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Sarah Palin's book is going BIG


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Will Sarah Palin split the Republican base and allow the Obama another term in office?



Not her personally but there will be a few "conservattives" who will rock the boat and cost the party some elections.

I'd be surprised of a viable third party runs for president though.

Obama's own stupidity and lack of leadership will be the key.

If the economy is lukewarm and he's passed out enough free shit to the masses he may hang on.

Especially since the lefties are all war hawks now.


BTW but even if she did, that just underscores the foolishness of party allegiance.


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I don't really look for her to run for anything - but she can enjoy her life very much as a Fox News contributor, like Dick Morris does a lot.


I look more for some young Reps to step up and give our country a new face to listen to and believe in. McCain was nearly the last candidate


I thought for running in the last election, which got the Dems gleeful until he picked Palin. Then they had to worry, and that ticked them off.


Most of America is AGAINST the capntaxyerbutteveryway and AGAINST the hc bill as it stands now, and AGAINST ACORN and SEIU and that ilk,


and via the climategate fiasco, Dems and Inds and Reps are falling away from thinking the fallacy about man made global warming.



Americans will see to it, that the pendulum will swing back the other direction. We're badly off course.


Obamao promised to right the ship right on course, and instead, we are heading for an iceberg with no choice but to swing back right to avoid it


or we all go down into the cold, deadly waters of socialism, economic despair, and curtailed freedom in our everyday, private lives.


Hey, I really like that.... write that down !

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