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Posts posted by JAFBF

  1. 11 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    Is the fact that this guy is and has been sleeping with his subordinate considered sexual harassment? Is it ethical she's been given a TV job for qualifications that don't seem to be all that strong aside from the fact that she's giving it up to Joe? Where is the outrage?




    I think they actually got Married - at the very least they are having an open Affair and not trying to hide it.


    Just ran across this rather interesting item with some dot connecting an some confirmations:



    Going to need a bigger bag of Popcorn it seems . . .



  2. Stunner in Bama wasn't it?

    Polls were all over the place - even the Exit Polls had it wrong . . . maybe the Pollsters need to find a new job.


    Is/was Moore the best Candidate?

    Awful lot of smoke both for and against him (accusations and frauds).

    Timing says Hatchet job to me, but in all honesty none of the Candidates even in the Primaries were that great.





    Yeah, have to agree for Bama, a big time Red State to go this way, really shocked me.



    . . . odd thing to say don't you think - "a very short period of time" ?




    Surely the Democratic machine isn't stupid enough to try shenanigans with an Election this closely watched . . . are they?





    Some folks may recall me saying that when Trump makes a seemingly outlandish statement, that if you give it time, it has a very high probability of coming to pass.

    This one's not taking long at all for things to start shaping up it appears.


    BTW - keep an eye on Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe), Trump put the light on him a week or so back about a dead Intern found in his office some time back.

    I'd be worried if I were Joe.





  3. I left out the Saudi Arabia pre-alert . . . oh well.




    There is some unusual Military activity over DC tonight/tomorrow (wee hours) - seems rather odd to have Fighters and Transports in action in the middle of the night over the Capital.




    Sealed Indictment rumor is they're passing 9k - now that's a chunk of arrests.




    Just out:




    Got curious:








  4. Was going to edit above post (from today), but this should be quick.


    More on the RICO charges for those that doubt the source:


    This can be applied to quite a few possible up coming scenarios to take down the corrupt.


    Is Q (4Chan/8Chan) valid?

    First, I don't rely on only Q posts, I use multiple items that generally relate, as I think I've mentioned before.


    So, do I think Q is valid?

    Here are just a few items that lead me to believe Q is/are valid.


    This was posted while Trump was on the SE Asia trip - note the +++  first in the Q post, then 8 minutes later Trump Tweets using the same +++, and has not used it since.

    The Q post subject pretty much nails the validity as well.



    Next was early on (page 1 of this thread I believe) in regards to the Rothschilds.

    Both the target (Rothschilds) and the Pilot (Green) were ID'd days before the "crash/accident" happened.


    More recently (yesterday), we have these Timestamp/subject confirmations. Q posts at 13:34 and then Trump Tweets 3 minutes later at 13:37.

    Note my Time Zone is 3 hours off EST (10:00 + 3 = 13:00) as can be seen in the last Q post (11:15 should be 14:15).

    If you don't believe that, then Q predated/predicted the Tweet about 3 hours before it happened, which would be even more confirming.



    I'm sure there are others, but these popped to mind fairly quick and were easy to assemble.

    Someone even said Q predated/predicted the Pope wanting to change the Lord's Prayer, but that's more digging than I want to get into right now.



    If Q is fake, then they are either damn good or Time Travelers - take your pick.

    I prefer to think they're valid.



    I told everyone this was going to look like serious Tin Foil Hat lunacy until more pieces come together.

    I do not know the answers to all the Q questions, but the ones that come together pretty much get confirmation from other places, and usually at a later time.





  5. I'm not the Reporter(s), I just linked the best info available at the time.

    Too many new links keep popping up for me to dismiss this anymore.


    On a side note, I am glad at least I've entertained you all.



    If you can't see things are getting cleaned out . . . :





    Interesting, look what was just updated:



    The linked page just happens to be about :


    §1037. Counsel before foreign judicial tribunals and administrative agencies; court costs and bail

    Yes, yes foreign in this case . . . but I wonder what else has been updated in this Title 10 document?

