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Everything posted by nickers

  1. Maybe Beckham slept with Bakers wife and hes pissed.. Sorry.. I know thats a sick joke..
  2. As the Sun dies.. So shall the earth.... And if we don't become space faring.. We will become extinct just like the Dinosaurs did...
  3. My Parents owned a bar and restaurant ... When I was a kid.. we had a small field behind the building.. I used to stand back there at night and see the Milky way.. I miss laying in bed at night and watching the perseid meteor showers soar by... even with a clear full moon you could see them.. And yes.. I love that were discovering at least what is for now.. Jovian bodies far outside our solar System... There's sure to be Terran bodies like our Earth or close to it out there too , And that prospect excites me... I just pray we become a Type 1 or 2 Civilization that becomes a Space faring species before we do something stupid like blow ourselves up... It is IMO the next step in our evolution... The Earth won't be around forever..... Hopefully we learn our lesson and prepare if we can can.. We have natural forces like Solar Flares.. Asteroid/comets.. Weakening the Van Allen Belt via Fossil fuel usage and industries pumping harmful smog into our atmosphere... It's bad enough we have natural harmful carcinogens in our terran atmosphere... I go on for hours on subjects like this.. It's a nice break from the reality TV society garbage thats spewed on TV at an alarming rate...
  4. Larry I had no idea you are an Astronomer... But I always got the sense you knew "what time it is".. No pun meant... But I have had a keen interest in Astronomy and other things since I was a young kid.. While other kids were at the Arcade playing Pac-Man.. I was at home , reading books by Carl Sagan ( I owned almost his complete library , at one time) , And was an avid watcher of COSMOS.. I like Neil DeGrasse Tysons spin on it too..
  5. What did you expect? The narrative for the browns hasn't changed in 20 years!... They still SUCK!
  6. You never struck me as being the sharpest knife in the drawer... So there's that!
  7. Which is the same reason why I think Myles Garrett is OVERRATED!.. He does not dominate games like you would expect a "Generational" player does.. His sacks are like token garbage time sacks.. They have 0 affect on the games.. But now 20 people will jump all over me and tell I'm nuts.. So be it!
  8. Aren't they all must win at this point?
  9. I honestly believe Fat Back Freddie gets the remainder of the season to improve... Otherwise.. His job could well be in jeopardy...
  10. I am disappointed because Freddie... Supposedly coming from the Parcells/Saban school of Football shows literally no discipline for this team..... He needs to stop blaring the music at practice and start holding these Clowns like Baker,OBJ and anyone else whose skating by accountable... The inmates running the Asylum is getting old.. One thing is consistent... The narrative has been the same for the Clowns.. They always "need to get better".. They always. "Need to make tackles".. When does this shit end with them..??
  11. Kizer had some good measurables as far as being a prospect goes... Good height.. Good Arm ... Athletic.. NFL type body... He lacked Vision, Poise and Accuracy...
  12. The only thing exciting about the XFL is the sexy cheerleaders.. But I will say.. "He Hate Me" was my favorite name in Football.... But like last time.. I expect this league to flop again!...
  13. I don't want TW anyway.. He's entering the twilight of his injury riddled career.. pass...
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