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Bill has a reliable source. Cheetos is getting indicted under Espionage Act this week


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Look forward to your excuses for your cult leader. Oh wait, you nut jobs don't care if he did it or not. 

Trump indictment in classified records case is unsealed (cnbc.com)

The criminal indictment against Donald Trump over his handling of classified government records was unsealed Friday.

The 37-count indictment was made public a day after the former president was charged in the case in U.S. District Court in Miami.

Among other allegations, the indictment says Trump showed classified documents to other people in 2021, after leaving office.

Trump is due to be arraigned in Miami on Tuesday, the day before his 77th birthday.

Thirty-one of the counts accuse Trump of willful retention of national defense information. He is also charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice; withholding a document or record; corruptly concealing a document or record; concealing a document in a federal investigation; scheme to conceal; and false statements and representations

The indictment notes, “As he departed the White House, TRUMP caused scores of boxes, many of which contained classified documents, to be transported to The Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, where he maintained his residence.”

“TRUMP was not authorized to possess or retain those classified documents,” the indictment says.

Earlier Friday, two of his lawyers resigned from representing him in the classified documents case, and in another pending federal criminal investigation for his efforts to overturn his loss in the 2020 presidential election.





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Where are the DJ TRUMP cartoons ?     You know fat cheetos mug shot, finger prints  -or-  behind bars wearing the stripped pajamas ...... just like every other indicted criminal in America  ?

Equal justice for all .... lol.


Fats won't be fat behind bars for long.

Bounty on his fat azz !    Lol.

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26 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

Where are the DJ TRUMP cartoons ?     You know fat cheetos mug shot, finger prints  -or-  behind bars wearing the stripped pajamas ...... just like every other indicted criminal in America  ?

Equal justice for all .... lol.


Fats won't be fat behind bars for long.

Bounty on his fat azz !    Lol.

Do you really think they would put Trump in a normal Prison?  He has to have secret service protection 24/7.  He would probably get 10 years house arrest in Mar Largo.

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6 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Do you really think they would put Trump in a normal Prison?  He has to have secret service protection 24/7.  He would probably get 10 years house arrest in Mar Largo.

I guess that donald gump in Leavenworth won't go  .... lol ....  so his big fatazz will end up in a cushy but still max protection lockup with a nice *gym pool and maybe a running track like my old buddy Rep.-19 Jim Traficant who continued his paintings which he signed and sold both inside and out of prison.

That wouldn't surprise me one bit for djt like ol' Jimbo Traficant.  See below many don't believe it, some of Jimbo's prints are still available on print.  He died in a nasty tractor accident on his farm not far from where I live now. A very "colorful " sheriff, political and guy ..... for sure.

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19 hours ago, FY56 said:

You know very well that if Trump was not running for president, there would be no indictment don't you?

Been hitting the Trump Kool-Aid heavy I see...  LOL, if that's your opinion, have another swig, by all means. Read the charges, and guess again. Sure, it's way cool to have the classified stuff he hid from the FBI for anyone with a screw loose to have. Many have opined the only reason the Orange one is running again is if elected, it would keep him out of prison.  

And before I duck out of this alternate reality cesspool for an extended period again.. Stopped by for a few kicks and giggles. TDS is just a MAGA code word for anyone who won't kiss the Mango Messiah's ass. Their new code word is "WOKE" for anyone who holds a different opinion- or lifestyle.

Hey Cal, how you liking your greatest criminal President ever, ever now?  Two impeachments, two indictment- with two more coming down the pike for this total scofflaw. 

As to DJT going to a super max, probably not- but I hear they have something similar for nut cases. BTW, anyone who still thinks DJT is playing with a full deck is probably a few bricks short of a full load themselves.   

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Been hitting the Trump Kool-Aid heavy I see...  LOL, if that's your opinion, have another swig, by all means. Read the charges, and guess again. Sure, it's way cool to have the classified stuff he hid from the FBI for anyone with a screw loose to have. Many have opined the only reason the Orange one is running again is if elected, it would keep him out of prison.  

