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ObaMao judge says illegals can own GUNS

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sure, and they can vote, too - like they are "real" citizens?

watch for it - (while they keep trying to disarm all of us actual American citizens....)


Obama Judge Rules Illegal Aliens Have the Right to Own Guns

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20 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

sure, and they can vote, too - like they are "real" citizens?

watch for it - (while they keep trying to disarm all of us actual American citizens....)


Obama Judge Rules Illegal Aliens Have the Right to Own Guns

Hey cccp, I'm gonna borrow some of your warped logic....this must mean liberals really don't care about gin violence and murders.

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42 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

The US Constitution gives rights to everyone on US soil. Didn't any of you morons take a civic class?


Constitution carry, bitches! "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."




See there, you faggots really don't care about gun violence.

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47 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

The US Constitution gives rights to everyone on US soil. Didn't any of you morons take a civic class?


Constitution carry, bitches! "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."




  1. Arizona bill would allow property owners to shoot and kill immigrants trespassing to enter country illegally
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53 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

The US Constitution gives rights to everyone on US soil. Didn't any of you morons take a civic class?


Constitution carry, bitches! "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."




Illegal immigrant mass shooting suspect arrested



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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

Hey cccp, I'm gonna borrow some of your warped logic....this must mean liberals really don't care about gin violence and murders.

Hmm... I wonder how the background checks are going to be done?

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11 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Is this not a good thing? More guns = more safe, right? 


I wonder what's different about these people owning guns and the other people Cal wants to own guns.... Hmmm....

Hmm... I wonder how the background checks are going to be done?

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28 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Is this not a good thing? More guns = more safe, right? 


I wonder what's different about these people owning guns and the other people Cal wants to own guns.... Hmmm....

I’ll bet they’re sneaking in those nasty AR-15’s along with the fentanyl.

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44 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Is this not a good thing? More guns = more safe, right? 


I wonder what's different about these people owning guns and the other people Cal wants to own guns.... Hmmm....

No not really. You're just being facetious.

More guns in the inner city among black and Latino...not safe

More guns everywhere else a different story.

I'm not sure Cal was ever against keeping guns out of the wrong hands. But he'd have to clarify that.

  • Gun Violence Disproportionately and Overwhelmingly Hurts Communities of Color
  • 60 percent of gun deaths among Hispanic and Latino people are gun homicides.
  • \7

That means no guns for illegals.

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56 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Is this not a good thing? More guns = more safe, right?

I wonder what's different about these people owning guns and the other people Cal wants to own guns.... Hmmm....

right now, all gun buyers (except private transactions - can't have gun registration) are vetted.

your damn ILLEGALS are already UNvetted and UNsafe across the board, since we don't know who your rapists, murderers, torturers, etc are.

You can't possibly equate the two without being the biggest woodpecker ass on this forum.

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17 minutes ago, FY56 said:

I'm not sure Cal was ever against keeping guns out of the wrong hands.

oh, come on. I've always been fine with background checks. Illegals don't get background checked even for entering illegally.

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

No not really. You're just being facetious.

More guns in the inner city among black and Latino...not safe

More guns everywhere else a different story.

I'm not sure Cal was ever against keeping guns out of the wrong hands. But he'd have to clarify that.

  • Gun Violence Disproportionately and Overwhelmingly Hurts Communities of Color
  • 60 percent of gun deaths among Hispanic and Latino people are gun homicides.
  • \7

That means no guns for illegals.

Sorry 2nd Amendment. Doesn't say anything about citizens, just people. Why are you trying to take people's guns away?



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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

You absolutely are not for anything that would make it harder for anyone to get a gun. 

You're just for making it harder for "certain people" to get guns



What happened to Constitutional rights?!

I wonder how the background checks are going to be done?

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37 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Sorry 2nd Amendment. Doesn't say anything about citizens, just people. Why are you trying to take people's guns away?



I wonder how the background checks are going to be done?

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44 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Sorry 2nd Amendment. Doesn't say anything about citizens, just people. Why are you trying to take people's guns away?



'The people' dipshit, meaning US citizens. Stop pretending you two dumbasses know anything.

Stop being stupid by trying to infer race is the only reason illegal invaders shouldn't have guns. Dumbass cult

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6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Sorry 2nd Amendment. Doesn't say anything about citizens, just people. Why are you trying to take people's guns away?