    I'm not in Law, and it's pretty hefty document . . . but the person linking this has pretty high credibility IMO.

    They are also followed by a certain General Flynn - I wonder why that is ?



    Lot's of Military action going on lately - huge number of non Transponder low level flights seen across multiple States last night.

    Yes, there is an exercise going on, but the make up and behavior looks odd.






  6. 21 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    It is hard to keep up with ur mountain of bullsht u post almost daily. In my fast scroll i saw some anonymous 4chan troll claiming hrc tried to cut a deal and "we" said no. Its amazing to me u dont realize these are kids fabricating stories from their college dorms or parents basement in between wow raids or eve citadel defense.


    I am glad to see you still have a lot of fight left in you - I mean that seriously, this is some crazy $#!+

    Sad thing is, this isn't even everything I've come across - this Country is tipping on the edge of the Abyss.


    When these things come to pass, I wonder how you'll feel - it will be hard to accept I know, it's nothing short of insanity.

    The number of Retirements/Scandals/Convictions/etc are really unprecedented and are a bit difficult to process.


    The Corruption within our Government is so bad and so widespread it's really hard to wrap into a nice neat package - Murder/Money/Power/Sex/Pedo/Drugs/etc.

    IF this comes to pass, then you know we are in really really deep doo doo:


    Seriously, if this every happens, run for the hills, cause you know the SHTH - if this is a distraction, then Reality is really really bad . . .


    Yea, there is some crazy crazy stuff out there - it's world gone mad the last many years

    If I did not believe things were looking to change, believe me, I would not have made this thread.

    There is some info in these postings that will be relevant, though not obvious.

    I try to support some highlights with actually Articles, but there is so much coming down the pipe right now it's hard to keep up with.

    That in itself should speak volumes - there is some serious $#!+ going on, and we're only supposed to be aware of maybe 20% of it . . .



    A few days back I posted some Christmas related pics from an Anon claiming to know "Q" and they were relating some info.

    My suspicion is that this is that person (follow up from Q that they would be investigating):




    Supposedly, this is/was one of the Sealed Indictments (which may exceed 5k at this point):


    Meh, only 113 counts . . . O_O



    Can you say "Felony"?

    How about "Treason"?



    Even the Judges are corrupt (surprise surprise):


    . . . I have actually heard talk that two Supremes will retire under similar circumstances . . .

    Remember an earlier post with Trump listing candidates for new Supreme Court Justices ?


    Oh, this should prove interesting, seeing as how they have about $7 Trillion unaccounted for . . .


    Officials Announce First DoD-Wide Audit, Call for Budget Certainty



    Roy Moore:

    Haven't really said much about this, it looks like it covered in another thread (just don't have the time).

    This is turning out to be a big time Left Hachet job.


    A former Jeb Bush campaign staffer, Tim Miller, has admitted to planting Anti-Roy Moore story in the Washington Post. And as it turns out, Miller has established himself as an anti-Trump Republican.

    Then there's the Year Book - which has become obvious it's a Forgery.

    The Mall?

    Funny thing, there is a video (somewhere OAN I think) that investigated said Mall, seems they're not even sure who Roy Moore is, yet alone being on the lookout for him.

    Probably covered in the other thread(s), but same ole some ole - looking like he's going to win by 10 points anyway . . .




    Another one . . . did I get this guy already? So many I've truly lost track of them all - nothing unusual at all about this I guess . . .



    Hmm, maybe this is new:


    GOP flips seat in FLANAGAN special — ROSENBERG inquiry begins — NEAL named to tax bill panel




    I mentioned RICO charges yesterday on top of the countless other charges against HRC (throw a Dart at Felonys and you could probably do some damage), here's a video tying this statement together (and possibly a bit more) :

    Laugh if you want, it is what it is.


    I have another video that lays out pretty well what is going on an what possibly to expect, but I'm obviously pretty reluctant to post it right now.

