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Vatican Defrocks Pro-Life and Pro Trump Priest

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"Pavone remained a staunch supporter of Trump throughout his presidency. Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, Pavone tweeted: “Why is it that the supporters of this goddamn loser Biden and his morally corrupt, America-hating, God hating Democrat party can’t say a goddamn thing in support of their loser candidate without using the word Trump? What the hell do you have to say for yourselves losers?”"


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On 12/18/2022 at 4:15 PM, Westside Steve said:

"Pavone remained a staunch supporter of Trump throughout his presidency. Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, Pavone tweeted: “Why is it that the supporters of this goddamn loser Biden and his morally corrupt, America-hating, God hating Democrat party can’t say a goddamn thing in support of their loser candidate without using the word Trump? What the hell do you have to say for yourselves losers?”"


See Below Steve...  Nice language from a priest BTW...  As I've said many times previously, Trump's pro-life stance is as phony as that orange makeup he likes using.  Oh- I happen to agree, Biden is a CINO...  Catholic in name only.  

22 hours ago, hammertime said:

That’s a shame

Father Frank was definitely one of the good guys.

For the record, I heard (now former) Father Frank speak at a pro life event... The guy is most definitely a zealot. You guys DO realize I'm pro life don't you?   The other CNN (Catholic News Network) had a long article about it... The reasons as to why Pavone got kicked out of the priesthood weren't made public... BUT it's not rocket science as to one of the big reasons is... Priests are forbidden to support any political candidates, unless they get the green light from their local Bishop. Frank got cease and desist orders multiple times from the higher ups and ignored them. He made some other whacky comments like he wouldn't grant absolution to someone in confession if he found out they voted Democratic.  :(  

I can say this with 100% certainty... if Pavone persists in acting like he's still a priest- he's going to get excommunicated.   

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26 minutes ago, hoorta said:

See Below Steve...  Nice language from a priest BTW...  As I've said many times previously, Trump's pro-life stance is as phony as that orange makeup he likes using.  Oh- I happen to agree, Biden is a CINO...  Catholic in name only.  

For the record, I heard (now former) Father Frank speak at a pro life event... The guy is most definitely a zealot. You guys DO realize I'm pro life don't you?   The other CNN (Catholic News Network) had a long article about it... The reasons as to why Pavone got kicked out of the priesthood weren't made public... BUT it's not rocket science as to one of the big reasons is... Priests are forbidden to support any political candidates, unless they get the green light from their local Bishop. Frank got cease and desist orders multiple times from the higher ups and ignored them. He made some other whacky comments like he wouldn't grant absolution to someone in confession if he found out they voted Democratic.  :(  

I can say this with 100% certainty... if Pavone persists in acting like he's still a priest- he's going to get excommunicated.   

You're the phony. You made a name for yourself being a phony.

Here are six examples Trump has made good on its campaign promises to champion the pro-life agenda:

Mexico City Policy - January 21, 2017 
The Mexico City Policy withholds U.S. federal dollars from foreign non-governmental organizations that perform abortion procedures or provide abortion referrals. This law has volleyed back and forth like a partisan tennis match – rescinded or reinstated based on the party in control of the Oval Office. Presidents who have supported the policy include Ronald Reagan (who enacted the law), George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump. Rescinding residents of the Oval Office include Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. All of these presidents instituted national policy via executive order. This doesn't so much set Trump apart though, since every Republican since Reagan has instated it.

Hyde Amendment Expansion - January 24, 2017 
The Hyde Amendment is a legislative statute that bars federal funding of abortion procedures in the U.S. with exceptions for rape, incest, and significant risk to the mother's life. Under the Hyde Amendment, a patient can use federal funds at facilities that provide abortions, but would have to pay out of pocket for an abortion. The Hyde Amendment is reinstated or rescinded on an annual basis. 

