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MLD Woody

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Everything posted by MLD Woody

  1. Damn that buried one of my favorites at the bottom of the last page. Also, now I need to get back on a computer and get the next set up
  2. I'll fix this thread... one post at a time. I'll do what I can to counter every post by J Starting with a classic
  3. are we derailing the nutjob thread by posting pictures of women? interesting
  4. Don't be an enabler. It could have very real consequences
  5. When you're so insane Diehard is trolling your right wing fantasies
  6. I had this fried chicken at the stadium that was fantastic. 3 pieces with a little kick on top of a piece of bread, butter on top, in a bucket. Like $14... But great Other than that, brats
  7. Oh Shmuck I meant to pick Cleveland to lose last week, not win. Well... I'm out
  8. I get hit up about league 3. I thought I was in league 1 last year too
  9. When are we setting up Fantasy Football for this season? I'm down for two leagues again.
  10. I lost in the fantasy football finals
  11. I don't think my child's lifetime will be over with 60 years from now
  12. The second half of your post makes the first line in you post to be untrue. Who knows the technology that will be invented over the next two generations. We could develop some breakthrough in the production of these panels and the cost could go way down.
  13. Well I can only hope that people with your mindset are not in charge of its implementation (or deciding if it will be implemented). The whole thing sounds like a fantastic idea and will serve as a solution to our looming energy problem. Moving the technology forward and fixing any various issues that come up just sounds like a really interesting engineering problem. All about that problem solving man. If this is going to happen, you have to start somewhere.
  14. Well if I remember correctly from the video it was like a dimpled/rough/jagged surface. But I'm sure thats something they have tested or will tesr
  15. Oh yeah, the rainforest bit. I should have guessed you'd work that in Don't ruin a good thing. This technology is awesome and this is a good thread
  16. Oh, I that he meant the bottom. I was thinking the bottom of the panel would Neva similar material I'm strength and durability to the top. There wouldn't be a need for transparency as well, so you'd have more options (and cheaper) The surface below the panels wouldn't be exposed to the elements. It would also be exposed to less wear. Obviously there can still be some tweaks and design changes, but it seems like this is very practical. It would be cool to saw some actual studies and data on the panels though. Stress testing and stuff like that
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