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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. Just in, but it's Buzzfeed: Follow up on this later, but really at this point it SOP - they're dropping like flies.
  2. The graphics are huge and near impossible to read when I can upload them (size), that's why I'm chopping and cutting superfluous stuff. I'll see what I can come up with, I'm not even done with Nov 4 yet and new stuff came in today.
  3. Believe me, I know. Problem is, I'm not sure if the MSM will report it even if it is true. The second link regarding the Langley incident was from a former FBI Agent . . . so what does that say(good/bad)? Be Skeptical - seriously. I said very early on that if this stuff was put together by a Troll, then they did an awful lot of deep work on it just for "lulz". There is some serious info here. I'm putting these to so folks can add them up and connect their own dots - I can't answer a lot these myself right now, but the pic I'm getting from what I can doesn't look good. IF this is real, wouldn't you like to know what's going on and be able to prepare just in case (for a change)? That's all this is right now. This is taking a lot of time and there's a lot of material, so I can't do a deep dig on everything - I try to give related info even it's a Tweet from Roseanne. I believe she has/had a Talk Show so I have no idea if she has connections or not from some of the folks she had on there. Tag items you question and come back to them after I dump more stuff, or just keep bringing them up to get addressed. Some of this stuff gets answers further in. Nov 4 JK = J Kelly CF = Clinton Foundation CS = Chuck Schumer NG = National Guard NK = North Korea USSS = US Secret Service (extra Security - SS compromised). WTF
  4. Wizards & Warlocks - Electronic Warfare and Data Collection (Electrical, IR, UV, Chemical, etc). Also VPU-1 & VPU-2 , but less info on those.
  5. No, those two were low level news units, more verification needed. Sealed Indictments are actual and reported all over the place.
  6. Nov 2 This next first block is important in recent disclosures. Nov 3 Where is John Podesta + Where is Tony Podesta + Did one or both escape the Country and was let out? Unconfirmed, but Tony Podesta plane forced down and returned to US. Unconfirmed, but also a rumor someone recently saw Podesta with a "Boot". SA = Saudi Arabia Need to address a few items here. HUMA here = Harvard University Muslim Alumni Where = NYC What Org = Mus... Bro... "Nice view up here" - POTUS was on AF-1
  7. This is still iffy, but it's trying to resurface - I want better confirmation as well. Also as I mentioned, this is more like Joint Special Ops Command units which are high Intel units more likely to be used in a situation like this.
  8. http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2017/11/20/baltimore-detective-shot-crime-scene/ Better? And, yet another Politician decides not to re-run . . . http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/361208-prominent-conservative-passes-on-utah-senate-bid The hits just keep coming . . . nothing odd or unusual at going on huh? http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-assemblyman-raul-bocanegra-announces-he-1511198136-htmlstory.html Dumps coming, I may/may not ad comments as things pop up - running out of time and more is incoming (important stuff). Nov 1 & 2 (cont.) Nov 2 Nov 2 Nov 2
  9. Changed Title - I'm still looking for further confirmation on that. This may just be a Training exercise, but the description didn't sound like it. If this did actually occur, then it's probably not Marines, but JSOC units since they would have a higher Intel Clearance for such an operation. Leaving the links, as there is other relevant info - Sealed Indictments, which are supposed to exceed 2,000. The Roseanne Tweet was a follow up to and earlier post, and more an alert of what is supposed to come, not what has happened. Look, I really didn't want to create this thread because I know how it looks and the reactions I would get, but the info that has come up is just something that needs to be put up. I have only covered maybe 5% of what's there so far. I've thrown in a few side bars as they tend to support/foreshadow some other info (shown or not). This whole "Operation" has been getting set up over some time, and it appears the final (for this portion) piece was complete with the recent trip to SE Asia. What just happened in Saudi Arabia I believe was the kick off of things - this is not going to be a Lightning operation, it's going to go for some time. Most of it is going to be covert. I really don't even like writing what I just did, and if it didn't align with some other things I've been aware of I wouldn't be doing this. Are you seeing how many thread topics there are in this