The House has passed the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Discloser Act of 2017," which effectively would make the Hyde Amendment permanent law instead of annually reviewed. The bill currently is pending in the Senate, and President Trump has signaled a "thumbs up" once it reaches his desk.

The Hyde Amendment has been altered over the years, but Trump is the first president who has vowed to make it law.
Undoing Obama's Planned Parenthood Regulation - March 30, 2017 
Shortly before leaving office, former President Barack Obama imposed a regulation that permanently prohibited states from withdrawing their funding to Planned Parenthood. Mr. Obama imposed the ban after several states began taking action in the wake of undercover videotapes exposing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts. That permanent regulation lasted a few months into Trump's Administration. The Senate vote to overthrow the regulation resulted in a 50-50 tie, which required Vice President Mike Pence to step in and cast the tie-breaking vote.

Healthcare Reform
Both the House and Senate's attempts to reform healthcare since Trump's election omitted funding not only from Planned Parenthood, but from any organization that provides abortions. Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million from the federal government. That's nearly a third of its entire budget. Planned Parenthood is also the leading abortion provider in the United States. Nationwide, there are fewer than a thousand Planned Parenthood facilities, while there are more than 13,000 federally-qualified healthcare providers that offer a broader spectrum of healthcare without performing abortions. The language in the bills redirects the funding from Planned Parenthood to these federally qualified health centers. 

No other administration has moved this aggressively to defund Planned Parenthood's federal funding, which it started receiving taxpayer money in 1970.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36) - October 3, 2017
This bill will ban abortions across the nation at 20 weeks of fetal development and includes the same exceptions as the other bills. Republicans approved the measure in the House by a vote of 237 to 189 (3 Democrats joined the Republican majority) and if it passes in the Senate, it has already been given the White House's blessing. More than 20 states have similar bans citing scientific evidence that shows a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks. States that don't yet prohibit abortions at 20 weeks may soon be forced to if the bill becomes law.

The White House released a statement ahead of last week's House vote that read, "The administration strongly supports H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and applauds the House of Representatives for continuing its efforts to secure critical pro-life protections."


Had he not been cheated out of a second term:

President Trump Unveils Pro-Life Commitments for Second Term - SBA Pro-Life America (sbaprolife.org)

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

You're the phony. You made a name for yourself being a phony.

Here are six examples Trump has made good on its campaign promises to champion the pro-life agenda:

Mexico City Policy - January 21, 2017 
The Mexico City Policy withholds U.S. federal dollars from foreign non-governmental organizations that perform abortion procedures or provide abortion referrals. This law has volleyed back and forth like a partisan tennis match – rescinded or reinstated based on the party in control of the Oval Office. Presidents who have supported the policy include Ronald Reagan (who enacted the law), George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump. Rescinding residents of the Oval Office include Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. All of these presidents instituted national policy via executive order. This doesn't so much set Trump apart though, since every Republican since Reagan has instated it.


Hyde Amendment Expansion - January 24, 2017 
The Hyde Amendment is a legislative statute that bars federal funding of abortion procedures in the U.S. with exceptions for rape, incest, and significant risk to the mother's life. Under the Hyde Amendment, a patient can use federal funds at facilities that provide abortions, but would have to pay out of pocket for an abortion. The Hyde Amendment is reinstated or rescinded on an annual basis. 

The House has passed the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Discloser Act of 2017," which effectively would make the Hyde Amendment permanent law instead of annually reviewed. The bill currently is pending in the Senate, and President Trump has signaled a "thumbs up" once it reaches his desk.

The Hyde Amendment has been altered over the years, but Trump is the first president who has vowed to make it law.
Undoing Obama's Planned Parenthood Regulation - March 30, 2017 
Shortly before leaving office, former President Barack Obama imposed a regulation that permanently prohibited states from withdrawing their funding to Planned Parenthood. Mr. Obama imposed the ban after several states began taking action in the wake of undercover videotapes exposing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts. That permanent regulation lasted a few months into Trump's Administration. The Senate vote to overthrow the regulation resulted in a 50-50 tie, which required Vice President Mike Pence to step in and cast the tie-breaking vote.

