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PoeticG last won the day on July 7 2022

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About PoeticG

  • Birthday 01/07/1982

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    Alliance, Ohio
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    I like playing football. Coaching my kids. Training and working hard. Sweating and getting dirty. Relaxing and playing videogames. Barbequeing and camping. Writing poems and Freestyling for hours. Creating inventions, products and franchises. Watching documentaries about ancient times and civilizations. Talking with strangers and posting about The Cleveland Browns.

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  1. Baker is my guy and it tares me apart that he gone gone but to be fair; I can't blame Watson for Berry, Haslam and Stefanskis lack of loyalty, wishy washyness or plain stupidity. To be fair Watson turned them down originally until they dangled the keys to the city and the future in front of his face. A little bit is on him because he should know or should have factored in that a contract of that magnitude will inevitably create voids at other positions that could have been more fortified had his contract been more team friendly. He no doubt must play better to validate that kind of a contract but it is what it is and there's no going back now; so I will reserve judgement it on him in time. I wouldn't say he not a pocket passer. I think he is good to very good. I think he's better than Lamar Jackson just not as fast or quick. Like he can move and he's pretty evasive but that's the double edge part of the sword that cuts both ways. Where Baker knows he's not outrunning so he's got to be perfect in the pocket to have succes whereas Watson has enough speed to get out of some situations, but not all. He does do a great jobs of getting his eyes back down field while he's moving around. His awareness of just running and getting what he can and getting down, avoiding the hits and glancing blows when it's not necessary. The facemask shenanigans I addressed in the GameDay thread. I think he's got to be aware of the types of games the Steelers play but that will come rather quickly. Hopefully next time he plants his palm on their forehead. The interception was on the TE. He had his hands on it he just bobbled it and they got a lucky break on the tipped ball. And on the strip sack that LT got toasted, and the way that jacked up roided hillbilly Watt was playing I can't fault him for never seeing that guy flying up behind him. That was a bad break for us but you seen it all night the way PIT punches at the ball and they are so lucky with the amount of times that it actually knocks the ball lose. They got Njoku the same way just before he was down. They also got despite and the think there was another time as well. Got to be aware of that aspect and it's just in the Steelers nature. It's really sickening that they have that much success doing that. Losing Chubb so early and those two fluke fumbles really is the only reason Pittsburgh was even remotely in this game... it should have been a blowout. Watson had some amazing passes out there. That WR from Dallas is as good a WR as we've ever had. But Pits got away with some grabs and PIs tonight no doubt. He should have been picked off on that deep ball but the PIT guy dropped it. I think we'll get there but don't think the Play action had the same effect without Chubb. Berry better be working on getting Hunt a deal, better yet, he better be slaving over a hot stove and greeting Hunt with some breakfast right now. It doesn't help that Baker is waking up feeling dangerous while we're here shittin the bed.
  2. I know I have a severe bias here but I actually thought that on the first one it looked like he went for a legit stiff arm to the face but one of his fingers slipped in between the bar and the helmet and it looked like he only grabbed it so it didn't rip his finger off. He did grab and pull him but he was probably legit trying to pull him through since dude wasn't pulling up. The second one was pure theatrics on the part of the Steelers player. He grabbed Watsons arm in a way the he trapped his hand against his mask, almost pulling his hand in his own mask. I just cant believe the refs fell for that bullshit. The refs should know to look for that type of behavior from known and repeated offenders benders of the rules. Watch that again and look at the way Watson is trying to get his hand back from that scab.
  3. I will say this. Although I didn't hear it at the time (sorry, the voices in my head were screaming REDRUM), the announcers said that the Thieves fans were chanting "Chubb, Chubb, Chubb". I was actually taken aback a little and it snapped me out of my psychosis. I was actually touched and for a moment I thought, maybe Sodom and Gomorrah might have some hope of being spared after all.
  4. I know it is wrong... but I can't help myself from envisioning the fantasy that it's also a quite rusty from the rampant problem of the homeless people pissing on the grill... that's septic son, we're gonna need to amputate... Sorry that's wrong... after reflecting a bit I realize that. He's such a scum bag that he probably immune to such things. Dude probably breeds MRSA.
  5. It's been a little while brother. Tonight was a tough one. 😪 That hit on Chubb got me all up in my bag of bad-bad thoughts. I heard about Saquon'sigh... injury. Then I wss thinking about Kareem and how he should have been splitting carries with Chubb and why we couldn't keep that duo together? Which reminded me they could afford to keep him because we paid Watson a three kings ransom... which then reminded me that Mayfield was 2-0 with Tampa, and that we still aren't, apparently we haven't started 2-0 since 1993, which is another infamous world record that the announcers so kindly displayed onscreen and jinxed us with their wuwu media magic. Figured I should pop in for a few before I start cutting and speaking in tongues.