Forum popping up with one scandal or another - do you really believe the volume of these is "normal" ? If this is "normal", then we are one damn sick sad Society. Rewind : I've come across a few better answers for some of the previous questions that I had forgotten about. What was Flynn's background? Michael Thomas Flynn is a retired United States Army Lieutenant General, who served in the Army for 33 years until 2014. Flynn's military career included a key role in shaping U.S. counterterrorism strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he was given numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operationssenior intelligence assignments. He was appointed by President Barack Obama as the eighteenth director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, serving from July 2012 to his retirement from the military in August 2014. After leaving the military, he established Flynn Intel Group which has provided intelligence services for businesses and governments, including ones in Turkey. Why is this this relevant? General Flynn is part of a top secret group of highly skilled retired military operatives who have been investigating human trafficking for years. His company was cover. Flynn KNOWS. He was "blue-dying" the GRU political spy network in Washington DC for Army / Navy INT. Sending a mole to light up the recruiters was the only way the FBI / MI5 were able to capture the Cambridge 6 POTUS conduit to uncorrupted MI That is why he has been targeted, slandered, fired by Obama, fired on the advice of Pence and now still targeted so they hope he has no credibility. Why did Admiral R (NSA) meet with Trump privately without authorization? Big O was doing a lot of really odd crap the last few months he was in after the Election. Was the Election supposed to be rigged? Yes. Voting machines were flipping votes; states such as Georgia were reporting computer attacks; dead people were voting; dems were voting multiple times, etc. TPTB wanted Trump to run as a Pied Piper, thinking he could be propped up in the primary and tanked in the general http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-05/california-has-11-counties-more-registered-voters-voting-age-citizens Worse than I thought (Florida @ 105%). Who guards former Presidents + Why is this relevant? Addendum: Secret Service has been compromised and shown to be corrupt / underfunded for past 8 years. SS has been audited 4 times and found to be in failure of Duty Certificates and Code of Conduct with no change in behavior. Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org? Because the MB infiltrated Obama's admin, universities, social media. Ted Cruz tried to in 2015 but the bill didn't pass. Michele Bachman tried to in 2012 but it didn't work because she claimed Huma was MB. Huma was defended by Pelosi, Ellison, and McCain. Who can be held hostage and controlled? Anyone who has been compromised by bribery, drugs, personal foibles, sex, or their family members Congress Anyone with children/family Say it can't happen? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-20/entire-baltimore-neighborhood-under-lockdown-police-declared-martial-law
  10. From earlier up - her account got "deactivated/suspended": Not sure what her connections are, so take it FWIW.
  11. http://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news/u-s-national-news/1626-reports-us-marine-expeditionary-unit-meu-lands-at-langley-2200-marines Time will tell . . . From the same article (highlight mine):
  12. O_O Over 1800 Sealed Indictments now as well. This is real(?) folks - watch the damn video. <--- I am still looking for more conformation on this. US Marines are involved and in action O_O Ah Ha - the Boot on HRC is mentioned as having GPS Tracking possibly in it as pointed out in the OP. Edit: I'm thinking this may be a mistake, these were probably JSOC, not Marines - but in gear I can understand the mistake.
  13. Possible event (coincidence?). Quick jump ahead for this one : [L][d][R] = believed to be Lynn de Rothschild (one of THE families). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5093089/Helicopter-plane-crash-mid-air-collision.html Some relevant info - remember, Capone went down for Tax evasion : Look at some of the Player named here:
  14. Ahhh, George Soros. The Nazi collaborator that turned his own people(Jews)/neighbors into the Nazis . . . what a stand up guy ! Yes, he has stirred up (and continues to stir up) quite a bit of trouble for the World. I'm not sure if there's anything that will make this guy happy - he definitely has a vendetta with the USA and has tried to inflict damage via Currency manipulation on multiple occasions. A true kindred spirit too ole Adolph. On the Bush situation . . . while they were meh as Presidents, what is coming to light is truly disheartening.