Healthcare Reform
Both the House and Senate's attempts to reform healthcare since Trump's election omitted funding not only from Planned Parenthood, but from any organization that provides abortions. Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million from the federal government. That's nearly a third of its entire budget. Planned Parenthood is also the leading abortion provider in the United States. Nationwide, there are fewer than a thousand Planned Parenthood facilities, while there are more than 13,000 federally-qualified healthcare providers that offer a broader spectrum of healthcare without performing abortions. The language in the bills redirects the funding from Planned Parenthood to these federally qualified health centers. 

No other administration has moved this aggressively to defund Planned Parenthood's federal funding, which it started receiving taxpayer money in 1970.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36) - October 3, 2017
This bill will ban abortions across the nation at 20 weeks of fetal development and includes the same exceptions as the other bills. Republicans approved the measure in the House by a vote of 237 to 189 (3 Democrats joined the Republican majority) and if it passes in the Senate, it has already been given the White House's blessing. More than 20 states have similar bans citing scientific evidence that shows a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks. States that don't yet prohibit abortions at 20 weeks may soon be forced to if the bill becomes law.

The White House released a statement ahead of last week's House vote that read, "The administration strongly supports H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and applauds the House of Representatives for continuing its efforts to secure critical pro-life protections."

You forgot Trump also stacked the Supreme Court so they could overturn Roe-Wade....  Yeah, he did a few pro life things- great...  But some still want this guy who envisions himself as a comic book super hero needs a second term in office?  Get a grip, man....  

BTW, what he did, and what he believes are two different things...   He figured out pro life stuff would win him votes.  As his niece has said, everything Trump does is purely transactional. He'd drop his pro life stance in a heartbeat (pun intended)  if he thought it would win him more votes.  

Anyone who would still vote for this nut job really needs mental counselling.   

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31 minutes ago, hoorta said:

See Below Steve...  Nice language from a priest BTW...  As I've said many times previously, Trump's pro-life stance is as phony as that orange makeup he likes using.  Oh- I happen to agree, Biden is a CINO...  Catholic in name only.  

For the record, I heard (now former) Father Frank speak at a pro life event... The guy is most definitely a zealot. You guys DO realize I'm pro life don't you?   The other CNN (Catholic News Network) had a long article about it... The reasons as to why Pavone got kicked out of the priesthood weren't made public... BUT it's not rocket science as to one of the big reasons is... Priests are forbidden to support any political candidates, unless they get the green light from their local Bishop. Frank got cease and desist orders multiple times from the higher ups and ignored them. He made some other whacky comments like he wouldn't grant absolution to someone in confession if he found out they voted Democratic.  :(  

I can say this with 100% certainty... if Pavone persists in acting like he's still a priest- he's going to get excommunicated.   

So saying a bad word is Worthy of being defrocked or excommunicated even? But insisting that a healthy child can be killed when it's part way out of the womb is not a big deal? Dude this isn't my issue but they hypocrisy really fucking stinks.


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Trump’s pro life stance IS phony. Just read the interviews he did before he wanted to run for President.

He was all for pro choice until he wanted to get the Republican nomination. 

As for the Priest. He got what he wanted. Attention 

Besides isn’t using the Lords name in vain some sort of sin?

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43 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

So saying a bad word is Worthy of being defrocked or excommunicated even? But insisting that a healthy child can be killed when it's part way out of the womb is not a big deal? Dude this isn't my issue but they hypocrisy really fucking stinks.


That's not the issue (or reason) why he got defrocked... Though hearing a Priest speak like that is pretty disturbing....  Again, for the record... I even USED to contribute to Pavone's Priests for Life, that is- until he started hitting me up for money every two weeks (I keep a spreadsheet of every charitable organization who asks me for money, and how often) and I'll humbly submit that spreadsheet is now 182 lines long... AND the good Father Frank sold my name and address to every anti-abortion organization in the country. Started to piss me off, and I cut him off...  