And before I duck out of this alternate reality cesspool for an extended period again.. Stopped by for a few kicks and giggles. TDS is just a MAGA code word for anyone who won't kiss the Mango Messiah's ass. Their new code word is "WOKE" for anyone who holds a different opinion- or lifestyle.

Hey Cal, how you liking your greatest criminal President ever, ever now?  Two impeachments, two indictment- with two more coming down the pike for this total scofflaw. 

As to DJT going to a super max, probably not- but I hear they have something similar for nut cases. BTW, anyone who still thinks DJT is playing with a full deck is probably a few bricks short of a full load themselves.   


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Alan Dershowitz warns of 'dangerous' consequences' posed by Trump indictment

"If this indictment is as weak as it appears to be, from what has been disclosed so far, it may be the most dangerous indictment in political history," Dershowitz said.

"As everybody knows," he added, "it's the first time that a man who is the leading candidate against the incumbent president has been indicted by the incumbent administration in an effort to prevent him from running."

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2 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Hey Vambo  I wouldn't doubt that one bit ..... questions still exist ..... djt gets it first then Hillary and Joe's turns. But who will be president ?  Pardons ?

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On 6/9/2023 at 10:46 PM, Vambo said:

their fixation on Pres Trump and their cowardice to talk about the corruption in our gov is very telling.

the dems are the welfare party. Free stuff, free ride. That is why, apparently, they refuse to admit it's wrong for all these ILLEGALS to be flooding our border - for that same free ride.

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On 6/9/2023 at 7:21 PM, hoorta said:

Been hitting the Trump Kool-Aid heavy I see...  LOL, if that's your opinion, have another swig, by all means. Read the charges, and guess again. Sure, it's way cool to have the classified stuff he hid from the FBI for anyone with a screw loose to have. Many have opined the only reason the Orange one is running again is if elected, it would keep him out of prison.  And before I duck out of this alternate reality cesspool for an extended period again.. Stopped by for a few kicks and giggles. TDS is just a MAGA code word for anyone who won't kiss the Mango Messiah's ass. Their new code word is "WOKE" for anyone who holds a different opinion- or lifestyle.Hey Cal, how you liking your greatest criminal President ever, ever now?  Two impeachments, two indictment- with two more coming down the pike for this total scofflaw. As to DJT going to a super max, probably not- but I hear they have something similar for nut cases. BTW, anyone who still thinks DJT is playing with a full deck is probably a few bricks short of a full load themselves.   

Please stop logging in as MJP. Have you sobered up enough to know who is president NOW and the damage being done to AMERICA ?

ah, you are posting antagonisms again - probably not.

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On 6/9/2023 at 7:21 PM, hoorta said:

Been hitting the Trump Kool-Aid heavy I see...  LOL, if that's your opinion, have another swig, by all means. Read the charges, and guess again. Sure, it's way cool to have the classified stuff he hid from the FBI for anyone with a screw loose to have. Many have opined the only reason the Orange one is running again is if elected, it would keep him out of prison.  

And before I duck out of this alternate reality cesspool for an extended period again.. Stopped by for a few kicks and giggles. TDS is just a MAGA code word for anyone who won't kiss the Mango Messiah's ass. Their new code word is "WOKE" for anyone who holds a different opinion- or lifestyle.

Hey Cal, how you liking your greatest criminal President ever, ever now?  Two impeachments, two indictment- with two more coming down the pike for this total scofflaw. 

As to DJT going to a super max, probably not- but I hear they have something similar for nut cases. BTW, anyone who still thinks DJT is playing with a full deck is probably a few bricks short of a full load themselves.   

The indictment is garbage. Had Trump rode off into the sunset back into private life, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

The weaponization of the law is in full force. It's official... this latest move by you goons has "fundamentally transformed" this nation into a Banana Republic, as once promised by your former cult leader Obama.