    There is a LOT of under the radar stuff going on.


    There is so much stuff coming in these days . . .


    Sorry, I'm buying this one - there are just too many sources from all different directions for me to dismiss this one (I know there are detractors). I consider this a pretty valid source:










  7. Going to update some "Q" post here just for reference - there is info/insight here regardless of how valid it is.

    There appear to be a few days missing, but those can be recovered from the latest "Book of Q" for those interested - I'm sure it'll get more updates.

    I'll be pulling some of the more relevant/interesting to info I have.










    Last item - Sara Carter & John Solomon


    Just in:



    A few notables to highlight:


    Due to the fact the Interviewer was no longer legit, Flynn is likely to get set free - plea deal or not.

    Just in . . . interesting . . .





    The stack of charges keep piling up - latest is RICO charges in conjunction with Weinstein.




    I was under the impression that this was going to be a Power outage (still may result in one once things kick off).

    The (Government) Shutdown was going to be tonight/tomorrow (Midnight), but Congress approved a temporary agreement pushing it out to 12/22 now.


    There are some more posts from today, one seems to be another shot (mission?) at Rothschilds, but I don't have them all handy so those'll probably be tomorrow.


    Folks, there's a reason so many of these people are leaving:



    And another on . . . you guessed it . . . Sexual Harassment



    DOJ casualty, expect we're going to see these now as well.



    His Plea deal was pulled a few days ago.



    There is definitely a House cleaning coming to some Agencies.




    TMI - getting hard to keep up, lots missed.




  8. I'm sure you've all heard about the FBI/Multi-Agency activities that happened/are happening in DC today.

    Supposedly it's gang/MS-13 related, but some of the action was in one of the 7th wealthiest Counties.

    If there are actually some big fish being rolled up in this there could be something brewing (there's a pattern).


    I noted last night a few quick items not really worth bumping the thread for, but I've run across some other odd bits today.


    This would be yesterday, possibly Wizards & Warlocks (top) in the Virginia/DC (range?) area.


    The next one, up above is a P8A Poseidon (Submarine hunter), doing what looks to be Sub hunting activities off the coast of Florida.


    Several hours ago we got this:


    A few more P8A Poseidon's were tagged inbound to the Virginia/DC area through the day, then this :


    Refer to page 2 of this thread for what this is.

    But what really makes me a bit nervous is what popped up next:


    AWAC's - two of them, one not transponding and looking to be in the Virginia/DC area (detection range is pretty huge for these).

    A little Icing to this cake:


    That would be roughly 6PM (Eastern).

    Kind of late (dark?) for Raptors to be taking to the air.


    My Ears are up, doesn't seem to be normal.


    The FBI/Comey issue seems to have grown as well:


    One high-ranking FBI official estimates there are “several hundred and maybe far more” active sexual harassment and misconduct cases filed by female FBI agents. And those are only the current cases.That doesn’t include the female agents who have remained silent, toiling in their day-to-day FBI responsibilities, fearful of professional retaliation if they speak up, several FBI insiders confirmed.




    Then there’s the pending concern for blackmail. Yes, blackmail. Inside the FBI. Employed as a political or nefarious tool by FBI brass. What better leverage would a superior use to get an unwilling agent to do dirty work – even break the law — than to threaten that agent to expose his infidelity with a FBI colleague – or multiple colleagues — to his wife?




    Swamp has quite a few Tentacles throughout Government, Entertainment, and . . .



    More draingage.





  9. On 12/3/2017 at 9:44 PM, Clevfan4life said:

    And he's defending 4chan.......wow. Ur sick in the head dude. U cant fool someone who's been on there. They are the worst people society has to offer. Now im an admittedly pretty crude guy. I like the MA+ stuff life has to offer, because im an awful reprobate and proud of it. If 4chan exceeded MY limits of common decency by such large margins that i just stopped clicking on links to any discussions there and slowly severed online ties to people i once associated with in the online gaming community......thats saying something. 

