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Everything posted by LondonBrown

  1. Although it might have been me, I travelled to Cle when we were like 7-4 before the Texans game and we played terribly and I think lost every game for the rest of the year!
  2. That Jim guy under Pettine, I think he cost Mike his job
  3. Ok he's banned, does anyone know what's happened to him since?
  4. But I am watching the Steelers game and all of a sudden his name popped into my head Whatever happened to Ghoolie?
  5. Am I right in thinking you were at this game? I hope so!
  6. He's very good at some things and not so good at others, so I guess that means, yes he is
  7. The betting companies don’t agree. The odds have totally flipped in the last hour
  8. I have never seen a NFL game like this, its like a different sport
  9. McCarthy has given this guy no chance whatsoever
  10. Anyone watching? McCarthy has completely lost the plot here
  11. Chubb is a bigger miss than anyone thought I think. He's getting better every week he doesn't play
  12. We had a song in school 😂 "I saw your mum she opened up her legs I gave her one it was outstanding we did it on the landing" Landing means balcony here
  13. And then you go........AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF What a game that was, glad I stayed up
  14. And yet again another twist! Zane Probably gets another chance....
  15. Best of the season so far, some really great matches Todd Gurley probably disagrees 🙈
  16. Remember reading a long time ago a Head coach earns his salary by his in game adjustments, guess he earned it today. Are there concerns with the team? Yes. It’s far from perfect But we are 5-2 and I swear this board was happier under Hue Jackson
  17. Perfection is unobtainable and I fear that for some posters, they’ll never understand nor accept that fact
  18. Dalton was so so bad there
  19. Jesus wept how is that a flag
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