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D Bone

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Everything posted by D Bone

  1. In Webster's Dictionary they use the above as an example of the word 'Oxymoron'.
  2. This is the 1st time I've seen him slamming that beer...... He's just a normal dude and I sure am glad he's ours.
  3. Just a disgruntled unemployed dude, who hasn't done his future self any favors by running his mouth long after the fact.
  4. The bigger question is if Ali would've beaten Tyson...........
  5. Look at the bottom white part of the pop up, there is an option to continue without disabling your AB.
  6. We've been a DTV customer for 19yrs and I just cancelled my Sunday Ticket after 17yrs. We bought our dream house and will be using Spectrum for TV, internet and landline and will save over $70 per month - and that doesn't even include the 4 or 5 months of Sunday Ticket price increase. Truth be told, even if we weren't moving I was still cancelling ST due to the ridiculous price.
  7. Quoting yourself....... Jimmy would be impressed.
  8. I'm 51 and honestly had never even heard of the dude until Baker.
  9. Duke? Welcome to the board...... Now shut up and go play.
  10. ............... I just reported the OP.
  11. You guys have never witnessed a rowing match at USC....... some would pay a lot of money to experience it.
  12. I've never been to Santa Clara before, only the Stick and Oracle Park and loved every minute in both stadiums.... Hopefully SC is 1/2 as much fun.
  13. Looks like Oct 6th is going to be a great time to visit my favorite city by the bay......
  14. I didn't know Stan in any way, shape or form, but I am grateful that he created this board because as silly as it may sound, it's a meaningful part of my life. He was my age, and it goes as a reminder to me to be thankful for every day that I have on this planet with the people that matter to me, and I to them. My thoughts and condolences are with his family........ RIP stranger I never met - and thank you.
  15. So my vegan breakfast burrito this morning is now 1-0, so yea, I'll be having one again next week.
  16. ahhh, I get it now. Well, I guess the new dude has 32 games to see if he can help build a team that wins at least a single game.... Win one and it's a push - go 0fer and it's a loss - win 2 and he's twice as shitty as Mr. Pompous was. But in all seriousness and to be completely fair, if he's saddled with Huey for 32 games like Sashi was, then I doubt he will be any more successful..... Like I've said before, I still can't believe Mr. Pompous was fired before the Cue Ball Headed Fool. As long as Jimmy and Dee are the ones actually pulling all of the strings, then this Brown puppet will flounder like the embarrassing turd its record says it is.
  17. I doubt you'll find a post of mine claiming our new dude as mine.... heck, as I type this I can't even remember his name.
  18. What are the odds the Browns will write down Todd Blackledge instead of Elway, Marino or Kelly? Me thinks pretty high.......
  19. Nope, SoCal born and raised, but my Mom's family ran a farm in Indiana so that's where B&G came from.
  20. Sunday morning 10am Browns games and homemade biscuits and gravy have been a tradition for me for almost 30yrs.......
  21. Woody with ballz of S T O N E!!!!!
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