    As someone who's been exposed to 4chan and its incessant imbecilic, and borderline pedophilic cheauvenism, im BEYOND vexxed and flummoxed that this digital meeting place of dirtbags and walking shitstains on the planets surface, is now considered some repository of truth dissemination. Its a place where imbeciles meet to exchange photos of barely legal, or not legal at all, naked girls engaging in acts to gross to mention. But rest assured no matter how vile the content shared, 4channers are legit fapping. Its where the phrase "warrior fap" originated. 

    And u post this 4chan drivel as if theres some benevolent secret organization using it to disseminate global power structure secrets to the masses. U cannit be serious? 


    I'm not defending it, I'm not a member, I just grab the relevant posts - they are/were compiled to filter out most everything else, I don't have time to dig through I don't know how many pages of posts.

    The Q posts are kind of a separate beast from 4Chan as I understand and are grouped in "Maps" as they're referred too - 1510107905656.jpg.

    I pulled this info and split it up for easier reading as it lines up with a lot of other info from other areas.

    There is good an valid info in this - that's it.

    Do I understand it ALL?

    No, I'm not sure anyone does or if it is too be fully understood.


    How many folks knew that the FBI has been under DOJ investigation for the past 11 months?


    Looks like there is separate set of rules for insiders versus everyone else - this could get big and ugly.


    Speaking of FBI, the Agent that got fired from Mueller's Team not only changed the report of the Clinton Email debacle, but :


    CNN has also learned that Strzok was the FBI official who signed the document officially opening an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election


    You know it's bad when CNN is coming out with it.





    Comey had his plea deal pulled, so now his heads back on the block.

    Was surprised to see this.


    Saw a couple more Pedo ring busts, one in NJ (79) and the other in WI(?), don't have the second link handy but it was well over 100 between to two.


    Think I heard another Politician with assault charges today (State level I believe), the numbers keep climbing.


    Under the d@mn odd(?) things to post/tweet:



    Some really crazy rumors floating around right now, some pretty scary.

    3 Day window is all I'm going to say right now as there's no time to look into any of it further right now.


    Lot's more stuff, just haven't had the time to dig through it all tonight.



    EDIT: 12/5

    Long day, didn't get much chance to dig, but couple quickies.


    There were quite a few "Q" drops today, but some (if not all) of them are obvious fakes - no real time to sort through it.


    On a more ominous note, Skyking has been active the past week.

    (What is Skyking ?):




    There was a blurb about B-1B Lancer Bombers heading to Korea, so it could be related to that.




  10. "John has a long Mustache"


    Mean anything to anyone?


    How best to vaguely communicate what is going on and why?

    4Chan/8Chan is being used because it is essentially anonymous, plus, it is for the most part under the radar.

    It gets some attention, but it's not smacking people in the face.



    No way, not to mention they are hostel and ignore stuff as it is.


    Facebook / Twitter?

    A bit too obvious and identifiable - fake ID accounts are easily and frequently purged.


    4Chan/8Chan/etc. can be used by one person or a Team more easily, and I think Q is a Team.


    The posts/graphics are not mine, I'm just passing them along. They make some points, some better than others.


    There are things going on.

    The sheer number of Politicians leaving Office, Sealed Indictments, MS-13, and Pedo Network take downs is unprecedented.

    I said early on that this is going to look big time Tin Foil hat, and it's going to continue in that vein for some time yet, but pieces are coming together.


    Those 4k+ Indictments are expected to lead to over 10k arrests from Indictees turning State's Evidence and rolling up the bigger targets.

    This aspect of it may go on for a while, but it started back in February when the crackdowns began.

    Flynn by the way, was not one of those Sealed Indictments, it has been looked into and checked.




    Hypothetical question:

    If all these arrest come at the same time and they are fairly high profile, do think it could possible destabilize the Government?


