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The National Weather Service tells the truth - it contradicts the mmgw lie.


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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

No no no

Conservatives are already on the train of calling this a Chinese space laser. You need to keep up with your team's ridiculous conspiracies. 

Blaming Obama is so... well... based on Cal's posts it'll never go out of style. But it's all about China and space lasers now. 

Don't be stupid now and deflect about lasers.

No one is blaming Obama directly, but it appears he did have a hand in promoting or hiring incompetent people in places that get people hurt because of their ideology.

He did more damage than the climate wackos theory of global warming.

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Awwwwe, Cal, did you have a little tantrum?I'm sorry you got proved wrong little buddy. It's ok. Stop crying. Take a deep breath. It'll be ok. Now now. That's no way to react when you're proven completely wrong. 

I was just having fun. I liked those, so I posted them. Most of us have been right about mmgw being a fraud. You and shep stand out as two of the most emotional knee jerkwagons on the issue.

A. Name one climate apocalypse predication that ever came true. You have been challenged this many times now, and you keep failing and flailing.

B. Your organizations make $$$$$$$$$$$$ to consistently support the fraud. This is obvious to smart observers because the un, ipcc etc have been known to squelch every report and study that contradicts them. Your mmgw "science" is all about censorship. That makes sense to you, it figures.

C. Over the years, many EXPERTS have dissed the mmgw hysteria. Some blackballed, all of them UNfunded, and their reports censored. Why would that be, if mmgw was actually a reality?

D. "D" stands for dumbass woodpecker. You never learn anything. Here's I'll give you several links you can ignore - so you can't simply and ignorantly knee jerkbeak and ignore just one:

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Most of us don't say stuff without having REASONS for our opinions.

You blurt out garbage and personal attacks and your "opinions" rarely have any kind of

legitimate support of experiences or reading articles or references to experts in the field.

So, about my contention that pro-mmgw gets censored:

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yeah. pro-mmgw OWN THE SCIENCE. They teamed up with google to help them control what

was "science".

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speaking just for me, that stuff is why I have always felt like I do.

woodpecker - you don't back up why you blather and peck and squawk.

Back it up or squawk yourself.


so, in conclusion - you do NOT "own the science", beak boy.

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More spam

More copy and pasted Google searches

Still avoiding that you were proven wrong 





(When you go full spam mode it is the most obvious sign you got proven wrong and have nothing btw. Not that it is anything that impressive for me, you aren't very bright. But damn if it isn't hilarious)

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7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I am a sissy bird, and I squawk and pretend I am superior to all other people except for those who hate like I do.

yes, you didn't read any of those links. You cherry pick your fake reality, and can't justify any of your feeble, sissy, self-serving assertions.

You lose every discussion. Glaring ignorance is the problem you have.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

yes, you didn't read any of those links. You cherry pick your fake reality, and can't justify any of your feeble, sissy, self-serving assertions.

You lose every discussion. Glaring ignorance is the problem you have.

Cal, you spammed 13 posts. Like a child having a tantrum. 

You got called out, and returned with 5 more spam posts. I don't have the time or the desire to read every article you post that's just you googling and blindly pasting the results. 



You though oil companies didn't start the personal responsibility movement. You doubled down. I proved you wrong. And you threw a tantrum. 

End of story. 

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Joe Rogan Blasts the Left’s Obsession With Climate Change: ‘You’re Not Saving Jack Sh*t!’

During the August 16 edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe Rogan and former CIA officer Mike Baker drew attention to the climate radicalism roiling the West. Rogan did not mince his words when referring to “climate change” alarmism. “You’re not saving jack sh*t,” Rogan bluntly said, referring to “climate change” activists.


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2 hours ago, Jax said:


Joe Rogan Blasts the Left’s Obsession With Climate Change: ‘You’re Not Saving Jack Sh*t!’

During the August 16 edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe Rogan and former CIA officer Mike Baker drew attention to the climate radicalism roiling the West. Rogan did not mince his words when referring to “climate change” alarmism. “You’re not saving jack sh*t,” Rogan bluntly said, referring to “climate change” activists.



Your response to multiple posts from creditable sources including peer viewed studies is a post from the gatewaypundit about a pod caster. Non Cheetos Jesus, you nut jobs and your bloggers.

