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Supreme Court rules race-based affirmative action programs are unconstitutional


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2 hours ago, Browns149 said:

It IS an accurate statement. Neither side cares about you, unless they are getting rich

You seem to be attempting a "moral equivalency" as in, "both are imperfect, so they are the same".

This a lot of nonsense.

Someone drops a cigareet butt on the sidewalk, and someone else beats up a woman and steals her purse.

Both crimes are the "same" because they are both crimes? See how silly that is?

The dem is OWNED by the left. Rarely is there an exception. A few times former dems LEFT that party because it has been

seriously and totally compromised as corrupt and a bunch of sheep who had better do what they are told.

   The republican party - you have a few who are like dems, a few who argue with everything, some who are arvidly conservative , some who are moderate, etc.

  The dems have ZERO rebels for the most part. They are groomed to be follower sheep or they don't rise in the corrupt ranks of the dem party.

They are both ....nah.

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

Are you senile or something? Your main contention was that both parties are socialist. You'll need to do a lot better than that.

They are not.

My main contention is both parties are out to get rich. It doesn’t matter how they accomplish it. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU

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3 hours ago, FY56 said:

Are you senile or something? Your main contention was that both parties are socialist. You'll need to do a lot better than that.

They are not.

Ok you're right...for the most part.

I was wrapped up in the "Obamas rage tweeting about Affirmative Action" part in that tweet....which is not indicative of ALL politicians.

I stand corrected.

HOWEVER, I don't believe ALL politicians are what you say they are. And one immediately comes to mind..Trump.

He didn't go into politics to be able to live in luxury.  Already rich and famous, didn't need the money. Didn't even take his presidential salary. He donated it. Truly passionate about making this country great. He believed he was the one that could do it. If this is what feeds his ego, then so be it. A negative characteristic that's a small price to pay, except for those with TDS like Hoorta.IMG_4391.jpeg


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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

Ok you're right...for the most part.

I was wrapped up in the "Obamas rage tweeting about Affirmative Action" part in that tweet....which is not indicative of ALL politicians.

I stand corrected.

HOWEVER, I don't believe ALL politicians are what you say they are. And one immediately comes to mind..Trump.

He didn't go into politics to be able to live in luxury.  Already rich and famous, didn't need the money. Didn't even take his presidential salary. He donated it. Truly passionate about making this country great. He believed he was the one that could do it. If this is what feeds his ego, then so be it. A negative characteristic that's a small price to pay, except for those with TDS like Hoorta.IMG_4391.jpeg


That’s because he was ALREADY rich. And he still couldn’t help himself. 

I know the people on the left and the people on the right will whine, complain, call each other’s names, and pretty much not care, or even acknowledge the other side has ANY standing AS LONG AS THE GET MONEY AND VOTES


The people we elect are only in it for themselves. When the ENTIRE country realizes that, then MAYBE things will get better. 

Screaming and yelling at each other, from one side or the other, will not accomplish ANYTHING

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10 hours ago, Browns149 said:

That’s because he was ALREADY rich. And he still couldn’t help himself. 

I know the people on the left and the people on the right will whine, complain, call each other’s names, and pretty much not care, or even acknowledge the other side has ANY standing AS LONG AS THE GET MONEY AND VOTES


The people we elect are only in it for themselves. When the ENTIRE country realizes that, then MAYBE things will get better. 

Screaming and yelling at each other, from one side or the other, will not accomplish ANYTHING

 Uh..thats what I said. They are already rich. Already living a luxurious lifestyle.

Not in it to get wealthy. 

Sure, the argument could be made that they in it to feed their egos. But that doesn't concern me if they set out to do as promised as was Trumps case.

Businessmen and CEO's who took a shot at the presidency...Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, Carly Fiorina, Herman Cain, Howard Shultz, Trump.

Take note at how Shultz's quote pretty much coincides with what you're saying.

Former Starbucks Corp (SBUX) CEO Howard Schultz is considering a run for president as a "centrist independent" in 2020.

Schultz, a self-described “lifelong Democrat,” said he wants to get into politics because U.S. politicians are no longer representing the interests of American people.
"We're living at a most fragile time," he told CBS. "Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what's necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged every single day in revenge politics."


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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

 Uh..thats what I said. They are already rich. Already living a luxurious lifestyle.

Not in it to get wealthy. 

Sure, the argument could be made that they in it to feed their egos. But that doesn't concern me if they set out to do as promised as was Trumps case.

Businessmen and CEO's who took a shot at the presidency...Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, Carly Fiorina, Herman Cain, Howard Shultz, Trump.