    These Indictments may all come in a huge raid, which if that happens, I think it's going to be pretty hard to be ignored.

    If they come out in a slower steady stream, it's likely to be less noticed, but it still may be pretty obvious something is going on.

    Some people think things may start this week, and others think it may be January before they start getting unsealed.



    Here's another Hollywood casualty:


    Michael Moore Accused Of Sexual Harassment By 4 Underage Girls



    And Natalie Portman not naming names in another accusation:





    • Haha 2
  11. Nope, sadly it looks crazy as hell, but things start to get a bit clearer as things fall into place.


    Historic times.


    Flynn an issue?

    Can you say "Immunity" ?

    His plea deal?  I got slapped way harder when a Bicyclist ran into my wife's parked car (West Coast - don't ask).

    Remember Flynn's background from a couple pages back?

    Michael Thomas Flynn is a retired United States Army Lieutenant General, who served in the Army for 33 years until 2014. Flynn's military career included a key role in shaping U.S. counter terrorism strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he was given numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operations senior intelligence assignments. He was appointed by President Barack Obama as the eighteenth director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, serving from July 2012 to his retirement from the military in August 2014. After leaving the military, he established Flynn Intel Group which has provided intelligence services for businesses and governments, including ones in Turkey.


    Flynn, and his associates know where the bodies are buried:





    CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador


    (I actually heard that the big O told him to call, but some other time . . . )


    Follow up to the "Anon" 4Chan post with the pictures on the previous page (first block).


    I've fallen behind on this since the move to 8Chan, it's harder to track things down.


    Two more Politicians for sexual conduct:


    And another one that's decided not to run again:


    They're dropping like Flies as they say.


    And for the story that just doesn't want to die:


    Makes much more sense.




  12. Yeah   .   .   .   Snopes   .   .   .   have to confess I do use them for quick checks, but   .   .   .   https://newstarget.com/2017-07-31-discredited-fact-checking-propaganda-site-snopes-com-now-begging-for-money-to-avoid-collapse.html    &   https://foodbabe.com/2017/02/24/do-you-trust-snopes-you-wont-after-reading-how-they-work-with-monsanto-operatives/

    There is that   .   .   .   among a few other items   .   .   .


    BTW, according to an ex Central Intelligence operative, the raid indeed did not happen (just doesn't want to die though). The Military "buzz" did happen though.


    Here's an easy connect the dots, it will only get worse (just too much info to dig right now through).


    http://www.americanjournalreview.com/espionage-fbi-huma-abedin/    (Hillary & Huma had "relations" with another underage female)

    = the Hammer is going to come down

    There is supposedly a Video of this on Wieners Laptop that the NYPD & FBI have copies of.


    Looks like ole HRC had a hand in damn near any kind of depravity there is   .   .   .


    Rothschilds   .   .   .   I've got so much $#!+ to post about them it not even funny   .   .   .   just adding to the dot collection.

    This feeds into the Q questions (there's more - time is limited):



    Ah, here's some good info - List of U.S. Congress incumbents who are not running for re-election in 2018:


    We're at least at 39 (though I saw a report of 40 a few days back), plus we can now add this guy as well:



    A couple warm fuzzies for the night thanks to the big O:


    Of course we welcome them while other Nation label them as such.


    Let's not forget that this has been going on for some time now as well:



    I've got some more regarding "Morning Joe", but it's late so I'll tackle that tomorrow.




  13. All Swamp Draining - it's not just one person doing this.


    More kindling piling up on Clinton and others - those Emails just keep coming.

    2,100 Classified (TS) documents:




    Yeah, I know you all think I've gone off the deep, that I'm Bat$#!+ crazy, or whatever.

    You're not putting the pieces together.

    There is a lot that's not definitive yet, but the pieces in the respective areas are adding up.


    The number of "walk aways" from Politicians is off the charts, and it's not stopping.

    Hollywood, other Entertainers, and MSM figures are also falling.

