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Move the Browns


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For all you experts that say Lerner cannot move the Browns think again. No one thought that Model would move the Browns, but he did. As far as the 30 year contract is concerned, that can very easily be broken. If he has the desire to move the team, you will not be able to stop it.

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For all you experts that say Lerner cannot move the Browns think again. No one thought that Model would move the Browns, but he did. As far as the 30 year contract is concerned, that can very easily be broken. If he has the desire to move the team, you will not be able to stop it.



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Care to make a wager Moron? Maybe you don't remember the sin tax, maybe you don't remember Cuyahoga county and it's tax payers building the stadium, maybe you don't remember that in the legislation to build a new stadium were guarantors and stipulations that "if we build it they won't go"...We are guaranteed the Browns "IN CLEVELAND till atleast 2029 at the very very very least! NO WAY ON EARTH THEY MOVE TIL THEN...sorry ( FAIL)

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For all you experts that say Lerner cannot move the Browns think again. No one thought that Model would move the Browns, but he did. As far as the 30 year contract is concerned, that can very easily be broken. If he has the desire to move the team, you will not be able to stop it.


The league would never approve it. Never

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I wouldn't get too worked up over some goof talking about the team moving.


Anything can be done if you pull the right strings, but it isn't happening, so don't worry.


not in this case....legally can't move the Browns until 2029. I wonder how much sin tax they've made since 99' and it hasn't been repealled...billions I bet!


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not in this case....legally can't move the Browns until 2029. I wonder how much sin tax they've made since 99' and it hasn't been repealled...billions I bet!


Probably not billions...and never say never...there is always a remedy to a legal issue.


It may not be easy, or cheap, but any lease can be broken if someone is willing to bite the bullet.


But as I said...I agree...it isn't happening no matter what reasoning we want to apply.


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It's isn't just the lease , it's the sin tax (and i bet billions).... a dollar for every pack of smokes and every six pack...for 11 years....the stadium well paid for....it's truly gross that once "they" have a tax in place...historically it'll never go away!

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Amazing----Heard these same comments just before Model moved the team to Baltimore. When you say "Never" you leave yourself wide open when and if they do leave. If Lerner wants to move the team he will, and there is no way you can stop him.

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Amazing----Heard these same comments just before Model moved the team to Baltimore. When you say "Never" you leave yourself wide open when and if they do leave. If Lerner wants to move the team he will, and there is no way you can stop him.


Hey B&G, F**ck off and go root for f&@988 BUFFALO!

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One thing you learn after awhile is "never say never". That being said, this dick head is just in here saying some dumb ass comment. Don't let "it" get to you. Lerner won't move the team. But in 50 years or so, who knows. (2012 the earth is ending anyway).

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Where in bleeping hell do you think the Browns could move to that would be better than Cleveland? Los Angeles? That is the ONLY market in the USA bigger than Cleveland that doesn't have an NFL team, and they don't care about football out there. Besides, Randy Lerner has ALL the revenue stream he can possibly have from an NFL team, he rakes in the dough. That is why the Browns have a higher value than many teams in larger markets. Unless he does something like Jerry Jones and builds a 110,000 seat dome stadium with massive luxury boxes, Lerner has about as good a revenue stream as any NFL team. Despite the Browns performing so poor on the field compared to say, the Steelers, the Browns are still a more valuable commodity than them because of the deal Lerner gets. All he needs to do is put a winning team on the field.

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For all you experts that say Lerner cannot move the Browns think again. No one thought that Model would move the Browns, but he did. As far as the 30 year contract is concerned, that can very easily be broken. If he has the desire to move the team, you will not be able to stop it.


4 posts? stupid trolls are stupid.

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