  15. Didn't dig any on this one did you? Paul NehlenVerified account @pnehlen Constitutional Conservative Challenging Paul Ryan #WI01. Factory Floor to Fortune 500. Tip of the Spear Killing TPP. Inventor w/11 US + Foreign Patents And a little extra. Tell ya what, from what I'm seeing, if these dots don't adequately connect into a pretty sinister picture of the current state of affairs, and things don't change . . . you can point the mighty Zombo to this please a show him that I willing request he delete my account. That is what I'm seeing here, but there is a loooonnnnnggg why to go in the dots comprising this picture. Trust me, this is not how I planned on spending my day/weekend. Posted 10/31 WH Yes Quite a few No Bugs + Tracking devices Why aren't Phones allowed in this room (one of many). Per Wikileak dump of C.A tools, C.A can turn microphones on the phones to listen in . . . did any of you actually download and look at the Vault x tool dump? They are into some nasty $#!+ Normally the States, but POTUS can call up the NG. Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? Yes, Whenever an insurrection occurs in any state against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor call into Federal service such of the militia of the other states. This is a statutory exception to the PCA. Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, assemblages, or rebellion make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any state or territory, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any state. This is another statutory exception to the PCA. The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a state, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy. What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly? FDR was informed of the Business Plot in 1933 when Prescott Bush (Hitler's Banker) tried to overthrow the US Gov't and install a fascist dictatorship. Two-time MOH winner Smedley Butler betrayed the plotters and the US Army put down the plot. Last two lines I believe I touched upon in a previous post. Yes, I do think something is going on. SA . . . Saudi Arabia . . . ya'll awake? WTF just happened there? Do you know why / backstory? SA info upcoming . . . $ $ $ SAP = Software Application Programs or something along those lines . . . too much material to cover, skipping some. Why is this relevant? They can read each others mail? I'm not sure on this one, they are supposed to be able to share info between Orgs now. Who can be held hostage and controlled? Congress. Article II, Section 3: [The President] ... may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent? Regardless of the inability to declare war, the President does have the power to unilaterally order military action in defense of the United States when he determines that a foreign political entity poses a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the United States. By U.S. law, the only limitation on that power is a requirement to notify specific members of Congress within 48 hours after the beginning of military operations. Once proper legal notification is given to the required members of Congress, military action can continue and remain secret so long as the President judges it necessary to national security. Take heed to the above folks, Trump has the FULL support of the Military in his pocket - like it or not. I touched on this earlier - these are all connected. Hmmm, weren't the Clintons involved in Haiti . . . they definitely fleeced the reconstruction funds. Backtrack a few steps to WH renovations (as well as debugging). What's going on the Consulate in Cuba? Aren't the people getting pulled out because of some odd sickness caused by . . . When was it reported Trump Jr dropped SS detail + Why would he take that huge risk? SS is apparently part of the Swamp (at least some of it) - do you all recall an incident with Denver based SS Agent saying she wouldn't defend/take a bullet for Trump? Hopefully you noticed the "we" some time back - this appears to be coming from more than one Asset. 11/1: Four Carriers . . . let that one sink in. Has that happened before? That is a damn lot of Firepower . . .
  16. This was posted 10/31 - at this point I am not certain what happened the Weekend of 11/3 - 11/4: Note - I've scanned forward a bit and this is indeed a Worldwide event, and it is supposedly in progress. I'm probably not going to have a lot of answers/input to some of the forthcoming info as it is indeed deep and voluminous. Believe or not, if this is all fact (evidence seems to be mounting) - then this is a Historic event. I don't like saying that, but the magnitude of what I'm seeing so far can be classified as nothing else . . . after all, Trump being elected was a Historic event, one way or another. This hole is starting to get dark and disturbing, so here is a warning to that effect. There is some serious Tin Foil Hat stuff here . . . but there also looks to be evidence for it, however hard to accept it is. Bail if you've had