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Posts posted by jrb12711

  1. 2 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

    CC was PFF's top rated WR that year.  This is why I talk about not entrenching one's self with dogma.  PFF's grading model is their God.  So when you come across a statistical anomaly that doesn't quite match film, it's best to take a step back and ask the context on arriving at a conclusion.  Same can be said for Ogbah in the same draft.  

    Analytics should validate tape and tape should validate analytics.  To use any other approach is operate with blinders on.

    Yeah, I don't go too far down rabbit holes but it's crazy to think about it from a literal stand point. It's amazing how many busts were sure fire guys in terms of data.

    I swear, there's a million bazillion dollars in breaking through the data to determine any correlations to what cause "busts" in what were considered top-tier dudes. I'm convinced there's something in there to drive the point of "despite great analytics, THIS is the red flag most busts had".

  2. 5 minutes ago, Canton Mike said:

    I don't think I have ever been more pissed about a draft pick (MISS!) than Corey Coleman over Mike Thomas!!!  AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!

    I hate being reminded of that day.


    Coleman was the first wide receiver taken that year too. Let that one keep sinking in.

    Also fun fact: the first 5 picks of that draft have all made the pro bowl, and 6 of top 7 (Ronnie Stanley is the outlier, but even he's still a nice player). That draft just hurts my soul.

  3. 5 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

    As Corbett has shown, being drafted by this FO doesn't mean playing.  Especially when there is another player that beats you out rather clearly.

    That said, I am looking forward to the kicking battle as well and I have faith Freddie and Co. will pick the right man.

    Me too. Early reports (for what they are worth) said Seibert is less than 50% in kicks and Greg hasn't missed. I thought Greg got much stronger as the year went on too.

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  4. 1 hour ago, tiamat63 said:

    There really wasn't any action fielding or returning kicks.    Punts, yes.  And when they were back there it wasn't ideal.  I counted 2 fumbles.

    I'd also be interested in the kicking battle if there's anything interesting. I have a bit of a vested interest as Greg is a friend of a friend. Gut feeling though is that Seibert makes the squad, seems unlikely to draft a kicker that high without planning to have him on the 53.

  5. 5 hours ago, gumby73 said:

    The risk is Daniels will want close to McCoy dollars, with a higher risk to re-injury than McCoy. Above my pay scale 🤓 forwarding to the experts..    

    He might, but he doesn't have the same luxury as McCoy did in the timing of his release. Teams filled up their cap space a good deal the past 2 months unlike when McCoy was on the market. McCoy wasn't coming off major injury bugs either as you said. He'll get a similar structure deal no doubt, I'd be really surprised if the max equals the same though (McCoy is about $10.5 million if he hits all his bonuses).

    We'll see, but he seems like a great upgrade that would come at a price worth the risk of re-injury. We definitely have the short-term cap for him too.


  6. 4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    whatever altercation happened, it may not have been his fault.

    it IS his fault he's out in a stupid bar. Maybe he was just interviewed as a witness.

    Facts are good to wait for.


    I just don't get it with these guys. I was young and dumb, sure. But with literally 10's of millions of dollars on the line, why you out late at night to even be in the position? Go out for a nice ass dinner and play Xbox for the next 3 years FFS. It's their lives to live, but if I made a mistake like this dude I'd be at church 5 times a week. Potentially throwing away millions upon millions of dollars to show up at the club is just so dumb to me.  IDC if this does end up being dudes goofing around, it's stupid.

    Zeke Elliott is another prime example of this. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

    Oh we got them tickets.    Coming at ya live from camp on the first Saturday it starts.

    Sweet. The Browns Fan Facebook page started a rumor they sold out and people were panicking haha. I'm about 1200 miles away from Berea so looking forward to the updates.

  8. 4 hours ago, Zombo said:

    Hunt kicked that girl, no excuses, and obviously the video did him in. He has been very apologetic, accepted his release, accepted a paltry (by NFL standards) contract, accepted his suspension, and by all reports is doing very well, the commissioners office is even making an exception for him to be around the team.

    This piece of shit beat the living shit out of his pregnant girlfriend in college, and now he is beating their son and threatening her again. How old is this kid? 3 or 4? Even if they can't "prove" the broken arm was caused by him, he admits to whipping him with the belt and making the boy hold his arms out and punching him in the stomach.

    If you watched Golic and Wingo this morning, Mike Golic got very emotional and wanted to "punch this jagoff in the stomach" and I agree with him. 

    NFL, if you don't want to stand up for the woman, at least stand up for the kid.


    Further, while I would never defend Hunt's actions there was at least two sides to that story. I don't believe Hunt just went off on that woman, she was clearly acting belligerent and likely called him some racial slurs. Again, not defending the dude for attacking but there's at least some burden of action.

    Hill is an absolute piece of shit. He beat up and strangles a pregnant woman, had a lot of rumors of being a beater, and now clearly beats up on defenseless kids. If Goddell has a spine he deserves at least a two year suspension, if not permanent banishment.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Gunz41 said:

    Is this s serious question? They certainly need to know before fans, seeing as though they are the ones playing in the games

    For sure, but they don't need to blue ball this much either. It's a big deal, but they try to make it a holy roller event for views which I think is a bit unfortunate. 

  10. On 4/8/2019 at 12:24 PM, Tour2ma said:

    Fells... HOU... One-year $1,500,000 if he is rostered June 1... $100,000 guaranteed til then.

    Obviously these guys want to play and get their full money, but:

    Can you imagine signing a deal that even if you get fired you still pocket $100k? One can dream 😪

  11. My strategy has been the same, ride the "anyone against (insert worst team)" until it's not possible to pick the same team again.

    I couldn't do that to our beloved Browns last year so it cost me. This year though, I'll be able to make till week 7with my "anyone against the Jets" plan.

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