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Finally we know who is responsible for Jan 6th!


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well, whoreta, you have attacked and insulted several other posters, it's on you alone, fanny.

Plenty of liberal experts have said the charges in Ga and dc are bogus.

real estate EXPERTS say the dc charges are fake.

Your liver must hate you.



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13 hours ago, hoorta said:

Whataboutism at it's finest...  Joe needs to head off to a retirement facility too...  However, to his credit, he's never claimed to wanting to be a DICTATOR...  Don't make me go the cj route and post it for your warped brain.  


More whataboutism. Go suck a Frostie. Care to bet me Habba-babba is going to get disbarred before Fani? Rudy Patootie certainly will. :)  Maybe you need to get a refresher course in how criminal and civil proceedings work Cal...  Those "fake" charges were presented to a Grand Jury, who decided that there was enough evidence to CHARGE your Mango Messiah with criminal activity. I only need  LOL, just find me around 11,00 fake votes Brad.  It's on tape. But that's not what I meant!!    https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/fact-check-trumps-georgia-call-raffensperger

So now the entire American judicial system is fake, and is only out to get Trump? 91 felony counts Cal- deal with it. FWIW, they have him dead to rights in the classified documents case- he'll only get off on that one if his lackey judge lets him.  

Of course, I realize you'd rather believe QAnon, Patriot Alerts, NewsMax, OAN or something similar.   :D :D :D 

BTW, your repeated personal insults are just what I'd expect from someone who needs to head off to assisted living with much needed psychotropic medication just like your hero.  If all you have is alternate reality and ad hominum attacks, it pretty much shows you're regressing back to your childhood.   

Coming from the king of whataboutism, that’s hilarious. 😆 

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19 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

well, whoreta, you have attacked and insulted several other posters, it's on you alone, fanny.

Plenty of liberal experts have said the charges in Ga and dc are bogus.

real estate EXPERTS say the dc charges are fake.

Your liver must hate you.



Aw, keep on believing your alternate realty.  Real Estate Experts? Really... :D  A f**cking mob overran Capitol Police (not too peacefully I may add) and invaded Capitol real estate smashing doors and windows in the process, causing millions of dollars in damages. REALLY.  

Ya know Cal, stop insulting me by calling me a drunk or wino, and I'll stop calling  you a psycho. & BTW, that's not just my opinion either.  Fair enough?  

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27 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Real Estate Experts? Really..

you're a liar too, sotface. "a little friend" ? lol how convenient. Maybe you have a split personality?

You swim in egypt, and you blame everybody else because they won't stop a croc from biting you on your rear.

Dec 7, 2023Letitia James, New York's attorney general, has accused Trump, his adult sons and other company executives of manipulating the value of the company's assets to obtain more favorable loans
Mar 30, 202301:03. After securing an indictment against Donald Trump, Manhattan prosecutors still face an uphill battle to cinch a conviction — including untold public scrutiny and fighting any perception
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but, wait, Whoreta, there's more:

Apr 4, 2023Legal analysis of the charges against Trump 04:11. The Manhattan district attorney on Tuesday released a 34-count unsealed indictment against former President Donald Trump for his alleged role in ...
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Back to the original topic now we know who is really responsible for the insurrection. The answer? Nobody. The same people who are actually responsible for the Death Star coming to destroy the Earth in Star wars. It's fucking fiction idiots.

Or to give you the benefit of the doubt let's say it's whatever the Democrat Party/media's version of George Lucas might be.

Glad I could help.


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But wait, Trump lead a brutal assault against our democracy and lead an insurrection into our nations sacred capitol and tried to hang Pence and Nancy.

I don't know why he's still not in jail because it's so obvious with all the evidence they have against him trying to stop the election process.

It's disheartening they can't arrest him but at least they're listening to some bat shit crazy woman about rape that happened in public 30 years ago, or I mean 20 years ago, ahh hell it's not important as long as they nail him even if it is all made up by a bunch of corrupt crooks.

Still it's strange, even with all the attempts to get Trump for something, anything that they just don't throw him in jail for Jan6th. He's gotta be guilty of something, maybe they can arrest him for paying back a loan??