enough "entertainment", bash me if you will, I myself am having a challenging time with some of this. A lot of this I have not had time enough to look into, so take it for what you want - I will highlight what little I can, a lot of this is targeted to just make you think I believe anyway. Big O . . . enough said. Sadly, from this and other items, it seems the referenced Agency has failed the American public and is in the corruption camp. How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt Agencies and Judges? I somewhat answered this in a previous post, but there is a little bit more to it. POTUS recently signed an EO that allows him to call back into Service anyone that has previously Served . . . If that person is a "Bad Actor", whether it be a Judge, Representative, Senator, or etc . . . they can be called back into Service by POTUS and will then be subject to Military Tribunal. Check. If there are Riots, which the Left is supposedly organizing and has basically in stand-by mode for any little thing . . . Martial Law, and basically everyone is subject to Military Tribunal. Checkmate. Scary stuff? You bet, but if you're not doing anything wrong you should have no worries. Can't say that I like it, but if the state of things are truly as they are appearing to be, I am not sure there is any other option. Why did Mueller meet with POTUS 1 day prior to Investigation? THEORY: Pres. Trump was interviewing Mueller to be his special prosecutor as he promised on the campaign trail Why is Pelosi begging for a new Special Counsel? She finally realized that she is in deep Sheet because Mueller isn't "their guy" after all (which I thought he was). What is Pelosi's Net Worth? I've seen a couple of figure on this from $29M+ to $120M. How was this obtained given the Salary as Career Official? LOL - no stretch here . . . Bribes, corruption, . . . Why is Pelosi's Memory going + Could it protect against Prosecution + How so? Anyone stumped on this one . . . Ah, here's some good stuff. What if John Mc... Surgery was fake + Why would this occur? The "cancer" he supposedly has is super aggressive and he should be dead within 18 months. No way he should still be working, and why would he? I believe he was supposed to testify for something or other, and this got him out of that. What is the Mayo Clinic? According to wiki, The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical practice and medical research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It employs more than 4,500 physicians and scientists and 57,100 allied health staff. The practice specializes in treating difficult cases through tertiary care. It spends over $660 million a year on research. However, some speculate it may participate in organ harvesting. O-O Who sits on the BOD there (Mayo Clinic - hold onto your Tin Hats)? Barbara Bush, finger Cheney, Cokie Roberts, Eric Schmidt, Walter Mondale . . . didn't see that one coming. Votes Votes Votes Because they get paid (Bribes/Power) for it. How do D's cover the Historical facts of form the Confederacy, KKK, and oppose pro Black Legislation? They change/erase History as we are seeing happening now with tearing down Statues/Monuments . . . Lose Power/not Elected. Why do D's, through funding prop up Hollywood assets? To control the narrative through popularism/propaganda. Does this fall within Operation Mockingbiry? Yes. Maxine Waters - see Pelosi. Sad picture of corruption here isn't it? I can't say that it gets any better the further down this hole things go.
  17. Interesting that you should say that : Yes, there will be flags on Podesta and maybe Huma above (there is more on these). Notice some missing Presidents (R)? Why did just recently one of them come out attacking Trump big time that had for the most part been quiet? More dots. So, we're seeing that both sides need cleaned out (as I've always thought), and we've surely seen the lack of support, and down right subversion from Trump's own Party. Pretty dismal, but this too fits the narrative of the Story. Have you noticed Politicians resigning lately, or announcing they're not going to run again? Actually, there are quite a few resignations coming in, many under the Radar, and definitely nothing the Media is going to say much about. The main sweep hasn't occurred yet (which may result in something from second post), but it may have started (SA). Seems to fit this drop doesn't it? The Soros note as being a controlled versus controller surprised me . . . but apparently it is very old Money/Families. Then again, the Clintons have done quite a bit of damage all by themselves(?) Quick rewind (first group of questions): What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism (new answer)? They can classified as domestic terrorist group. Why does the Military play such a vital role? Military tribunals. They can bypass the corrupt judges, prosecutors & juries. I had heard of the possibility of Tribunals coming (from elsewhere), but until this I had no real idea how this could happen.