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
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MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


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you ANGRY, woodypeckerhead?

It is my thread. I said I thought the cartoons were funny.

I'll post funny stuff if I want to.

You didn't call me out on anything, you're a liar.

Like "I don't have time" nonsense. You are on the forum so much

during your "job"....how is that?

I didn't doubt oil co's nothing.

The national and state gun orgs are ALL ABOUT responsibility, stupid.

I started the thread, and you diverted off with a lie about lasers etc,

and then oil company personal responsibility stuff.

you squawk out diversions every time.

The National Weather service shows that you are completely bogus in your stupid mmgw crap.

The National Weather service is NOT AN OIL COMPANY. You change the subject all the time because you

can't dispute the subject of the thread, because you are a doofus bird.

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So, stupid woodpecker:

what does the laser thing and oil companies say personal repsonbility etc etc,

have to do with this subject of the thread I started?

The National Weather Service tells the truth - it contradicts the mmgw lie.

You aren't gaining a bit of respect around here for bs lies and slurs and straw men. You are just a peckerhead. It's kinda funny, kinda sad.

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

The spamming continues.

“The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.” - Baby Cow's hero.

You lefties always accuse others for your very own actions.

You have yet to detail how climate change could have impacted this tragedy. Links to charts about how the weather warmed up one day doesn't have shit to do with this.

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"Governor Green told “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan that climate change amplified the cost of human error with the wildfire response.

“Are you saying that climate change amplified the cost of human error?” Margaret Brennan asked governor Green. “Yes, it did,” Green said."

Ignore the fact it was actually amplified, if by anything,  by an incompetent deputy director that wanted to dictate how the water used for fighting the fire was being distributed. In which case he sat on his hands for hours.

It's plain to see here that climate change had zero to do with this fire in any way. Yet, here's a Democrat stooge towing the line of a lie out in plain sight for the world to see.

What's interesting are the other climate and lefty sheep following right in line, how embarrassing.

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you ANGRY, woodypeckerhead?

It is my thread. I said I thought the cartoons were funny.

I'll post funny stuff if I want to.

You didn't call me out on anything, you're a liar.

Like "I don't have time" nonsense. You are on the forum so much

during your "job"....how is that?

I didn't doubt oil co's nothing.

The national and state gun orgs are ALL ABOUT responsibility, stupid.

I started the thread, and you diverted off with a lie about lasers etc,

and then oil company personal responsibility stuff.

you squawk out diversions every time.

The National Weather service shows that you are completely bogus in your stupid mmgw crap.

The National Weather service is NOT AN OIL COMPANY. You change the subject all the time because you

can't dispute the subject of the thread, because you are a doofus bird.

You're clearly having another tantrum

You clearly had one before


You didn't think oil companies pushed the personal responsibility angle. You posted as much. 

Are you admitting now you were wrong?

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2 hours ago, Jax said:


"Governor Green told “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan that climate change amplified the cost of human error with the wildfire response.

“Are you saying that climate change amplified the cost of human error?” Margaret Brennan asked governor Green. “Yes, it did,” Green said."

Ignore the fact it was actually amplified, if by anything,  by an incompetent deputy director that wanted to dictate how the water used for fighting the fire was being distributed. In which case he sat on his hands for hours.

It's plain to see here that climate change had zero to do with this fire in any way. Yet, here's a Democrat stooge towing the line of a lie out in plain sight for the world to see.

What's interesting are the other climate and lefty sheep following right in line, how embarrassing.

So you really frequent the gateway pundit huh? Yikes. 

Right wingers are just getting more unhinged from reality 

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So you really frequent the gateway pundit huh? Yikes. 

Right wingers are just getting more unhinged from reality 

well, I guess it's no surprise you pretend to believe your bs - you pretend to believe that the murder and torture of born and unborn children is fine, the sexual abuse and slavery of young children is fine, illegal immigration by rapists murders, future terrorists from china, etc etc etc is fine, leftwing political persecutions are fine, a fake 67 "genders" is fine.

   So, what are you really trying to let us know?

that you're a transbird?

ah, silly me, I thought I invented that, too.

Squawk on if you must, korimako woodpecker:


The Maori name for the bird is "korimako," though the researchers are calling this one a "butch bellbird.". It's the first species that researchers have ever discovered showing a ...
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