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Everything posted by nickers

  1. He won't admit it but his dream fantasy is giving Ken head while Barbie takes him from behind with her "special toy" He's such a cute little "flagler" isn't he?
  2. And you have boner breath so , there's that..
  3. No it's King Barry and his husband Big Mike..
  4. Dutch gurls on the rag again.... Get your red wings here!
  5. Fuck him and his tube steak...
  6. “I don't understand how people who cannot predict the weather five days in advance can predict the climate decades from now.” - Thomas Sowell
  7. She may as well be a negro too... 😂
  8. Negroes ruin everything.. There .. I spoke the truth... Sue me!
  9. Sometimes it can takes months to know if a house is haunted or not.. I lived in 2 of them...
  10. I loved Keith Jackson.. He was classic... Where Brent Musberger was totally annoying...
  11. Maybe they should opt for Bingo numbers next lol...
  12. My step dad had one in the early 70's.. it was a Lemon yellow wagon lol.. Ugliest car I ever saw!
  13. And your just a blind stupid fuck who can't accept reality...
  14. Looks almost like Zombo lol ^^^
  15. They should be looking at the property where the old army barracks are near Bratenahl over by MLK and the freeway... Haslam is an idiot! There is a lot of acerage there for development... They could put hotels.. A convention center and a new stadium there... These numb fucks are dropping the ball hard!
  16. I don't need any morale booster speeches from you , twerp!
  17. Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but My Cardiologist informed me that my heart is like that of a 16 year old and strong as a bull.. He said it is highly unlikely that I'll ever have a heart attack.. Or die from from one... Much to your chagrin.. I'll be here to haunt you a good while.. I'm in remission you stupid fuck... And here's a loser like you. Typical dumb Liberal Ass hat with nary a clue about life.. It must suck to be you..
  18. He's a total heretic.. My Croatian Aunt is Madonna Superiore (head nunn) at the Vatican.. She has to deal with this asshole pope every day...
  19. Again.. You take being an asshole to the highest level possible You have 0 class. 0 respect.. No morals or values... You are a glaring example of whats wrong in this country.. YOU are the problem... You better start doing some soul searching and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior.. It is your only hope... But somehow I believe it is beyond your capability and your apparent lack of intellect to do so... You are weak.. Ignorant.. And effeminate to the core.. Go fulfill your worship to your black master.. PIG!
  20. I'm about ready to put the faggot on ignore as well.. Hes a despicable person...
  21. Like it Matters.. Obama gave them all of our intel anyway...
  22. Has to be a Big Mike and King Barry Idea... Nothing is sacred anymore.. Fuck all of you assholes Woody, ,Neo and Ccunt for voting for these sick slime balls.. This tells me your all sick mother fuckers who should be institutionalized! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-proclaims-easter-sunday-transgender-day-of-visibility/ar-BB1kNEHy
  23. Yeah.. I personally don't care what orientation folks are.. I have Gay and Trans members in our extended family.. Friends as well.... While it's not my lifestyle.. I respect their choice.. Where I draw the line is when they start forcing this on minors and grooming them. There's a time in life to choose your path.. My one nephew just came out as Trans.. I'm not surprised because.. Well his mother is a nut job.. And I always suspected something was off about him.. His father(My Stepbrother) is not the sharpest knife in the drawer either... Has a felonius and drug induced past.. I also draw the line on having to be reminded on every social outlet and media platform they are queer/gay whatever.. Fine.. Go live your life.. I don't care.. I have my own shit to deal with.. There's room for everybody.. That said.. Congratulation on your 30 years of committment.. That is definitely something worth celebrating... Not many like my Trans nephew make it past a year.. He was married to this gorgeous girl.. My guess is she helped feminize him... She looked like the Gothic dominant type who probably dominated him.. Having dipshits for parents didn't help him any either.. All I can do is pray for him and hope for the best for him and his life.. Hes a good person.....
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