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The DEM senate goes to have states get border wall equipment to continue the wall. biden backdoors to stop them.


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Why is it that not one lefty weasel around here is against illegal immigaration?

EVEN the senate wants to try to fix it.

Underhanded joe biden's radical dumbass handers got him to

sell off that equipment to keep the senate from getting it to the states.

I mean, what the.....????


Biden Makes Truly Sneaky and Petty Move on Border Wall to Thwart GOP

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after the tragedy of biden's Afghanistan traitorous move, illegal immigrant violent crime, their fight to be allowed to murder and torture born and unborn children, their blind eye to sex trafficking and drug cartels invading, all those military age men illegally invading our America, etc etc etc etc.......

more and mor blood on the hands of every single voter who voted for all of it to happen.

because the social media and leftwing news media made hating Pres Trump and America First popular.

Similar to those germans who happily pretended that the horrors of concentration camps was not happening.

Until they found out the truth right in their face when they went there to help clean up.

Tragically - the correlation between why germans joined the nazis...is very similar to why people deliberately

join the leftwing political bigot/murder and torture born and unborn children and weaponize our gov against us....

they will sell out all of America for free stuff, a free ride, and personal power gain.

Read up on why soros happily turned in other Jews to the nazis. Personal gain.


"By far the majority of the 10 million Germans who joined the NSDAP between 1919 and 1945 did so after 1933. Many of them joined the party out of opportunism and for personal gain rather than for ideological reasons. "

"What attracted many people was the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft (“national community”), a concept that was often combined with anti-capitalism. Incidentally, this is particularly true of the anti-Semites among the NSDAP’s members, who often shared socialist ideas as well. “It may also seem surprising that the anti-Semites among the party members we studied were often socialist in outlook,” Falter writes. The roots of the links between Volksgemeinschaft, socialism, and hostility toward Jews can be found in anti-capitalism, as Hannah Weber writes in her highly readable chapter on “Anti-Semitism as a Motive for Joining the Party.”"

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