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when you have the fbi complicit in instigating Jan. 6th, the speaker refusing to allow the national guard in to make sure everything was ok with that patriotic pro Trump rally, when they persecute anyone for even being there on the street, when they track down a woman who WAS NOT EVEN THERE and fake arrest her etc etc etc ?

    Serious corrupt police state up on high.

When they they can find some woman to try to destroy a nominated man to the supreme court, even her friends said she was telling lies, her ex said she was telling lies, .....

when they try to make all Christians/Bible purchasers, all gun owners, all republicans, all pro-Trump voters, all military service men and women "enemies of the state" .... it's a police state.

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2 hours ago, Jax said:

But wait, Trump lead a brutal assault against our democracy and lead an insurrection into our nations sacred capitol and tried to hang Pence and Nancy.

I don't know why he's still not in jail because it's so obvious with all the evidence they have against him trying to stop the election process.

It's disheartening they can't arrest him but at least they're listening to some bat shit crazy woman about rape that happened in public 30 years ago, or I mean 20 years ago, ahh hell it's not important as long as they nail him even if it is all made up by a bunch of corrupt crooks.

Still it's strange, even with all the attempts to get Trump for something, anything that they just don't throw him in jail for Jan6th. He's gotta be guilty of something, maybe they can arrest him for paying back a loan??

Pretty sure he has been indicted from it. You guys already forget? I know it's hard to keep track of all the crimes your lord and savior has been charges with, but at least put in a little effect.

Criminal proceedings in the January 6 United States Capitol attack - Wikipedia

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Pretty sure he has been indicted from it. You guys already forget? I know it's hard to keep track of all the crimes your lord and savior has been charges with, but at least put in a little effect.

Criminal proceedings in the January 6 United States Capitol attack - Wikipedia

But for as serious as that was, in holding Americans hostage and abusing them with no due process, why isn't Trump in jail over it??

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2 hours ago, Jax said:

But for as serious as that was, in holding Americans hostage and abusing them with no due process, why isn't Trump in jail over it??

Because if they jailed , or killed him.. They would make a Martyr out of him.. It's the last thing the Demonrats want America to see ...

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30 minutes ago, nickers said:

Because if they jailed , or killed him.. They would make a Martyr out of him.. It's the last thing the Demonrats want America to see ...

at this point, I wouldn't put it past the likes of clapper and brennan, and strzok, etc etc....

to actually consider it. Seriously. It's like the "Shooter" movie and series....

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I mean, GOP chair in Arizona tried to bribe kari Lake to stay out of politics - along with "very powerful people back east"...

serious times.


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20 hours ago, Jax said:

But for as serious as that was, in holding Americans hostage and abusing them with no due process, why isn't Trump in jail over it??

The reason Cheetos is not in jail is "due process". Did you forget he is out on bond? (in four places, btw) The reason the convicted criminals are in jail because they got their due process and were found guilty. Most admitted guilt.

You know, like this asshole.

Proud Boys member sentenced to 6 years in prison for Capitol riot role after berating judge (yahoo.com)

Non Cheetos Jesus. MAGA the stupidity cult in modern history.



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6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

The reason Cheetos is not in jail is "due process". Did you forget he is out on bond? (in four places, btw) The reason the convicted criminals are in jail because they got their due process and were found guilty. Most admitted guilt.

You know, like this asshole.

Proud Boys member sentenced to 6 years in prison for Capitol riot role after berating judge (yahoo.com)

Non Cheetos Jesus. MAGA the stupidity cult in modern history.



Spoken by the dumbest demoquack in history...

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14 hours ago, cccjwh said:

The reason Cheetos is not in jail is "due process". Did you forget he is out on bond? (in four places, btw) The reason the convicted criminals are in jail because they got their due process and were found guilty. Most admitted guilt.

You know, like this asshole.

Proud Boys member sentenced to 6 years in prison for Capitol riot role after berating judge (yahoo.com)

Non Cheetos Jesus. MAGA the stupidity cult in modern history.



We'll go with that until you find out he's the President again.

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