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The Cysko Kid

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Everything posted by The Cysko Kid

  1. The violent insurrection at our treasured capitol was neither violent nor an insurrection. It was a protest and by democrat standards it was a mild protest. The democrats like to pretend like they werent complicent in inciting the dozens of violent riots that they incited preceding this but...theyre lying. They did. Again and again. January 6th capitol riot was an attempt to seize power and it was successful. Do i think trump won? Lol, no. I didnt vote for him and i think he alienated enough people with his antics to lose legitimately. Do i think the democrats were above board? Absolutely not. I think they tried to steal an election they didnt need to. The MAGAs likely did them a huge favor by protesting at the capitol and they seized on it. "Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you" What an interesting time to be alive.
  2. CAN the browns win? Sure can. WILL THEY? lol. No.
  3. The greatest lesson Ive learned about Internet discourse is not to let the truth get in the way of a cool story. Of COURSE electric cars will save the planet from Co². Added benefit: They can house all the world's poor by creating mole-man CHUD cities inside the strip mines. And the poor can thank the kind masters for their altruism by working off their accrued lifetime debt producing lithium so the rich don't have to spend their hard earned profits on unfashionable petroleum products.
  4. I don't know what you could be satisfied about with biden. He's a god damn embarassment. You know you go around calling people cultists but you can't even judge joe biden on his own merits without calling him bye-don. You're every bit as bad as cal with his constant obamao shit even nearly a decade on. You're left cal. Which is the worst possible version of cal.
  5. Id vote for desantis. Unlike trump who is a bumbling dolt so ineffectual at public speaking that the reanimated corpse of Joe Biden who was never much of a public speaker while he was alive, made him look like a fool. Desantis is a harvard educated navy jag lawyer. I cant imagine any current democrat who might be considered for the nomination could get the better of him.
  6. The only good that could come of it is that hes still inexplicably popular enough to give a third party a real boost into the national spotlight which is good for everyone so long as he runs on a 3rd party that already has some infrastructure like the libertarian party and doesnt start some half assed "truth party" or some other such bullshit.
  7. Well shit that pretty much seals it for the democrats doesn't it? Trump has proved himself too much of a liability for the republicans to give him the nomination unless they are retarded and he's popular enough to split off enough votes to fuck the republicans almost everywhere if he runs on a third party ticket.
  8. No. Not until you stop committing to ridiculous whinging.
  9. There was also the 2000 election that they denied.
  10. As usual democrats are trying to downplay the too numerous to count actual violent riots they advocated and supported. I might be voting at least in part for democrats in the midterms but im under no illusion that they're anything but lying snake scumfucks.
  11. Its where a bunch of jackoff shitposters copy paste something usually as a joke. Eventually it takes on a life of its own. Thats a rather old and well known example.
  12. Oh you old fellows dont know about copypasta i guess.
  13. Chubb has nearly 100 more yards with less carries. Who cares if barklet had more yards if hes got 25% more carries. Chubb is the man, period. Even if we could have had josh allen or lamar jackson in 2018 at least we got chubb.
  14. Masks are a no for me. I spent 8 days in ICU in the summer of 2021 and they didnt make me wear one on that entire stint in the hospital so why should i wear one going into home depot?
  15. I dont like our chances in this one. Anything can happen but i thjk the most likely outcome is lamat jackson runs and throws all over the browns defense. And also cade york misses a couple of kicks.
  16. If abraham lincoln, ulysses grant and william t sherman didnt object im not sure a leftist internet troll carries a lot of weight.
  17. Im already over the browns early this year. Ill root for them still but im not gonna get upset when theyre sucking bilge water in the basement of the division. Because...that's where they're headed quickly.
  18. Myles ought to consider taking an uber once in a while
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