So intense is your TDS you are you choose to ignore a far greater danger unfolding in this country....far greater than Trump hurting your feelings.

Biden and his administration abused their power by directing the Federal government and DOJ to be used against a major political opponent in the midst of a political campaign for president.

It doesn't get any more banana than that. For 7 years the left has tried. So glaring is this, yet you choose to ignore. YOU are the problem with this country, not MAGA.

You also ignored Durhams conclusion I presume. No indictments doesn't mean "no harm done".

America as the greatest nation on the earth is no more when democrats and a  government agency appointed themselves as the guardians of the people took part in a hoax for the purpose of removing a duly elected president they believe is "dangerous".

America is longer in the position of preaching to the world about democracy.


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14 hours ago, FY56 said:

The indictment is garbage. Had Trump rode off into the sunset back into private life, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

The weaponization of the law is in full force. It's official... this latest move by you goons has "fundamentally transformed" this nation into a Banana Republic, as once promised by your former cult leader Obama.

So intense is your TDS you are you choose to ignore a far greater danger unfolding in this country....far greater than Trump hurting your feelings.

Biden and his administration abused their power by directing the Federal government and DOJ to be used against a major political opponent in the midst of a political campaign for president.

It doesn't get any more banana than that. For 7 years the left has tried. So glaring is this, yet you choose to ignore. YOU are the problem with this country, not MAGA.

You also ignored Durhams conclusion I presume. No indictments doesn't mean "no harm done".

America as the greatest nation on the earth is no more when democrats and a  government agency appointed themselves as the guardians of the people took part in a hoax for the purpose of removing a duly elected president they believe is "dangerous".

America is longer in the position of preaching to the world about democracy.


A lot of feelings with no actual evidence. You cult members sure are short on details of how Cheetos is innocent. Just the same old, weaponized <insert name here> of whoever is pointing to your dear leader's crimes. 

NY grand jury weaponized to indicted Cheetos.

FL grand jury weaponized to indicted Cheetos.

NY jury weaponized to find him liable of sexual abuse and defamation.

26 women weaponized to accuse him of sexual assault and/or sexual misconduct.

60 judges weaponized to shot down Cheetos election fraud cases.

District judge weaponized to throw his case against Hillary and make him pay her lawyer fees.

Cheetos lawyers weaponized to make Cheetos pay 1.8 million to charities he ripped off.

DC jury weaponized to conflicted Cheetos buddy Stone on obstruction.

Trump organization's CEO weaponized to plead guilty to 15 felonies.

7 police officers weaponized to sue Cheetos from injures during your insurrection.

US Supreme Court weaponized to rule against Cheetos on taxes, classified record suit, and attempt to block Jan 6 records.

Yet another jury weaponized to convict the chairman of the Cheetos campaign of eight felony counts.

Yet another judge weaponized to throw out Cheetos suit against the NY times.

Jury weaponized to give out not convict verdict to Sussmann and the analyst.

Cheetos DOJ weaponized to not bring charges against, Clintons, Obama, junkie and whoever else you morons think broke the law.


Poor, poor, victim. Everyone is weaponized against him. 😄 


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

A lot of feelings with no actual evidence. You cult members sure are short on details of how Cheetos is innocent. Just the same old, weaponized <insert name here> of whoever is pointing to your dear leader's crimes. 

NY grand jury weaponized to indicted Cheetos.

FL grand jury weaponized to indicted Cheetos.

NY jury weaponized to find him liable of sexual abuse and defamation.

26 women weaponized to accuse him of sexual assault and/or sexual misconduct.

60 judges weaponized to shot down Cheetos election fraud cases.

District judge weaponized to throw his case against Hillary and make him pay her lawyer fees.

Cheetos lawyers weaponized to make Cheetos pay 1.8 million to charities he ripped off.

