaze away. If Ur not any good at that, who cares as long as at least one round finds a bad guy.

However this ole grandpappie is maintaining his LTC so I can carry in other states I go to like Colorado.

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yep, I do too. It's so more serious - the crime now. Like I said before - one time I had a nut screaming at me out in our woods during deer season, and had my Wife call the sheriff - they came out FAST !

He told me times were different now - no one? leaves their doors unlocked, and he tells everyone in his family, his friends, and the good citizens he meets, to get the CCW license and carry.

    He said drugs - some of them - the people who take them turn into rabid animals - they aren't even "human", along with bad people coming across our border every so often.

   When I have taught people to shoot, (some older kids by parents' request), and taught how to ride ATV's safety, I talk about safety till they are blue in the face, lol, and about guns, I always tell them "every second someone carries a gun for any reason, the whole world of responsibility is on their shoulders, every second". and the rules. Later years, they taught others the same- and they still diligently safe with their own habit of safety. I'm proud of them for that. One friends' son - one of his friends did something stupid and risky, he tried to stop him, but he took off. Ended up in physical therapy learning how to walk again - motorcycle. Another friend of his died, rolled over a UTV in the woods, driving way too fast.

   There is so much a subculture of oeople who have been told so many times - that they are not responsible, because "they are victims" - of "racism, oppression, the system" - and that they are "entitled" to satisfaction. The politicians and "teachers" who have taught all that garbage - didn't know they were creating a monster subculture. Just this week? some customer shot two people in a fast food place - one woman died. Why? because....... the customer was angry that the mayo was not right on his sandwich. Atlanta, Ga. this happened.

   The mentally ill person - could have driven a car into the place at high speed. or tossed in molotov cocktails. Or could have killed those two people with a sword. or knife.

   It isn't the tool - it's the mental illness. Outbursts over any slight, real or imagined.

So, CCW - is keeping your family and friends safe, just in case some violence could/is going to happen.

   Students who always live in their "safe place", rich politicians, etc - already have their security, so they feel no one else should have to worry, because they are not, never have been, out in the world.


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Yep, every time I take kids/grandkids out to shoot we go over the rules of safety and I encourage them to catch each other if any one of them inadvertently brings the barrel across the body of any other person out there, even if just placing an already fired weapon down on it's side to go out and check the targets. They all know to walk around the other end of the weapon which we always lay with the barrel towards the right side aimed into woods. And they all know that it could still have a live round in it that may not have fired, but could "cook off" in a hot barrel.

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31 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Yep, every time I take kids/grandkids out to shoot we go over the rules of safety and I encourage them to catch each other if any one of them inadvertently brings the barrel across the body of any other person out there, even if just placing an already fired weapon down on it's side to go out and check the targets. They all know to walk around the other end of the weapon which we always lay with the barrel towards the right side aimed into woods. And they all know that it could still have a live round in it that may not have fired, but could "cook off" in a hot barrel.

People that want to carry should be required at minimum a basic safety course but I would recommend a thorough safety course with a written and range test.

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