    The key is that most of it is sex conduct related - this is where all the Pedo stuff comes in (Blackmail).

    There are huge Pedo Networks getting taken down, the small fry are turning State's Evidence to nail the bigger fish.

    There have been ~7,500 Pedo arrests this year - that's unheard of.


    There hasn't been anything seen like this before, and there's a long way to go.

    A lot of stuff I don't even put up on here, it's just getting to be too much (voluminous) to keep up with track down.



    Too much coincidental evidence is piling up for my liking, the credibility of it being otherwise has really stretched thin.









  14. 17 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    This was about cia hq right? Yeah he drives past the cia, not the af base

    Makes me wonder why that story doesn't want to go away then, seems there's enough info/sources to shut it down.


    Someone new popped up last night, seems to be hooked in with Q, plus confirms one of my suspicions that it's not just one person.


    Not sure who the people are in the pic above, anyone know?



    So it seems the OP Story is not absolute, but that Mueller is a straight shooter and not in the Left's pocket.


    151288622 - Are you over or under 21 years of age

    151288285 - Is trump planning to attack Iran?

    151288197 - another LARP thread full of idiots asking questions





    And a few more dots . . .


    Interesting new info - http://investmentwatchblog.com/rothschild-inherits-patent-for-important-semiconductor-after-4-co-owners-of-patent-disappear-on-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370/





    New Q Book (v6) with a little more info - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XimHg_p90hnOZDJ4fw_vTHQIy34YChng/view


  15. 10 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    Ok j, so my brother in law lives in sterling VA. His family is seriously connected through the defense industry lobby. He's a good dude but he did vote for trump so theres "comcerns"😉

    Anyway, i asked him about this story and he's like nope, its bullshyt. He works for a homebuilder and their current project takes my bro in law right past langleys entrance gate. I asked soecifically, "u drive right past the main entrance?". He said absolutely, theres been no road block offs, no humvees and no vtols flying figure 8's overhead. This is a maga guy, he'd like nothing more than for 2000 marines to para drop on the CF. 

    sorry bro, ur being catfished. He's been driving past langley almost daily for weeks. He also acknowledged that even the hated msm couldnt cover up langley getting hijacked by the military

    Langley AFB or Langley the Intelligence HQ?

    Two different things, though my understanding is they are within a few miles of each other.

    I mentioned I wasn't certain on the last report, but it just doesn't seem to want to go away - hearing about it from many different places.

    No idea myself.


    Couple more Congressmen announced they weren't going to run again.

    Really odd to me that so many are deciding not to hang around.

    John Conyer said he's going to take a bunch of other D's with him if he's forced out . . . which it looks like he may be.

    Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)  said he will not seek re-election.

    I believe there was another, but I can't find it right now - there was a California Politician that's resigning, but I think they're State.


    Recalling the MSM is also a target - Keith Olbermann announced he is retiring from Political Commentating.

    Wonder if he's got some Skeletons getting ready to come out or if this is an agreement ?


    Something happened to 4Chan (hacked?), so supposedly things are moving to 8Chan (never heard of it), haven't had time to track anything down there yet.


    Lot's of other rumors floating around, just been too busy today to dig into anything.





  16. 13 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    This i want to know for sure about. Hearsay doesnt cut it. If people saw vtols on the roof at langley surely someone snapped a photo. People are on their cell cams on a dime at malls on black friday so i find it inconceivable that people saw vtols descending on langley and took no photo/vids

    They weren't on the roof, and the first was basically just a fly over show of force, and it's restricted Air Space so it would be out of the ordinary.

    The HQ can be seen from the air, but is surrounded by hills and trees, is restricted access, and can't be seen from the road as reported by the one Major familiar with it.

    It happened at night as well if I recall, so there is that.

    A few days later there was a report of Humvees blocking the road, so that could be when they actually went into the facility if they did - this was supposedly locally broadcast, but I haven't had time to dig into it.

    Really want something more than that myself.