Take note at how Shultz's quote pretty much coincides with what you're saying.

Former Starbucks Corp (SBUX) CEO Howard Schultz is considering a run for president as a "centrist independent" in 2020.

Schultz, a self-described “lifelong Democrat,” said he wants to get into politics because U.S. politicians are no longer representing the interests of American people.
"We're living at a most fragile time," he told CBS. "Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what's necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged every single day in revenge politics."


The leaders of socialist / communist regimes or the politicians that gain power from promising socialism and equality always seem to be multi-millionaires. Of course they're in it for the money but they want the power to. One more time like Springsteen said: poor man want to be rich rich man want to be king

Let's not forget the two of the biggest preachers of the Common Man and socialism Will Rogers and Woody Guthrie were some of the richest entertainers of their day. Not to mention FDR


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12 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

The leaders of socialist / communist regimes or the politicians that gain power from promising socialism and equality always seem to be multi-millionaires. Of course they're in it for the money but they want the power to. One more time like Springsteen said: poor man want to be rich rich man want to be king

Let's not forget the two of the biggest preachers of the Common Man and socialism Will Rogers and Woody Guthrie were some of the richest entertainers of their day. Not to mention FDR



Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations. 

Decades of propaganda will do that I guess

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations.

Depends, are you referring to East or West Germany?

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12 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations. 

Decades of propaganda will do that I guess

Dumbest comment you ever made...  You have 0 clue wtf your even talking about... My Family fought Communism/Socialism on the front lines.. Meanwhile you sit there like a little jack off making fun of people who had family members die for freedom... Do us all a fucking favor... Go live in Venezuela.. Go eat stale bread out of slimy green garbage bin... You're the one swilling down the socialist garbage down your throat because your too stupid to think for yourself...  You're nothing but a little commie troll...

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations. 

Decades of propaganda will do that I guess

I would say that everybody's understanding of socialism is fucked up including the europeans. I'm not sure that pure socialism or fascism or capitalism or democracy or anything else exists or ever existed in the real world.


PS am I incorrect or did you once oppose racial preferences, preferring financial preferences in admissions as far as affirmative action?

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7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations. 

Decades of propaganda will do that I guess

Because you learned all about socialism from your guy Bernie Sanders.  Talk about a cult following.

Socialism always fails because it was never used properly. Isn't that the common narrative you guys use?

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You are all against legacy admissions too, correct?

This has white supremacy stupidity written all over it.

If graduates want a legacy, they can go use the racquetball court still.

Admittance should be based on character and academics, not skin color, gender or legacy.

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8 hours ago, nickers said:

Dumbest comment you ever made...  You have 0 clue wtf your even talking about... My Family fought Communism/Socialism on the front lines.. Meanwhile you sit there like a little jack off making fun of people who had family members die for freedom... Do us all a fucking favor... Go live in Venezuela.. Go eat stale bread out of slimy green garbage bin... You're the one swilling down the socialist garbage down your throat because your too stupid to think for yourself...  You're nothing but a little commie troll...

I said nothing about communism you old pedo 

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43 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I said nothing about communism you old pedo 

Shove it up your fag kunt GROOMER!

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations. 

Decades of propaganda will do that I guess

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Most people don't really want the truth They just want reassurance that elievesthe ruth.'

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15 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Our country's understanding of socialism is pretty laughable. Especially compared to European nations. 

Decades of propaganda will do that I guess

so, you are saying garbage that means nothing legitimate.

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But Cal, you're just not understanding. It's all propaganda.

Hell, I don't even know if Woody is for or against socialism because he never says anything meaningful. He watches his propaganda channels and gets brainwashed, but when it comes time to debate he can't cause even he knows it all sounds silly.

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9 minutes ago, Jax said:

But Cal, you're just not understanding. It's all propaganda.

Hell, I don't even know if Woody is for or against socialism because he never says anything meaningful. He watches his propaganda channels and gets brainwashed, but when it comes time to debate he can't cause even he knows it all sounds silly.


So true. Doesn't take a stand on a lot of issues. He only takes shots.

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

But Cal, you're just not understanding. It's all propaganda.

Hell, I don't even know if Woody is for or against socialism because he never says anything meaningful. He watches his propaganda channels and gets brainwashed, but when it comes time to debate he can't cause even he knows it all sounds silly.


1 hour ago, FY56 said:


So true. Doesn't take a stand on a lot of issues. He only takes shots.