DC jury weaponized to conflicted Cheetos buddy Stone on obstruction.

Trump organization's CEO weaponized to plead guilty to 15 felonies.

7 police officers weaponized to sue Cheetos from injures during your insurrection.

US Supreme Court weaponized to rule against Cheetos on taxes, classified record suit, and attempt to block Jan 6 records.

Yet another jury weaponized to convict the chairman of the Cheetos campaign of eight felony counts.

Yet another judge weaponized to throw out Cheetos suit against the NY times.

Jury weaponized to give out not convict verdict to Sussmann and the analyst.

Cheetos DOJ weaponized to not bring charges against, Clintons, Obama, junkie and whoever else you morons think broke the law.


Poor, poor, victim. Everyone is weaponized again him. 😄 



None of that matters when the greater danger to our democracy was the weaponization of the law for political gain. Trump caused no harm. The left did by establishing a new banana republic. You should be proud.

None of that matters when laws are not equally enforced, proving to you TDS inflicted nut jobs once again that this indictment was first and foremost solely for the "greater good"  of getting Trump, not because he may have broke some law.

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz stated that most of the indictment against former President Donald Trump alleges conduct that has “no difference” to “what Hillary Clinton and others have done,” but there are a couple “damning paragraphs” that Trump or his legal counsel are going to have to explain.

Alan Dershowitz slams Trump indictment, shares one ‘damning piece of evidence’ in DOJ's case | Fox News

In denial after 7 years of attempts and phony impeachments makes you one disingenuous slime ball liberal (redundant I know). 


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55 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

"none of that matters. Here's something from Newsmax"


So the usual go after the source copout. Brilliant.

Those were Dershowitz's words. He's said the same things elsewhere you clown.

So you too deny the lefts 7 year mission?



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19 hours ago, FY56 said:

The indictment is garbage. Had Trump rode off into the sunset back into private life, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

The weaponization of the law is in full force. It's official... this latest move by you goons has "fundamentally transformed" this nation into a Banana Republic, as once promised by your former cult leader Obama.

So intense is your TDS you are you choose to ignore a far greater danger unfolding in this country....far greater than Trump hurting your feelings.

Biden and his administration abused their power by directing the Federal government and DOJ to be used against a major political opponent in the midst of a political campaign for president.

It doesn't get any more banana than that. For 7 years the left has tried. So glaring is this, yet you choose to ignore. YOU are the problem with this country, not MAGA.

You also ignored Durhams conclusion I presume. No indictments doesn't mean "no harm done".

America as the greatest nation on the earth is no more when democrats and a  government agency appointed themselves as the guardians of the people took part in a hoax for the purpose of removing a duly elected president they believe is "dangerous".

America is longer in the position of preaching to the world about democracy.


OMG... You're now as far gone as the other loonies who populate this forum. The Indictment is "garbage"? I'd suggest you casually peruse some of it. Even his former pal Bill Barr thinks DJT's ass is grass. Yeah, that indictment is such garbage, two of Trump's lawyers read it- and promptly quit. Seems they weren't interested in trying to defend the indefensible. As to a Banana Republic, Cheetos tried and failed that exact gambit January 6th. If you're in denial about that- keep swigging the Kool-Aid.  

Regarding your BOLD...  Got any proof of that?  

Danger to America? I think it's a f**king huge danger to not only us, but our allies when an unhinged loonie keeps top secret documents about nuclear capabilities in his bathroom next to a toilet. And don't try the gambit that the FBI planted those documents. Trump was stupid enough to admit he took them. 

So yeah, you had better believe that the Mango Messiah is damn dangerous. I won't bore you again with a shit ton of reports that the guy has severe mental issues. Sorry Donnie YOU may think that you can declassify documents just by thinking about it...  However there's Federal Laws on the books for correct declassification. Not only that, you by your own admission knew that, but ignored it. 