Here's the article I was referring to Steve, and my bad- it's not CNN, it's CNA...   


So the pertinent reason why Pavone is no longer a priest is you can't just keep on telling your Bishop to fuck off....  Yeah- his intentions and cause may well be the best, but there's a hierarchal Church structure you only dare oppose at your own risk. Apparently Frank crossed the line. His guilt is IMHO having blinders on, and only engaging in one issue politics. As I said earlier, Clergy endorsing and campaigning for a specific politician is verboten.   

“Father Pavone was given ample opportunity to defend himself in the canonical proceedings, and he was also given multiple opportunities to submit himself to the authority of his diocesan bishop explains a separate statement attached to Pierre’s letter. “It was determined that Father Pavone had no reasonable justification for his actions.”


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On 12/19/2022 at 6:27 PM, hoorta said:

That's not the issue (or reason) why he got defrocked... Though hearing a Priest speak like that is pretty disturbing....  Again, for the record... I even USED to contribute to Pavone's Priests for Life, that is- until he started hitting me up for money every two weeks (I keep a spreadsheet of every charitable organization who asks me for money, and how often) and I'll humbly submit that spreadsheet is now 182 lines long... AND the good Father Frank sold my name and address to every anti-abortion organization in the country. Started to piss me off, and I cut him off...  

Here's the article I was referring to Steve, and my bad- it's not CNN, it's CNA...   


So the pertinent reason why Pavone is no longer a priest is you can't just keep on telling your Bishop to fuck off....  Yeah- his intentions and cause may well be the best, but there's a hierarchal Church structure you only dare oppose at your own risk. Apparently Frank crossed the line. His guilt is IMHO having blinders on, and only engaging in one issue politics. As I said earlier, Clergy endorsing and campaigning for a specific politician is verboten.   

“Father Pavone was given ample opportunity to defend himself in the canonical proceedings, and he was also given multiple opportunities to submit himself to the authority of his diocesan bishop explains a separate statement attached to Pierre’s letter. “It was determined that Father Pavone had no reasonable justification for his actions.”


Whatever you say. Like I said, not my issue but if it wasn't for your insane Trump obsession you might be able to see that the Catholic Church, who purportedly looks at abortion as infanticide, might be focusing their wrath on the wrong guy.

Letting go of core values to keep attendance and membership high seems a little unsavory to me.


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18 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Whatever you say. Like I said, not my issue but if it wasn't for your insane Trump obsession you might be able to see that the Catholic Church, who purportedly looks at abortion as infanticide, might be focusing their wrath on the wrong guy.

Letting go of core values to keep attendance and membership high seems a little unsavory to me.


1st regarding former Father Pavone. Great, you have issues with your local ordinary- that would be your Bishop.  BUT that doesn't give Frank  the right to tell his superior I'm on a Mission From God, and that means you can't tell me what I can or can't do. That's EXACTLY what got Pavone in some serious hot water.  Defiance will get you nowhere. You have to do that- even if you're a Saint in waiting....  Steve, you can believe in miracles or not- take your pick, but one of the great saints of the 20th century,  Padre Pio (incidentally had the wounds of Christ on his body) and only died in 1968- so we're not talking 1500s medicine... was banned from publically saying Mass for several years, and he obeyed.  BTW, Pio had the gifts (among others) of being able to read minds and bilocate. 

