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Anarchists, BLM, and.... Joe Biden

MLD Woody

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How terrible. And attack on a real American by those liberal, Biden supporting anarchists! 







Well I'm sure Laura Ingraham will make a correction...










It is hilarious that so many on the right have been conditioned to believe Biden is actually some far left, radical liberal. They believe it so blindly that no alarms went off with an Biden graffiti tag right next to an Anarchist tag (an incorrectly made one at that).


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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:



How terrible. And attack on a real American by those liberal, Biden supporting anarchists! 







Well I'm sure Laura Ingraham will make a correction...










It is hilarious that so many on the right have been conditioned to believe Biden is actually some far left, radical liberal. They believe it so blindly that no alarms went off with an Biden graffiti tag right next to an Anarchist tag (an incorrectly made one at that).


Throw the book at him. That kind of s*** happens all the time usually from you guys but....


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With all of the right wing reactionary trash that gets posted on here constantly, I figured a little example of this being fake would be a good reality check for some. 

I'm sure the damage has been done. The story made the rounds on AARP Facebook groups and no one on Fox will provide a correction. They got what they wanted out of it. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it was posted on this board at one point. And then you all had a rafe filled circle jerk. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

With all of the right wing reactionary trash that gets posted on here constantly, I figured a little example of this being fake would be a good reality check for some. 

I'm sure the damage has been done. The story made the rounds on AARP Facebook groups and no one on Fox will provide a correction. They got what they wanted out of it. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it was posted on this board at one point. And then you all had a rafe filled circle jerk. 

And your turn in the barrel

Woody Woodpecker carrying barrel by Ultra-Shounen-Kai-Z on DeviantArt

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:



How terrible. And attack on a real American by those liberal, Biden supporting anarchists! 







Well I'm sure Laura Ingraham will make a correction...










It is hilarious that so many on the right have been conditioned to believe Biden is actually some far left, radical liberal. They believe it so blindly that no alarms went off with an Biden graffiti tag right next to an Anarchist tag (an incorrectly made one at that).





Well where do you think he got the bright idea?  From all the documented attacks, assaults, threats on Republicans, that's where. He took advantage of it.

You don't have to be conditioned to believe Biden is a radical liberal. The evidence is in plain view.

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

With all of the right wing reactionary trash that gets posted on here constantly, I figured a little example of this being fake would be a good reality check for some. 

I'm sure the damage has been done. The story made the rounds on AARP Facebook groups and no one on Fox will provide a correction. They got what they wanted out of it. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it was posted on this board at one point. And then you all had a rafe filled circle jerk. 

Clarify what you're implying by "right wing reactionary trash?" That it's all made up? Or is it just an expression of anger from having to hear the truth about the left? 

Reacting to the Bernie supporter who took a gun to a baseball game in order to shoot as many Republicans as possible was "reactionary trash"? Jussie Smollette hiring two thugs in MAGA hats to beat him up was fake? Maxine Waters calling for Americans to confront and threaten Trump supporters was a lie? 

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35 minutes ago, FY56 said:


Well where do you think he got the bright idea?  From all the documented attacks, assaults, threats on Republicans, that's where. He took advantage of it.

You don't have to be conditioned to believe Biden is a radical liberal. The evidence is in plain view.

"Biden is a radical liberal"



Jesus. You and others on this board have just lost all relative sense of political ideologies, huh?

When a group goes far enough right everything looks left I guess. 


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22 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

"Biden is a radical liberal"



Jesus. You and others on this board have just lost all relative sense of political ideologies, huh?

When a group goes far enough right everything looks left I guess. 


Who really lost all sense of political ideologies?   You don't consider Trump and his MAGA supporters as being radicals?

The line that once marked the center keeps moving to the left.

If you had not noticed, many on the left now label those that are anti-gay marriage and pro-life advocates as "right-wing extremists".

I believe it's appropriate to label a president who comes across as an advocate of open borders, and one who shut down the Keystone pipeline only to go to Saudi Arabia only to beg for oil as a left-wing extremist.

Trumps policies or actions were nowhere near radical but him being a radical was the illusion created by the left and the media which you bought into.


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This is one of Woody's issues kind of like dog bites man isn't a big story but man bites dog is. He figures if he can find one instance of a conservative or a Republican or somebody who's not a full blown liberal that does something bad it takes the pressure off the 99% of the Liberals that do it.

Kind of like the minor league January 6th versus dozens of BLM riots.


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57 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

This is one of Woody's issues kind of like dog bites man isn't a big story but man bites dog is. He figures if he can find one instance of a conservative or a Republican or somebody who's not a full blown liberal that does something bad it takes the pressure off the 99% of the Liberals that do it.

Kind of like the minor league January 6th versus dozens of BLM riots.


Not at all. But I know I won't change your mind. 

This is in fact one of a steady flow of examples where the right jumps on something to react, it turns out they're wrong, but no corrections are made and the damage across social media is done. Happens on the left too,I'm sure, but we only see one side here. 

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Not at all. But I know I won't change your mind. 

This is in fact one of a steady flow of examples where the right jumps on something to react, it turns out they're wrong, but no corrections are made and the damage across social media is done. Happens on the left too,I'm sure, but we only see one side here. 

The so called whipping of migrants, still haven't seen a corrections from msm on that or Kyle Rittenhouse....

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Not at all. But I know I won't change your mind. 

This is in fact one of a steady flow of examples where the right jumps on something to react, it turns out they're wrong, but no corrections are made and the damage across social media is done. Happens on the left too,I'm sure, but we only see one side here. 


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