And I suppose yelling "fire" in a crowded auditorium takes your right of freedom of speech away.

 In the Gun Control Act, Congress established statutory prohibitions on firearm possession by certain persons, including certain categories of non-citizens, and the amendments in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to the GCA did not change those categories,” Michael said.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 excludes multiple categories of people from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition, including fugitives, illegal aliens, and anyone who has renounced their U.S. citizenship, among others, according to the ATF’s website.


Factcheck: People in Country Illegally Cannot Own Guns (ncja.org)

Liberal morons.

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You absolutely are not for anything that would make it harder for anyone to get a gun. 

You're just for making it harder for "certain people" to get guns



What happened to Constitutional rights?!

Illegals dummy, illegals.

Sometimes you try too hard making everything Cal puts up look absurd.


Factcheck: People in Country Illegally Cannot Own Guns (ncja.org)

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6 hours ago, Jax said:

'The people' dipshit, meaning US citizens. Stop pretending you two dumbasses know anything.

Stop being stupid by trying to infer race is the only reason illegal invaders shouldn't have guns. Dumbass cult

Sorry, that is not what it means. Try again. Just like due process, everyone on US soil gets it. Why do you hate the Constitution so much? I see why you support a moron that wants to terminate it.


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12 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Sorry the Constitution trumps federal laws. We do you want to take everyone guns? More guns = more safety. Been hearing it for years. 


Sorry but it does not idiot. You cant yell fire in a crowded auditorium under freedom of speech you troll.

Why do you want to kill black babies? 

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You absolutely are not for anything that would make it harder for anyone to get a gun. 

You're just for making it harder for "certain people" to get guns



What happened to Constitutional rights?!

well, that isn't all that dishonest a question. My opinion - "We the People" are CITIZENS of the United States.

Not invaders. They broke the law to even get here. They are NOT welcomed individuals, with green cards, visas, etc.

Now, I'm no legal beagle, and illegals have certain protections to be treated fairly. It's FAIR to prosecute them for entering our country ILLEGALLY, especially after committing felonies, (which a repeated illegal entry should be a felony), ...

    Somebody high up should appoint me to a federal judgeship. I don't know much about the law, but that doesn't stop Justice Jackson, da willis, and the nasty ho in NY etc. so there's that......

Back to my point:


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

--Preamble to the United States Constitution"

Illegals are not "of the United States", therefore our Constitution does not apply to them. So our Bill of Rights only applies to people OF THE UNITED STATES.

Not illegals. Why is that so tough for lawyers and judges to understand ?


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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

well, that isn't all that dishonest a question. My opinion - "We the People" are CITIZENS of the United States.

Not invaders. They broke the law to even get here. They are NOT welcomed individuals, with green cards, visas, etc.

Now, I'm no legal beagle, and illegals have certain protections to be treated fairly. It's FAIR to prosecute them for entering our country ILLEGALLY, especially after committing felonies, (which a repeated illegal entry should be a felony), ...

    Somebody high up should appoint me to a federal judgeship. I don't know much about the law, but that doesn't stop Justice Jackson, da willis, and the nasty ho in NY etc. so there's that......

Back to my point:


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

--Preamble to the United States Constitution"

Illegals are not "of the United States", therefore our Constitution does not apply to them. So our Bill of Rights only applies to people OF THE UNITED STATES.

Not illegals. Why is that so tough for lawyers and judges to understand ?


"Nasty ho"

You couldn't blow that whistle any louder


Better than you calling every female you disagree with a "slut" I guess

You really were born to early and missed your calling as an internet alt right incel

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8 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

"Nasty ho"You couldn't blow that whistle any louderBetter than you calling every female you disagree with a "slut" I guessYou really were born to early and missed your calling as an internet alt right incel

 Whats her name? - I have zero respect for her as a human being. and the judge is worse.

Say her name, Woody. Your leftwing political love for illegals demands an admission of guilt.

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

 Whats her name? - I have zero respect for her as a human being. and the judge is worse.

Say her name, Woody. Your leftwing political love for illegals demands an admission of guilt.

Nothing more respectful than ranting and screeching "say her name" so you can use her death as some transparent political tool to "own the libs"



Seriously, go fuck yourself you sad old man. You're pathetic 

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