LOL Steve, Steve, Steve....   Trump obsession? Why do people rubberneck to slow down to see what's happening in a car wreck? If you don't realize it, DJT has NO core values, because as a malignant narcissist, it's all about him, and always has been...   Now that he's losing his grip on the spotlight, getting more and more strident and loony is all he has left, along with his pathological lying.  Wow!!!  A guy running for president has stooped so low to offer his brainwashed Magats Trump Trading Cards? In the fine tradition of Trump U, Trump vodka, and Trump Air?  :D You buy your set yet?  :D  Maybe if you're one of the lucky winners- you can visit him- in jail. :D  Grift grifting away pal...   He's not only an embarrassment to the GOP, he's an embarrassment to America in general... Or did you see any of the commentators who- where all they could do is to not bust out laughing about his latest grift?  It would be hysterically funny, if it wasn't such a grave danger to democracy.  

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

1st regarding former Father Pavone. Great, you have issues with your local ordinary- that would be your Bishop.  BUT that doesn't give Frank  the right to tell his superior I'm on a Mission From God, and that means you can't tell me what I can or can't do. That's EXACTLY what got Pavone in some serious hot water.  Defiance will get you nowhere. You have to do that- even if you're a Saint in waiting....  Steve, you can believe in miracles or not- take your pick, but one of the great saints of the 20th century,  Padre Pio (incidentally had the wounds of Christ on his body) and only died in 1968- so we're not talking 1500s medicine... was banned from publically saying Mass for several years, and he obeyed.  BTW, Pio had the gifts (among others) of being able to read minds and bilocate. 

LOL Steve, Steve, Steve....   Trump obsession? Why do people rubberneck to slow down to see what's happening in a car wreck? If you don't realize it, DJT has NO core values, because as a malignant narcissist, it's all about him, and always has been...   Now that he's losing his grip on the spotlight, getting more and more strident and loony is all he has left, along with his pathological lying.  Wow!!!  A guy running for president has stooped so low to offer his brainwashed Magats Trump Trading Cards? In the fine tradition of Trump U, Trump vodka, and Trump Air?  :D You buy your set yet?  :D  Maybe if you're one of the lucky winners- you can visit him- in jail. :D  Grift grifting away pal...   He's not only an embarrassment to the GOP, he's an embarrassment to America in general... Or did you see any of the commentators who- where all they could do is to not bust out laughing about his latest grift?  It would be hysterically funny, if it wasn't such a grave danger to democracy.  

Maybe you've been dipping into the anti-trump vodka or whatever but this pretty much underscores my point. By the way fuck our democracy; if you believe that we are truly Democratic you're a bigger sucker than I thought.


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7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Maybe you've been dipping into the anti-trump vodka or whatever but this pretty much underscores my point. By the way fuck our democracy; if you believe that we are truly Democratic you're a bigger sucker than I thought.


It's sad how you trump humpers have given up on democracy. You can always move to Russia; it seems to be the government that you want. 


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

It's sad how you trump humpers have given up on democracy. You can always move to Russia; it seems to be the government that you want. 


Karl Marx: "Accuse your enemy of what you are doing...."

We don't call you cccp for no reason you self-professed commie.





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On 12/19/2022 at 5:45 PM, hoorta said:

You forgot Trump also stacked the Supreme Court so they could overturn Roe-Wade....  Yeah, he did a few pro life things- great...  But some still want this guy who envisions himself as a comic book super hero needs a second term in office?  Get a grip, man...

Constitutionally-speaking, "stacking" the Supreme Court is the prerogative of the party in charge of the White House and the majority in the Senate. Democrats do the same thing when they hold the conch shell too. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

It's sad how you trump humpers have given up on democracy. You can always move to Russia; it seems to be the government that you want. 


Nice work even a more meaningless response than the one from the guy who pretends to be a staunch catholic. And even more unrelated and Trump obsessed.

But again we aren't a democracy and never were. 


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On 12/19/2022 at 5:45 PM, hoorta said:

You forgot Trump also stacked the Supreme Court so they could overturn Roe-Wade....  Yeah, he did a few pro life things- great...  But some still want this guy who envisions himself as a comic book super hero needs a second term in office?  Get a grip, man....  