    This just came out, but I don't know much about this guy:


    Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

    . . .

    The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources.  “[U.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany.  Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.

    This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.

    The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.”  They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.”  In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

    . . .




    Update - there may end up being more than this as this is only up to Nov 22, but this is a huge number :


    Lot of details in this link (no names) - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cC702ou3zm4VJICOI30EwaVCbbvYDQ5p



  17. New version (5) of "Book of Q" is up with newer updates added.



    In the updated Book there is info that it was 10 minutes from the time _Conf_goTWIT_act-small#_  was posted and then the Twitter page changed to reflect it.


    Another interesting item in the update (there are a few):



    One more note on the Book. The picture I posted earlier is in there with names attached to each person.

    This was a secret meeting. Why did they take an IT person, and in fact, the one that set up HRC's Email Server?

    The "Eagle" from earlier is also confirmed in this picture.


    Sealed Indictment status - 66 or 94 districts counted, so about 2/3 in and there are 3,152 so far.




    FWIW - I am still hearing rumblings that there are Marines in Langley.

    They are stationed in the Offices to insure that no documents/evidence is destroyed.

    This is coming from a few Military personnel (one a retired Marine Major) and their contacts in the Military.

    There may be another institution in the same situation.

    Wish I could find some solid news sources on this, most of it is underground type info.



    Pakistan has some serious crap going on, and in fact there may be a Coup underway there - Social Media is being blocked/shutdown.

    Germany seems to be in turmoil as well, looks like they may force Merkel out and have new Elections.

    These two items also fit into the latest messages from yesterday.



    I expect some more postings later, but it'll be too late for me to grab them.



  18. 23 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    J how old are u?

    Wife says I'm an OMF.

    Is Alex Jones covering this stuff?

    I don't watch so I don't know what's he's up to.



    New drops last night & today - looks big.


    Clinton secret trip to NK, Kin Jung Il (father), Podesta, not sure if the others are note worthy.

    Nov 25 - Go codes(?)



    This last block came a few minutes before this happened.


    TWIT - Twitter

    act-small# is pretty evident


    Awful damn lot of credibility building for this if you ask me, unless it turns out his Twitter account got hacked.


    Update on Sealed Indictments


    I am sure a lot of these are going to be MS-13 / Gang related, likely some more Pedo stuff - what if it's not though?


    At this point, I think I need to repost this from Nov 4


    Some people think this means the power will be out for 10 days.

    Do you all have enough Food & Water for 10 days on hand (just in case)?

    Not trying to fear monger or anything, because I really don't know what the above means or when.

    It's not like it won't ever get used, better safe than sorry.


    Don't know how many remember, but there were supposed to be a bunch of big ANTIFA protests on Nov 4 (fizzled out fortunately).

    There were also supposed to be some Power Grid "tests" that day, which if they happened seems to have gone well.




    Obama / Clinton / Judges / other notable figures are arrested or indicted, not just a few, but a lot of arrests.

    Maybe throw in some surprise announcements or some such that the opposition doesn't like (seems like just about anything these days).

    With the protests / rioting we have seen this year, do you think it feasible there could be massive disorder from this?

    National Guard called out (Law Enforcement stand down as we have seen before)?

    One of ANTIFA's targets is the Power Grid (may account for the "test").

    At some point in this chain of events I don't think it's much of a stretch to see Martial Law - people are getting fed up with this.


    Start connecting some dots, there are things going on here that we're not aware of (remember 80% covert).



  19. 7 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

    A little foreshadow....  it won't. 

    In years past I would agree with you, but I think we're getting ready to see things change.



    Follow up O_O

    Posted in previous post "Someone tagged the POTUS daughter - I believe they are in trouble (threat?) "


    Note the Timestamp   .   .   .   not too long later (again, Timestamp)


    Followed in short order by these



    Interesting stuff.

    This guy won't survive Prison, and he knows it - I didn't know this had been in the works so long though:


    I've heard Anthony Wiener and Huma have been flipped and will Testify as well.

