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D Bone

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Everything posted by D Bone

  1. D Bone


    ..................... pretty much what every woman beater says to the police when asked how she got that black eye. "If I woulda hit her, she wouldn't be here to talk about it". ^ Life Goals.
  2. D Bone


    I didn't say it wasn't. I was merely talking about the dude in question coming up from behind another dude and shoving him to the ground.... Pussy move all day where I come from, but I wouldn't suspend him for it.
  3. D Bone


    Agree...... but it was a pussy move.
  4. D Bone


    What ever happened to being held responsible for your actions? I'm 51 and I was taught that lesson at an early age. Most people here gloss right over what Myles did, and they can't spout enough about how he was "provoked". I am solely talking about what Myles did.... not how he got to that point in time where he had a fucking football helmet in is hand, saw the player who he was mad at had no head protection, and decided to hit him in his head with the helmet as hard as he could..... That's solely what I am discussing. That single act in time. Period. WTF ever happened to simply being held accountable for your actions? Thank you Mom and Dad for instilling that in me, and more importantly, for then allowing me to instill it into my daughter.
  5. D Bone


    Man, imagine if the players were reversed....... Baker instead of Mason, ect, ect, ect..... Imagine the F U C K I N G crying that would be absolutely rampant throughout this forum. There wouldn't be ONE dude saying that Baker not only deserved it, but should also be suspended too........ NOT ONE MUTHER FUCKING DUDE. At the end of the day, Myles hurt his team and there should not be one true FAN that is proud of, or defends that.
  6. D Bone


    Man, I totally agree and that's an understatement. I was blown away by Baker's brutal honesty, especially so soon after the incident....... Too bad a lot of fans are so homeristic that they can't see what a selfish act it was. I'm guessing when those people's kids get a D on their test, they immediately blame the teacher and take little Johnny out for some ice cream.
  7. D Bone


    When PoG upvotes your post, you know you have got to really rethink your position on the matter...........
  8. I'm out of this thread...... defend your boy all you want. He da man.
  9. Only been in one "sports fight" myself - a slow pitch softball fight if you can believe that shit. (competitive city champ league stuff - not a beer league). Anyway, while it was not one of my proudest moments, I didn't grab an aluminum bat and swing it at someone under the guise that "it was a fight, and the other dude should've known better than to start it with me". I knew what the line was, even in that out of control moment............. most do. This is now how Myles will be remembered...... too bad.
  10. I haven't seen it yet. I thought for sure he would be nothing but remorseful.
  11. Anyone that's ever played the game - and was well coached, they know Myles crossed way over the fucking line regardless of what proceeded it. Those that didn't play, or were daddy ball coached probably don't get it.
  12. ^ That I agree with and would've just ran the ball had I have been calling plays. However Myles is a big boy and made his own conscious decision, no matter what lead up to that point.
  13. Apparently some of us are like a parent who when their kid gets arrested for DUI, they blame Budweiser....... I'm not one of them.
  14. D Bone


    If you condone Myles then you aren't the type of person I thought you were.... now I know.
  15. D Bone


    Glad you never coached my ex D1 playing daughter...... At least you're honest about it I guess.
  16. Pretty much the perfect microcosm of today's society...... "Yea, I'm the one who screwed up, but it never woulda happened if............"
  17. D Bone


    Curious, if it were one of the kids that you coach who did the same thing..... no, too easy. If one of your own kids did this, would it still be as cute? Serious question. Just trying to see what makes you tick.
  18. Just turned the channel (LA Fox TV) and the consensus of Vince Ferragamo, Jackie Slater and Shawne Merriman is that Myles will be suspended the rest of the year at a minimum, and indefinitely at a maximum. All 3 ex players were extremely harsh and talked about how long it's going to take Myles to change the perception of himself that he himself created in 8 seconds. We'll all know pretty quick as the NFL will act swiftly on this.................... on a brighter note, we beat the fuckin' Stoolers.
  19. Right now on LA TV they are showing live press conferences of Freddie, Tomlin and Mason.....LA TV!! They don't even talk about their own Rams or Chargers...... never a live press conference.
  20. Bet ya a shinny buffalo nickle that Myles is gone for the rest of the season. The NFL is going to come off the ropes and right down on Myles' head...... see what I did there?
  21. Freddie: "We've never beat Baltimore and Pittsburgh in the same year since 1999, and now we have to talk about this?"
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