Um, no he didn't.

"Stacking, or "packing" the Supreme Court means to increase the number of seats. All for the purpose of making the SCOTUS more WOKE.  Biden was pushing this so you should have been aware of the term

Another little thing about your post.

As is commonly known, eventually you will catch a liberal in a lie because he'll forget what he said prior.  Here you stated that Trump "stacked" the court so they could overturn Roe vs. Wade....yet in an earlier post you stated that Trump couldn't care less about saving babies and pro-life.

Don't try to weasel your way out of this one with some eyeball rolling explanation. You're a TDS inflicted fraud.

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3 hours ago, FY56 said:

Um, no he didn't.

"Stacking, or "packing" the Supreme Court means to increase the number of seats. All for the purpose of making the SCOTUS more WOKE.  Biden was pushing this so you should have been aware of the term

Another little thing about your post.

As is commonly known, eventually you will catch a liberal in a lie because he'll forget what he said prior.  Here you stated that Trump "stacked" the court so they could overturn Roe vs. Wade....yet in an earlier post you stated that Trump couldn't care less about saving babies and pro-life.

Don't try to weasel your way out of this one with some laughable explanation. You're a TDS inflicted fraud.

And you're a Trump humping goober. Sorry if I failed your advanced semantics class. Donnie really couldn't  care less about what I think- or anyone else for that matter- because he's brainwashed the Religious Right he's on their side... For the time being.  :D 

We couldn't give Garland the time of day for his nomination to SCOTUS, but we can't get Barrett on the Court fast enough.. Do I detect a little bullshit there Mitch?  

Buy your trading cards yet? I hear they're selling fast to people who graduated from Trump University....   :D  

Be the first in line for Trump's upcoming books... "The Art of the Plea Deal" and "Grifting Made Easy"....    

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

And you're a Trump humping goober. Sorry if I failed your advanced semantics class. Donnie really couldn't  care less about what I think- or anyone else for that matter- because he's brainwashed the Religious Right he's on their side... For the time being.  :D 

We couldn't give Garland the time of day for his nomination to SCOTUS, but we can't get Barrett on the Court fast enough.. Do I detect a little bullshit there Mitch?  

Buy your trading cards yet? I hear they're selling fast to people who graduated from Trump University....   :D  

Be the first in line for Trump's upcoming books... "The Art of the Plea Deal" and "Grifting Made Easy"....    

Haha, I thought so.

As an elderly man who by your age should possess what is known as wisdom, you sound more like a pajama boy liberal who will never fess up when nailed with facts, rather you choose to deflect with false accusations.


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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

And you're a Trump humping goober. Sorry if I failed your advanced semantics class. Donnie really couldn't  care less about what I think- or anyone else for that matter- because he's brainwashed the Religious Right he's on their side... For the time being.  :D 

We couldn't give Garland the time of day for his nomination to SCOTUS, but we can't get Barrett on the Court fast enough.. Do I detect a little bullshit there Mitch?  

Buy your trading cards yet? I hear they're selling fast to people who graduated from Trump University....   :D  

Be the first in line for Trump's upcoming books... "The Art of the Plea Deal" and "Grifting Made Easy"....    

"The Art of the Plea Deal". That's gold right there.

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12 hours ago, hoorta said:

And you're a Trump humping goober. Sorry if I failed your advanced semantics class. Donnie really couldn't  care less about what I think- or anyone else for that matter- because he's brainwashed the Religious Right he's on their side... For the time being.  :D 

We couldn't give Garland the time of day for his nomination to SCOTUS, but we can't get Barrett on the Court fast enough.. Do I detect a little bullshit there Mitch?  

Buy your trading cards yet? I hear they're selling fast to people who graduated from Trump University....   :D  

Be the first in line for Trump's upcoming books... "The Art of the Plea Deal" and "Grifting Made Easy"....    

Neither do we for the most part, you are just fun to watch making a fool out of yourself!

