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Posts posted by jcam222

  1. 7 minutes ago, hx214 said:

    So what do you do when you are an NFL coach and one of your Lineman holds somebody? 

    Tell him not to hold the defender? Bench him for holding and put in.... who? The 3rd string DT? 

    Or when your LT kicks some one in the face for pushing him in the back over a pile after the whistle was blown? 

    Does a good coach tell him “don’t kick people in the face?” 

    When you look at a single penalty or two you might have a point. In the context of the most penalties in franchise history it’s a systemic issue. Systemic issues like that to me would trace back to coaching. Let’s see if he can adjust and get back on track. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Kvoethe said:

    I observed flashes of greatness followed by bolts of terrifying ineptitude.  Coaching this week will help

    I sure hope your right but the “coaching” we had for the last 3 months just shit all over the field. It was an embarrassment to have that much talent on the field ALL shit the bed. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Mudfly said:

    A little pre-game posturing perhaps?......Telling the Titans I cant run full speed, then ripping the top off their defense?

    He does practice everyday -full speed - so Im not really sweating this one.....

    Hopefully its 100% this, that hip thing could linger or god forbid get much worse if resting the entire preseason didnt fix it. 

  4. 52 minutes ago, jiggins7919 said:

    God I wish. You can tell that it absolutely KILLS him to see our team have a QB and not be on the field. I literally had tears in my eyes when he went down. But no, Joe can't come back. He can't gain 40 pounds of muscle/bulk. I wish he could! 

    I am going to venture a guess he could gain it the same way he did years ago :)  

  5. 1 hour ago, Icecube said:

    A few weeks ago, I felt most were making the mistake of overlooking the Titans, whether that be from fans, players or the media.

    Let us not forget that TN has had 3 winning seasons in a row. When were the Browns last winning season? 2007. When was the last time the Browns had a 3-year consecutive winning period? 1986-1989. Yes, it's been that long. 

    But you say, that is irrelevant, it only matter which team is better now. You'd be correct, but a little historical trends is worth considering. 


    So, the here and now, how they match up. Firstly, most important, QBs. 

    Mariota. Although he threw for a career high 68% last year, his TD to int ratio was 11-8. That's paltry. Yea, he can run, he's athletic and all that. But I just don't think he's that good.  He would have done more by now if he was. 

    Baker. In just his rookie year, he showed he's already infinitely better than Mariota. 27 TDs to 14 ints. And he didn't even start the season (real genius, Hue). Bakes is clearly the better player. AGREE 



    I thought Henry was out but he's not on the injury report. With him, TN has the edge, without, Browns do. DISAGREE - Chubb is every bit as good or better than  Henry


    No contest, Browns. TN has not been able to find any play makers at WR to save their lives. AGREE


    Even with their pro bowl LT out, TN is better here.  - Ill give you a possible edge with TN

    TE - push - AGREE

    DL - Browns, even though TN has some nice DLmen.  Browns and its not even close. This D line is going to feast like its Thanksgiving Day against the Tits

    LBs - TN - AGREE 

    CBs - push - The top one on each team offset and then we dominate the rest

    S - TN - maybe so

    Coaching. TN. Hard to give nod to Cleveland here with a head coach who has never once coached as a HC ever in his career on any level. Vrabel will prove to be the real deal,  having spent time in Pitt and NE. Vrabel has never been a head coach either. I may be a homer but when evaluating the overall staff I think its Browns all the way. 

    Summary - All things considered, Browns have Baker and TN has subpar QB, and missing their LT, Mariota is gonna be running for his life. I feel for those reasons, Browns do win this, maybe easily. - 









    Good thread, my thoughts in red above

  6. 4 minutes ago, alporcini said:

    Have no idea if he would even be remotely available but I really like what that kid Chris Godwin from TB has shown the two times I’ve seen him play against us. 

    Wishful thinking. 

    He’s going to see the ball a ton in TB this year. Coach said he will never leave the field on offense 

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