13 hours ago, FY56 said:


 Trump caused no harm. :D :D :D  Yeah, taking top secret documents regarding US vulnerabilities and storing them next to a toilet where any housekeeper could have read them... No harm? My ass.  The left did by establishing a new banana republic. You should be proud. You should seek mental help, if that's what you believe. 

None of that matters when laws are not equally enforced, proving to you TDS inflicted nut jobs once again that this indictment was first and foremost solely for the "greater good"  of getting Trump, not because he may probably has broken some laws. Trump's been breaking laws for decades, he's found out that the Feds aren't going to look the other way for a change. I believe it was Bob Dylan saying "anything's legal in Jersey, as long as you don't get caught".  Too bad, so sad Donnie just got caught. 

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz stated that most of the indictment against former President Donald Trump alleges conduct that has “no difference” to “what Hillary Clinton and others have done,” but there are a couple “damning paragraphs” that Trump or his legal counsel are going to have to explain.

In denial after 7 years of attempts and phony impeachments makes you one disingenuous slime ball liberal (redundant I know). 

Regarding Trump apologist Dershowitz, nice whataboutism Al- I'd suggest you stay retired.  If the Bidens and Clinton did such horrible things- their turn in court is coming. 

To repeat- you've lost it FY...  You're devolving into spewing alternate reality crap, along with the rest of the crowd here. I'll grant you Trump impeachment #1 was iffy...  However, I'm too lazy to look up how many of his pals wound up in jail after that one. Oh, Impeachment #2 was far from phony, unless you think a mob directed by Trump to "fight like hell" to "Stop the Steal" was totally ok. Mitch McConnell saved his ass by delaying the trial- and I strongly suspect he's regretting that decision now. 

MAGA!!!   Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.   :D     



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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

OMG... You're now as far gone as the other loonies who populate this forum. The Indictment is "garbage"? I'd suggest you casually peruse some of it. Even his former pal Bill Barr thinks DJT's ass is grass. Yeah, that indictment is such garbage, two of Trump's lawyers read it- and promptly quit. Seems they weren't interested in trying to defend the indefensible. As to a Banana Republic, Cheetos tried and failed that exact gambit January 6th. If you're in denial about that- keep swigging the Kool-Aid.  

Regarding your BOLD...  Got any proof of that?  

Danger to America? I think it's a f**king huge danger to not only us, but our allies when an unhinged loonie keeps top secret documents about nuclear capabilities in his bathroom next to a toilet. And don't try the gambit that the FBI planted those documents. Trump was stupid enough to admit he took them. 

So yeah, you had better believe that the Mango Messiah is damn dangerous. I won't bore you again with a shit ton of reports that the guy has severe mental issues. Sorry Donnie YOU may think that you can declassify documents just by thinking about it...  However there's Federal Laws on the books for correct declassification. Not only that, you by your own admission knew that, but ignored it. 


Regarding Trump apologist Dershowitz, nice whataboutism Al- I'd suggest you stay retired.  If the Bidens and Clinton did such horrible things- their turn in court is coming. 

To repeat- you've lost it FY...  You're devolving into spewing alternate reality crap, along with the rest of the crowd here. I'll grant you Trump impeachment #1 was iffy...  However, I'm too lazy to look up how many of his pals wound up in jail after that one. Oh, Impeachment #2 was far from phony, unless you think a mob directed by Trump to "fight like hell" to "Stop the Steal" was totally ok. Mitch McConnell saved his ass by delaying the trial- and I strongly suspect he's regretting that decision now. 

MAGA!!!   Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.   :D     



Bad case of TDS here.

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18 hours ago, hoorta said:


Regarding your BOLD...  Got any proof of that?  

Danger to America? I think it's a f**king huge danger to not only us, but our allies when an unhinged loonie keeps top secret documents about nuclear capabilities  And don't try the gambit that the FBI planted those documents.

WH admits more classified docs found in Biden's Delaware garage


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