Jax, I have, many times. And there's almost no way you're a new poster, so you've seen it. After years of posting and just getting brainwashed, delusional, far right wing raging back... not exactly worth it anymore to give a detailed response. Maybe now and then. But most of the time none of you are worth it. For what? To get called a pedo or groomer? To have cal respond with a woodpecker cartoon. Or a fucking copy and pasted Google search like he's some intellectual genius???? Yeah, none of you in his typical crowd are worth it. 


Gorka, same as everything above, except you also just clearly need a friend or some kind of social interaction. Your desperation to get me to constantly respond is a little much...

But here, you're clearly lonely, and I've got a minute. 


We need to subsidize college tuition. Whether that's just free community college (and trade school) or whether that extends to some state school benefit, I'm not sure. 

We need to subsidize / provide free healthcare as well. It's wild that one of the top, if not they top, causes of bankruptcy is medical expenses. You have bad health or a bad accident and your life could be completely screwed. If you're laid off at the time, even better chance. 

Both items that, if made more readily available, improve our society as a whole. We're better off with an educated and healthy country. 

But, even though these items are commonplace around the developed world, morons in this country will shout "socialism!" (Or even more ignorantly, communism) when they hear it. We have a toxic relationship with "rugged individualism" and "American exceptionalism". For all of the good those ideals brought us throughout our history, it's done plenty of damage too. This is all while we use taxes for plenty of other public services and no one bats an eye. Or, your taxes pay for roads??? Socialism!!!

Instead we choose to through excessive amounts of money in wasteful military spending (another hilarious bit of hypocrisy, complaining the government of inefficient with money but then suspiciously never mentioning the military, our biggest expense) and watch the wealth gap in this country continue to increase. How exactly? Wealthy billionaires backing conservative (mostly) politicians that tease and pander the simple minded, ignorant masses with "trans is coming for you kids! vote for me!" while taking cash from that billionaire. Why? Does the politician or the billionaire actually care about trans people? No. Of course not. They aren't morons. They're in office to pass laws to reduce billionaires taxes, protect tax loopholes, reduce regulation, etc. Anything to keep the rich, rich. All while you fucking stupid morons think that politician gives a flying fuck about you or the working class. 

Fucking ignorant


I support plenty of things you dipshits would yell socialism about but would be considered pretty moderate in other developed nations. 

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Jax, I have, many times. And there's almost no way you're a new poster, so you've seen it. After years of posting and just getting brainwashed, delusional, far right wing raging back... not exactly worth it anymore to give a detailed response. Maybe now and then. But most of the time none of you are worth it. For what? To get called a pedo or groomer? To have cal respond with a woodpecker cartoon. Or a fucking copy and pasted Google search like he's some intellectual genius???? Yeah, none of you in his typical crowd are worth it. 


Gorka, same as everything above, except you also just clearly need a friend or some kind of social interaction. Your desperation to get me to constantly respond is a little much...

But here, you're clearly lonely, and I've got a minute. 


We need to subsidize college tuition. Whether that's just free community college (and trade school) or whether that extends to some state school benefit, I'm not sure. 

We need to subsidize / provide free healthcare as well. It's wild that one of the top, if not they top, causes of bankruptcy is medical expenses. You have bad health or a bad accident and your life could be completely screwed. If you're laid off at the time, even better chance. 

Both items that, if made more readily available, improve our society as a whole. We're better off with an educated and healthy country. 

But, even though these items are commonplace around the developed world, morons in this country will shout "socialism!" (Or even more ignorantly, communism) when they hear it. We have a toxic relationship with "rugged individualism" and "American exceptionalism". For all of the good those ideals brought us throughout our history, it's done plenty of damage too. This is all while we use taxes for plenty of other public services and no one bats an eye. Or, your taxes pay for roads??? Socialism!!!

Instead we choose to through excessive amounts of money in wasteful military spending (another hilarious bit of hypocrisy, complaining the government of inefficient with money but then suspiciously never mentioning the military, our biggest expense) and watch the wealth gap in this country continue to increase. How exactly? Wealthy billionaires backing conservative (mostly) politicians that tease and pander the simple minded, ignorant masses with "trans is coming for you kids! vote for me!" while taking cash from that billionaire. Why? Does the politician or the billionaire actually care about trans people? No. Of course not. They aren't morons. They're in office to pass laws to reduce billionaires taxes, protect tax loopholes, reduce regulation, etc. Anything to keep the rich, rich. All while you fucking stupid morons think that politician gives a flying fuck about you or the working class. 

Fucking ignorant


I support plenty of things you dipshits would yell socialism about but would be considered pretty moderate in other developed nations. 


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