    Supposedly some bad $#!+ turned up that Laptop Wiener had.





  20. Dumps of Q posts not yet posted (I believe these should be clickable to enlarge for easier reading - wish I knew that earlier).

    Nov 20



    Nov 20 / 21


    This next block expands / confirms the Helicopter / Plane crash in regards to Rothschilds.


    Below, Rothchilds signalling Clintons ?








    Someone tagged the POTUS daughter - I believe they are in trouble (threat?)


    Looks like the stage is set for the next round.


    Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is showing up again (Mandalay Bay/Four Seasons + Twitter + Citibank + )


    WTF - Is he saying Elon Musk is helping NK's Rocket program here ?


    Google connected to three Intel Agencies via Keyhole Inc (green paragraph)


    Last post by Q above confirms.

    Nov 23 (Thanksgiving - we're still going)

    Looks like we may have Go codes -


    Last two blocks are more links/confirmation on Google connection to Intel Agencies.

    Time to watch the News for who knows what.



    I'm going to take a SWAG here . . . USA94-2, USA58-A, USA04 might be Districts with Sealed Indictments (totally guessing here).


  21. 2 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    Did anyone tead more than a paragraph or two of all that? Im seeing 4chan forum posts, posted here like this is proof of something......im sorry im at a complete loss to decipher what the meaning if all this cut and paste is. Its almost impossible to read sone if it anyway. 

    Just some follow up on a few items - the 4chan one was just what is thought to be the breakout of the code and related events, just info nothing else.

    The McCain bit just shows something fishy going on with all these Boots. I'm aware of at least five people wearing them, which seems highly suspicious.

    The Twitter bits go with the rest of the Twitter stuff, and showing that they are not on the up and up.

    I'm still going over a lot of the stuff myself as well, will be dumping a few more days of posts as I gather them.

    This is mostly for posterity / reflection should this really amount to anything.





    • Haha 1
  22. About all those Boots . . .



    Right foot, now Left foot - not reversed picture, notice Wedding Rings and Shirts & Jacket Buttons


    Rumors that McCain’s walking boot had been moved to his other foot were reportedly true. John McCain is claiming he moved his boot to the other foot in order to give his right foot a break.

    The Hill reported: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Thursday clarified that his walking boot is on his right foot, adding that he switched it to his left to "give it a break."

    How does that even make sense?

    I dislocated a Finger on my Right hand, how does immobilizing my Left hand help?


    More Rothschild info, plus insight on why targeting the Meme community.



    Few interesting items from Page 78 / Real life events.


    Twitter before Congress, admits to censoring Podesta Email leaks.



  23. 4 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    This is ridiculous j. I mean this stuff is a million words of carefully crafted rubbish. I cant read all of it but i snippets of headlines like "wheres huma" and"do they have her" or wheres hrc is she in custody blah blah. They ask these leading questions that cant easily be confirmed or denied than fill in the blanks with blatant suppositions. Its espionage propaganda just like what we did to ither countries in south america and the middle east decades ago. Its next level stuff ofc because the target audience are slightly more sophisticated than random goat herders..."slightly" i say. 

    But yeah, this is the rooskies operating through 4chan.....a known outlet for their troll farm. 

    Not saying you're wrong, not saying you're right.

    Stay skeptical.

    I'm just seeing a lot of dots connect, and will be putting some up as I review things.


    Follow up 1 (Nov 2):


    Nov 20 (for Twitter notes)




    Twitter To Start Monitoring Users “Off-Platform” Starting December 18


    This effectively puts a tracking device on POTUS.


    Follow up 2 (accident on Nov 17):


    Go (?)



    Captain Mike Green (from the crash) was a Pilot with 30 years experience . . .

    Bad news:



    There are an awful lot of long odd coincidences coming together from all this stuff.

    There are more Nov 20 & 21, these I just pulled to relate for the updates.



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