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Israel's Elite Unit rescues 250 hostages, "neutralizes" 60 hamas terrorists


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That is impressive !


IDF's Flotilla 13 Elite Unit Rescues 250 Israeli Hostages, 'Neutralizes' 60 Hamas Terrorists

"60+ Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were apprehended—including Muhammad Abu A'ali the Deputy Commander of the Hamas southern Naval Division."

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6 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

That is impressive !


IDF's Flotilla 13 Elite Unit Rescues 250 Israeli Hostages, 'Neutralizes' 60 Hamas Terrorists

"60+ Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were apprehended—including Muhammad Abu A'ali the Deputy Commander of the Hamas southern Naval Division."

I'm not terribly surprised. I had occasion to meet some IDF fellows back around 2004 when I was active in the air force and those guys were squared the fuck away. I guess being forced to always be ready to fight to the death for you and everyone you knows survival forces professionalism. 

I'm not doing favoritism when I say I don't like the chances of the entire combined Arab forces if they ever go head to head with the IDF. They probably don't either which is why guerilla attacks and terrorism are what they practice. 

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The Hamas was no match for an intrepid 25-year-old Israeli woman — who saved an entire kibbutz from harm by leading a group of residents to kill more than two dozen advancing terrorists, including five she slaughtered herself.

Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am since December 2022, heard explosions early Saturday, when the terrorists launched their unprecedented attack on the Jewish state, according to Walla News.

She realized that the sounds were different than those heard during the usual rocket attacks on the kibbutz — located near Sderot and a stone’s throw from the Gaza Strip.

So Lieberman rushed to open the armory, distributed guns to the 12-member security team and coordinated their decisive response amid the unfolding attack.

She placed her squad of kibbutzniks in strategic positions across the settlement and set up ambushes that caught the gunmen off guard and turned the tables on them during their mission to inflict mass casualties.

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