  6. ..........maaaaaan.......... Prayers for Chubb. That was the worst injury I've ever seen in a game. It may be that it's magnified by the fact that it happened to such a stand up player and amplified by it coming from such a shady incestuous and disgusting team and player such as the Thieves. My only solace is in my own sick mind in which hopefully Fitzwacktrick is bleeding internally somewhere coughing up blood with so.e fractured ribs, a lacerated liver and three punctured lungs... forgive me Lord for I have sinned... I literally believe this team must be Effing CURSED. I don't know why I let myself lower my guard enough to be suckered back into this unholy torture. Lord have mercy on us all. This is pure insanity. The Cleveland Browns are the undisputed-undefeated-reigning-defending Heavyweight Gaslight Champions of the World!!! Abusing us with their incompetence that is borderline trauma based mind control since 1999. I already knew this was going to happen.. I prayed they would resign Hunt. The second I found out they let him walk I KNEW Chubb was going to get a season ending injury. Although, ya know, they actually outdid themselves and this may be career ending... it's a darn shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. It's ironic and even quite a bit tickling that the only playoff victory I can remember was won without a coach, by a QB and a RB that they just let walk away. I hope Mayfield runs the table and Kareem tells them to pound salt... (no! shake it off baby!...) What I hope is; Mayfeild shares the comeback player of the year award with Kareem Hunt. Supposing he resigns after Stefansky and Berry give him a Watson Special. Ugh. I hate football. I rue the day I dell in love with the Orange and Brown... hmm. Maybe those white helmets I got so excited about at kickoff were a bad omen. Maybe I'll try out some shock therapy... where'd I put those collars, maybe in the basement with the other browns crap... after all; "the browns is the browns", and "Next year Baby!" I can't believe I didnt even make it through September...in retrospect, I should have known better. I wonder if battered spouse counseling could help... I'm 100 percent convinced that the second Watson facemask penalty was the Thieves punking the refs once again! On the replay I swear that guy was trying to pull Watsons hand and hold it on his mask to draw that flag. They are just so dishonest they should be the ones embarrassed but somehow-someway I always end up being the one embarrassed by associating with this unparralled perpetually burning train wreck of a team! ... Hi, my name is Poet... And I'm a Brownsaholic. I guess I'm just addicted to pain. I...just...cant...look...away... Oh, one last thing, on the bright side- if there is one player that may be able to overcome an injury as gruesome as what I witnessed today... it's gonna be Nick Chubb. I'm a believer. And since I don't know how to quit, I'm gonna bet that Batman may even make it back to start in the playoffs.
  7. I'm just going to say that we have 2 of the top 5 runningbacks in the NFL, we are a run first built offense. Why do people think that Baker should have almost 5000 yards? He was amazing at play action and accurate as hell when healthy. We play in some of the nastiest weather in the NFL and feature 2 bell cow runningbacks...
  8. Baker would have broken multiple records for an age old snakebitten franchise, it would have been more than enough to warrant his draft status in the annuls of the history books. He may have well have won us a Superbowl Championship. Sometimes it's not all about winning but in HOW you win. I would have gladly watched another 11-6 season under Baker, just for the joy of it. It was enough for me knowing that we had a chance. You can't win them all and if you think you can, you are wrong.
  9. Baker being evicted and Watson moving in... Baker's like, "Good Luck... there's some weird stuff happening in there. Some little Brownie Elves hiding in the stands... Looking around all suspicious... a foot of snow on the ground... Watson can't play in Cleveland like he did in Texas. It's a different...it's different here.
  10. Dude, Kellen Winslow Jr... I believe last I saw of him he was going to prison for some of the craziest stuff. I still can't believe it.
  11. That was before he had a 230 million guaranteed contract. He already hasn't been blindsided by a linebacker in two years. He gets demolished on one unforeseen hit on a scramble or broken block or a blitz, he's done done.
  12. Baker will be just like Drew Breezy. He will win at least 3 Superbowls. It won't be for us though... maybe his third will be, eh; I can dream.
  13. Nothing but love for Baker Mayfield. Cleveland loves ya baby. Hopefully you can Lebron for us after you win one for Ole Carolina. I'll miss ya homie
  14. It's not employer/employee... Was Otto Graham and Paul Brown like that? You don't get the extra you need in this league with the Pilot Flying J cashier employee handbook. This is not a numbers game, it's a people's game and people matter. They are not robots and BM should have shown enough to warrant a long term contract for his sacrifice for the team. Watson will sit if he has a tummy ache... it's a given, he gets paid regardless.
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