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MLD Woody

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Everything posted by MLD Woody

  1. Pssh, probably the EEs... Lol. Engineers are all at least somewhat weird. Some very weird. Those are the design engineers
  2. No, economics is a requirement for some engineering. Engineers in the workplace cover a wide range. Hopefully I can get my MBA here soon. And if engineering is too rough for someone, they can drop down to business. (Or stop half way and go to Industrial Engineering :). ) But, again, I was just taking your own rules and making it more accurate. No offense at all. I studied, lived and worked with them for 4 years lol. We're all weird. Somewhere on a socially awkward scale.
  3. No, that's not at all my logic. I actually haven't said anything close to that. Plus, for your "gotcha" to work, you would have had to test out of mechanical engineering courses. Did you?
  4. 0 I tested out of the econ requirements for mechanical engineering
  5. Colleges are liberal brainwashing centers that produce far left elitists and we can't trust the "experts" they produce.... ... but I took 5 econ courses while at school so I know more about this than you.
  6. Do college courses now determine how valid your argument is? Hmmm
  7. Thanks, but slow down there. I'm completely serious when I say this, but we can't disregard the life experiences and knowledge that posters on here have gained. I'm admittedly less experienced, it's just a fact. But I do think many here have been so warped politically that common sense goes out the window to tote the party line. Throw in a constant stream / echo chamber of misinformation / alternate facts and you get this as a result. All as a marketing tool to drive clicks and get advertisers. By providing content that reaffirms beliefs and goes for certain feelings. You're right though where there are posts where basic science or statistics is just clearly wrong. That's where literal established math is being shunned in order to promote the conclusion that feeds a pre established conclusion
  8. Yes jblu, stop feeling so much.
  9. The article refers to a study posted on the Social Science Research Network written by a handful of researchers from Yale And anything resembling critical thinking and academia is going to be inherently "anti religious". That's like saying the scientific method is anti-religious
  10. I have no idea if it is. I didn't compare the claims in the article to the actual sources they provided, when they did actually provide them. Not to mention you have to look at whether the claims are actually relevant or they matter. Again, all of this should be looked at more carefully when an article is so openly biased. But I realize that is lost on many here. As long as it is saying what you want to hear, it's good. All referring back to that propensity to believe fake news and religion being tied hand and hand.
  11. Articles like that go over better when the author doesn't clearly have a biased finger in his mouth. True or not, it's just so incredibly biased.
  12. Please go direct your trolling somewhere else Ghoolie. You can't have such a hole in your life that you need to post nonsense in literally every thread...
  13. I feel like this is gonna be bad for us in a year or so
  14. I agree. Probably not to the level you do though. Wait.... I mean... If you think that then I think the opposite. Yep. That's it.
  15. Question the government, man. But Anon125674 on 4chan is legit
  16. Yeah, don't overdo that stuff. Let em have some germs. Get dirty and Sheet.
  17. If you gave kids, please get them vaccinated
  18. Nuclear fusion is a false flag for flat Earth deep state pizza pedo... Uhh TURNS THE FREAKIN FROGS GAY
  19. Oh no! Nuclear fusion chem trails! What do the experts on 4chan think?
  20. You're against a vaccine? Color me shocked
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