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18 hours ago, FY56 said:

Um, no he didn't.

"Stacking, or "packing" the Supreme Court means to increase the number of seats. All for the purpose of making the SCOTUS more WOKE.  Biden was pushing this so you should have been aware of the term

Another little thing about your post.

As is commonly known, eventually you will catch a liberal in a lie because he'll forget what he said prior.  Here you stated that Trump "stacked" the court so they could overturn Roe vs. Wade....yet in an earlier post you stated that Trump couldn't care less about saving babies and pro-life.

Don't try to weasel your way out of this one with some eyeball rolling explanation. You're a TDS inflicted fraud.

1st Regarding the SCOTUS, some of those nominees changed their tune about Roe from their confirmation hearings to when they actually were on the Court. 

Since I happen to be pro life, supporting a pro life agenda is one of the very few things DJT ever got right BUT....   

2nd Trump flipped from being pro abortion years earlier to now. FACT.  I'll grant the faint possibility he sincerely changed his mind on the subject- but I doubt it like hell. He's painted himself into a corner with the Christian Evangelical movement, and there's no turning back now. Just like his incessant bellowing "the 2020 election was rigged" that outside of his MAGA brainwashed Cult is falling on deaf ears.  His niece who knows him way better than we'll ever be able to, has the Huckster con man nailed to a T. Every thing he does is on a transactional basis, and I'll play act like I'm pro life if it will buy me more votes. So yeah Trump only cares about saving babies to the extent it makes him popular with his base. He (the malignant narcissist) really doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone other than himself if you come right down to it. It's obvious to anyone who isn't a member of Cult 45 Donnie is seriously lacking in any internal morality. 

And regarding TDS? Shove it... It's tired defense mechanism of the Cult for anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass. It would take a paragraph or three to detail Orangie's mental deficiencies that alone should disqualify him from running for City Animal Control Supervisor, much less United States President.  You may now go back to your alternate reality rabbit hole along with your pals.  So there's my POV, and if you disagree- you can kiss my ass.   

PS- in case you forgot, 1\2 the stuff that spews out of Trump's mouth are lies.  :D  I think the NY Times stopped counting at 30,000...    


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55 minutes ago, hoorta said:

1st Regarding the SCOTUS, some of those nominees changed their tune about Roe from their confirmation hearings to when they actually were on the Court. 

Since I happen to be pro life, supporting a pro life agenda is one of the very few things DJT ever got right BUT....   

2nd Trump flipped from being pro abortion years earlier to now. FACT.  I'll grant the faint possibility he sincerely changed his mind on the subject- but I doubt it like hell. He's painted himself into a corner with the Christian Evangelical movement, and there's no turning back now. Just like his incessant bellowing "the 2020 election was rigged" that outside of his MAGA brainwashed Cult is falling on deaf ears.  His niece who knows him way better than we'll ever be able to, has the Huckster con man nailed to a T. Every thing he does is on a transactional basis, and I'll play act like I'm pro life if it will buy me more votes. So yeah Trump only cares about saving babies to the extent it makes him popular with his base. He (the malignant narcissist) really doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone other than himself if you come right down to it. It's obvious to anyone who isn't a member of Cult 45 Donnie is seriously lacking in any internal morality. 

And regarding TDS? Shove it... It's tired defense mechanism of the Cult for anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass. It would take a paragraph or three to detail Orangie's mental deficiencies that alone should disqualify him from running for City Animal Control Supervisor, much less United States President.  You may now go back to your alternate reality rabbit hole along with your pals.  So there's my POV, and if you disagree- you can kiss my ass.   

PS- in case you forgot, 1\2 the stuff that spews out of Trump's mouth are lies.  :D  I think the NY Times stopped counting at 30,000...    


Your bitch is that Trump flipped to pro-life, correct? Yet you voted for Joe Biden who flipped to any time for any reason.


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