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Everything posted by Clevfan4life

  1. omg...."nasty".....he calls nancy pelosi ",nasty nancy" weekly. So stfu that this is some grave insult...pls stfu
  2. i even wonder if the ole ghoolmeister is here....
  3. ive had a long running suspicion we're dealing with alts from the main board...like higher ups there. So cal may actually be an alt...ive seen guys there that NEVER post here cslling me clevis or cleavsies. Hmmmm, sound familiar?
  4. 1) HE MADE IT PUBLIC....JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. 2) All she said was its not for sale sorry donald. Omg she said it was an absurd idea...oh no!!! u dont think the greenland govt was on the phone with her asking wtf? U dont think she was under any political demands herself? Every now andcthen it wouldnt hurt u to think about things outside of being an american...
  5. i will blow my brains out before i allow my mind to deteriote to these guys level. This is tge result of modern pharmaceuticals keeping people alive who's lifestyles dictated a natural expiration some time ago
  6. look at all this bullshit, i come back from boxing and all the alts are going crazy in here...😏
  7. calm down triggerflakes...its just some fun...😁
  8. 1) She said it was absurd to talk about selling Greenland and that she hoped it was just some fake news or something...which means it was "never" brought up to her. I have "zero" problem with Trump talking in private to the Danish PM asking about Greenland. That's where that shit should happen. Floating a "trial balloon" out in public is so "Donald the Real estate kunt". Acquiring a semi autonomous territory like Greenland should never have been discussed in public without Greenlandic people in the mix. It's a "horrible" look for the U.S 2) The fact you were more perturbed by Obama rightfully apologizing for past U.S misdeeds..some of which Trump has even spoken about...over this grotesque endangerment of a key NATO alliance....speaks volumes.
  9. ok now you're deflecting by bringing in other traits about Obama you find distasteful. There is "zero" evidence for your ascertain that their eqo's are the same. In just 3 years Trump has proven this time and time again. Obama never had a twitter spat where he demeaned women he thought critiqued him...that's a fact. There's no rational basis for your assertion. OBama is not my hero, I agreed and disagreed with him...but find me one instance where he pulled something like Trump just pulled with Denmark?
  10. here's a major reason why we shouldnt' fuck around with Denmark/Greenland.... "The Thule base, constructed in 1952, was originally designed as a refueling base for long-range bombing missions. It has been a ballistic missile early warning and space surveillance site since 1961." Let the last sentence sink in.
  11. im not going to agree at all about them having equal ego's. At least not from what I've been exposed to of Obama. I've never sat down and had dinner or a beer with the man...but I would and I wouldn't have a coke and a smile with Trump. But if he exhibited the kind of narcissism that Trump does, i'd get up and walk. Trump we've known since the 80's...that's why im not going to entertain much discussion on this. The man was as intolerable a narcissist back then as he is now. Difference is now he can undermine global affairs on a grand scale. And only you fuckers can fix this. Im serious. He will listen to you wankerrubes more than he will a 2 star....that's not an exaggeration. He will take what a HS basketball arena full of his adoring sycophants say over anybody in the world. Just go to his next rally, rub his balls but tell him Donald...enough is enough.
  12. That I can't argue with, cause I have heard that as well that it's an amazing fuck pill. But the part of it shooting pinholes in ur brain im almost positive is correct...I saw a special on it some years ago that talked about the pharmacology of mdma. Pot is what you make of it. If you're one of the people who use it constantly, ofc it becomes baseline subsistence. Your receptor sites get washed out. Modern people have utterly destroyed marijuana's benefits to humanity by their recreational use. It was never meant to be a party drug. It's something you do by your fucking self. It was to help you turn inward. Examine your own shit...think about greater concepts than just your immediate human condition.
  13. 1) That's a newsweek cover, not said by him 2) Do you see the context of that title? It's written right underneath "god of all things".
  14. I did caveat my suggestion with a ~100m figure. Pure guesswork on my part ofc. But I feel confident "right now", in my assessment.
  15. well but he's not wrong is he you insect? Htown, while I pretty much have disagreed with everything he's posted in this thread....is still offering a reasonable nuanced debate. I can talk to that ngr. You....not so much.