  18. Just in: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-18/fbi-informant-has-video-russian-agents-briefcases-bribe-money-clinton-uranium-scanda How did this become a Supreme Court Judge?:
  19. Pick one, cause there is a lot more to this than first blush above. This is actually quite a Web, and there are some very interesting dots to connect. There is a lot of info to dig through, and as such it's going to be somewhat disjointed and new things are still coming in. First, step back a month or so ago to a statement made by Trump: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/us/politics/trump-calls-meeting-with-military-leaders-the-calm-before-the-storm.html This simple phrase set the Media spinning. Now many inferred that we were getting ready to hit NK (still a possibility), but it may well be something else. Quick side note that popped up this morning that may be part of the story: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/mystery-roseanne-barr-twitter-website-hinting-child-sex-trafficking-bombshell/ Food for thought: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/17/trump-supreme-court-nominees-247441 Now why would this be happening now . . . ? I must confess, I have heard some time back (from a totally different area/aspect) that a Supreme or two were going to retire because of some kind of scandal . . . I had thought it was quite some time off yet though. Which reminds me, I posted about new Judges in response to another topic on here somewhere in regards to someone being frustrated with our Judge situation, so here's something more for that: Enter the White Hat. Someone popped up towards the end of last month that started dropping some (actually a lot of stuff) interesting questions and factoids. Here is a little snippet that I'll pull a few Q's from and throw against the original Story above. Some of the other Q's I may have answers for as well, but many I do not as of yet: MI = Military Intelligence SC = Supreme Court(?) MB = Mu... Bro... There's more in just this one than I am able to address, but they are all relevant food for thought. I primarily pulled this for Mueller, I thought (and am still not 100% sure) he was a Dem/Left ally - since this is who they wanted heading the Russia investigation. Rosenstein the same, though he may be "leveraged". Mueller was Head of the FBI for the maximum allowed term, so was ineligible to do so again. Interestingly, Mueller met with Trump the day before he was appointed Head of the investigation. Also, it turns out Mueller was a Marine Officer during the Vietnam War, and is/was a Republican. So, here is one dot that seems to fit the narrative of the Story. Was HRC the next in line + Was the Election supposed to be rigged? I have posted elsewhere videos of Ballot stuffing and an article or two where there were more votes than registered voters (105% Florida). https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/voter-turnout-2016/ So 105% turnout - yea, nothing fishy there is there. Who guards former Presidents + Who guards HRC? Secret Service. FYI - Admiral R is only Agency Head that was not replaced by Trump . . . How is POTUS always 5 steps ahead + Who is helping POTUS? Conspiracy Theory (the Movie) - personal thoughts on this is the "The Uncle no one talks about". Here things get a bit scary (and this is just a small tidbit), and is relevant further down the hole. What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism + What happens if Mayors / Police Commissioners/Chiefs do not enforce the Law? National Guard - and it has happened in the past. What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines + Why is this important? He does not need the approval/consent of Congress to use them & they can be used in coordination with the National Guard. Elaborate Troll? Hmm, could be, but some serious points are being brought to light and some pieces are falling into place. There is a long way to go, and this spreads beyond just the USA as will be seen.
  20. Interesting times we're in . . . sounds a bit like a Chinese saying/curse (as some refer to it). There has been a real storm brewing and heating in some corners of the Internet these past few days . . . it started a few weeks ago, but it's really starting to heat up. Anyone remember HRC breaking her Toe some weeks back ? How about McCain tearing his Achilles? Nothing really too it . . . right? But then this shows up: Hogwash ! ! ! But now we've got this too : http://www.puppetstringnews.com/blog/john-podesta-expresses-fear-over-trump-in-wapo-op-ed-when-1400-sealed-indictments-are-in-play (Currently over 1400 sealed Indictments) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/15579P4VztZO0aNvejJasb1yOvXUCp3vS/view. Rumor is a lot of these are likely going to be Pedo ring related . . . which is going to have a lot of high level collateral. (Might be some U1 stuff too, as well as other things). Pizza Gate? Get outta here . . . but there have been roughly 7,500 Pedo arrests since Feb of this year . . . Of course with all the Russia Gate stuff there was no time for the MSM to cover that, and there's still nothing to it . . . but this is where Story time starts and the trip down the Rabbit hole begins. Now I didn't put this together, and I'm not saying this is legit, so you can bail here and just ponder the above. Problem is, this somewhat meshes with some serious chatter from other corners of the Internet. So here is an interesting story - fiction though it may be, it may at least give some entertainment (more than I've seen from the NFL that's for sure): https://steadfastandloyal.com/unreal/tweets-legit-walls-dc-come/ And there you have it. But where did this guy come up with all this? Oh, there's a fair bit of background and side routes to this - the Rabbit hole is pretty deep. If the source(s) are true . . . it's big. Ya'll watching World events lately? Anything interesting going on?
  21. Formerly JAFBF on the ClevelandBrowns.com Forum . . . . second suspension for who knows what - cancelled account.

    Good Folk on that board, but the Admin are out of control


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