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Everything posted by jbluhm86

  1. BBC World News: Gulf of Oman tanker attacks: US says video shows Iran removing mine Reuters: 'Flying objects' damaged Japanese tanker during attack in Gulf of Oman Not to sound like our resident conspiracy wonks here, but it does seem odd to me that a supposed magnetic mine laid out underwater could "fly" into a tanker, attach itself and explode well above the water line. Perhaps some of our Navy vets on here could help clarify.
  2. People who live in the proverbial stomach of glass whales should hesitate before throwing stones and accusing others of being science deniers... CDC: Abortion Data and Statistics; Abortion Surveillance—Findings and Reports "In 2015, 638,169 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2015 was 11.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, and the abortion ratio was 188 abortions per 1,000 live births. Compared with 2014, the total number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions for 2015 decreased 2%. Additionally, from 2006 to 2015, the number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions decreased 24%, 26%, and 19%, respectively. In 2015, all three measures reached their lowest level for the entire period of analysis (2006—2015). Women in their twenties accounted for the majority of abortions in 2015 and throughout the period of analysis. The majority of abortions in 2015 took place early in gestation: 91.1% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (7.6%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (1.3%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation. In 2015, 24.6% of all abortions were early medical abortions (a non-surgical abortion at ≤8 weeks’ gestation). The percentage of abortions reported as early medical abortions increased 114% from 2006 to 2015, with an 8% increase from 2014 to 2015. Source: Abortion Surveillance". Page last reviewed: November 19, 2018
  3. Some atheists, it's true. I believe that's more of the antitheist-bent to say they are opposed to the belief in the existence of God/gods. However, being an atheist isn't really a "belief" in anything; i.e. there's no such thing as a "non-alchemist", there's just a chemist, or no such thing as a "non-astrologer", there's just an astronomer. Atheism arises once one rejects the notion of basing things like ideals of morality and governance upon theistic God/gods on bad or no evidence.
  4. Indeed. A classy tribute that most presidents since the 1800s have done; good on Trump to continue the tradition.
  5. The Qur'an says that Mo' rode a horse into space and cut the moon in half. Without the help from Allah, that would not have been possible. It doesn't matter that you find it implausible. It happened. I await your confirmation of converting to Islam.
  6. Well, it's only another $2 trillion more to go to finish walling off the remaining 1,952 miles of the border, given the money spent per mile so far. Pennies, indeed. The wall will be stopping Americans from escaping to Mexico, at this rate.
  7. Bloomberg News: U.S. Wall Funding of $1.57 Billion Yields 1.7 Miles of Fence
  8. One of my parents is currently in a nursing home at the moment, so this really does wonders for my nerves, lol. On another, yet related note, I highly recommend to the more senior aged members of the board to make it a priority to get Medicare-supplementary insurance. Medicare can be a blessing, but after a certain point, it becomes almost useless. Just found that out in the past week or so.
  9. Well, seeing as how in just the past two weeks: both of my parents have been hospitalized i've been ill with the flu have been working 12hr shifts at my job while sick in order to keep the lights on at home. ...perusing the Pol board in any greater detail than casual glances hasn't exactly been high on my priority list, so sorry I haven't been johnny-on-the-spot with my commentary. As for being on ignore, the only person that I have on ignore is Cal, and even then, I still tend to respond to him, for what its worth. As for being on Cleve's "side", the only person's side that i'm on is myself, because that is who i'm ultimately responsible for. Cleve does many things which I do not agree with. Cal sometimes says things I agree with. There's no "side" for me to be on. I still stand behind my original comment towards you, but it could be applied to most commentators on this board, including myself, on occasion. Sometimes I have the feeling that most of us on here value being able to burn other posters on here instead of focusing on where we all agree on things and building from there.
  10. The newest trend is that criticizing the source material someone uses in a debate is synonymous with a direct personal attack, if you wanted a small taste of what goes on over there.
  11. So he doesn't have to personally insult you for you to consider it an attack, but you "don't take it personally'? That makes no sense. If criticizing source material is considered a personal insult to you, then you have a pretty low bar on what is personal, and that's on you. And, no, I'm no one's "nanny" on this board. I'm just pointing out the paradox of someone who throws the proverbial first punch while screaming "self defense" simultaneously.
  12. Peruse the pol board if civility is starting to get stale. You'll get called a browshirt communist or "ngr fgt" in no time.
  13. This is why we probably never seem to have meaningful discussions on this board. Once you "other someone", it's easy to disregard them and kill any chance of meeting in common ground. I consider myself a "small L" liberal, but I also own firearms/believe in the 2nd Amendment, prefer to have a limited government, and personally believe that AOC is an unhinged Retard.
  14. I read the thread in question. Woody criticised your sources, not you. Regardless of whether or not you agree with him, that was not a personal insult towards you. You, however, seemed to take it personally. "Self defense". Yeah...
  15. I guess Trump forgot he's the head of the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.
  16. I think I'm right up there with you, Hoorta. I live in Butler County, and I'm the only Browns fan in a huge family of Bengals fans, lol. I used to have the attitude of "if the Browns don't succeed, I hope the Bengals do" because of my family and the Bengals being an Ohio team, but obnoxious Bengals fans and bandwagoners really soured me on the team a few years ago back when they started like 10-0 and got beat by the Steelers in the playoffs The Browns have probably the most loyal fans in the NFL, while the Bengals have one of the highest percentages of homers in their fanbase. At least they can't blame Marvin this year, lol.
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