  16. And don't start about Obama. All presidents have an ego....im sure Obama has one. The difference is he didn't interject his ego into world affairs. This Denmark thing is a bigger deal than most of you realize. Or do we really want Scandinavian countries to start looking at Russia as a better ally than the U.S? If this is Trumps backhanded way of undermining NATO again you have to start wondering, again, about why he would do that and who's interests does it serve the most?
  17. This is what you made you guys realize he has an ego that is potentially disastrous for our country? Did you all not catch today why he's saying he canceled a very important trip to Denmark? "President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he canceled his trip to Denmark after a “nasty” comment by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who had previously called the idea of the United States buying Greenland, a Danish territory, “absurd.” Said Trump: “You don’t talk to the U.S. that way.” – Bloomberg " She wasn't talking to the "U.S"...she was talking to him and he doesnt' like getting rebuffed on a "real estate deal" as he called it, and certainly not by a woman. I hope to god some of you are "actually" becoming aware of this guy as a serious problem. He needs reigned in "NOW" and frankly you fucks are the only people he listens to. So show up at his rallies and boo him when he goes "trump". Your constant validation of his ego is why we're here.
  18. every now and then something worth a shit crosses ur fb feed.....😁
  19. "if" it was said like that its a bad job out of baker. Pre 2018 season alot of people were floored with the baker pivk at #1. So he of all people should know better......maybe the giants found their baker who knows? It sounds like he got got texted by oeople who want to create conflict.
  20. here's ur "art of the deal" broken down.... How Greenland explains Donald Trump's entire presidency Analysis by Chris Cillizza, THE POINT -- NOW In each episode of his weekly YouTube show, Chris Cillizza will delve a little deeper into the surreal world of politics. Click to subscribe! "Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen's comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time," Trump tweeted Tuesday night. "The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!" It's easy to dismiss this episode as just another Trumpian flight of fancy that didn't work out. But take a minute and you start to realize that the whole Greenland incident, which lasted a total of five days, is broadly emblematic of the entire approach that Trump has taken to being president. The Greenland episode is the Trump presidency. Consider how we got here: 1) The Wall Street Journal reported last Thursday that Trump has repeatedly quizzed aides on the possibility of buying Greenland. 2) On Sunday, before boarding Air Force One in New Jersey to head back to Washington, Trump addressed the story for the first time. Here's the key part of what he said (bolding is mine): "Denmark essentially owns it. We're very good allies with Denmark. We protect Denmark like we protect large portions of the world. So the concept came up and I said, 'Certainly, I'd be. Strategically, it's interesting, and we'd be interested.' But we'll talk to them a little bit. It's not number one on the burner, I can tell you that." 3) Denmark's government freaks out. "Greenland is not for sale. Greenland is not Danish. Greenland belongs to Greenland," Frederiksen, the Danish Prime Minister, told the newspaper Sermitsiaq on Sunday. "I strongly hope that this is not meant seriously." 4) Trump cancels the Denmark trip, citing Fredericksen's comments that Greenland isn't for sale. What a whirlwind! Now consider the Greenland purchase in the context of Trump's broader presidency. It meets all the criteria that have come to define his "modern-day presidential" approach to the job. *Come up with a totally off-the-wall idea, with a whiff of America-gets-its-way-no-matter-what in there *Idea leaks -- or the White House leaks it as a trial balloon -- to the media, with the caveat that his aides aren't sure if he is serious about it *Downplay idea, insisting the media got it wrong -- even while leaving the door open to doing the deal if the other side is open to it *Take ball and go home when off-the-wall idea is rejected, jeopardizing relationship with longtime strategic ally
  21. yes the tired "triggered" response. Well done monkey now go masturbate yourself infront of children. ""So (Trump) has canceled his visit to Denmark because there was no interest in discussing selling Greenland. Is this some sort of joke? Deeply insulting to the people of Greenland and Denmark," tweeted former premier Helle Thorning Schmidt."
  22. and can we talk about what an embarrassing faggot trump is fir canceling his trip to Denmark? He was invited for a state visit by their monarchy, then he started floating this rubnish idea, and when the PM who was blindsided by this stated greenland is not for sale and that its up to greenlanders anyway...the bloviating pussy mouthed faggot cancels the trip. Essentislly acknowledging his only interest in visiting a key NATO ally and one of the founding NATO countries......was a real estate deal. The black boy was 1000x better at this.
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